新加坡外交部今天发表文告,斥责中国《环球时报》对李显龙总理今年5月在第19届《日本经济新闻》亚洲未来国际大会的谈话,做出了"不准确且误导性"的报道。《环球时报》8月21日刊登题为“李显龙:中国或得到钓鱼岛 但会输掉世界地位”的报道,其中引述香港《大公报》和台湾中央通讯社,指总理认为,中国如何处理领土纷争议题,将影响各国对中国的看法,中国要透过克制,才能消除他国的疑虑。
MFA Spokesman""""s Comments in response to media queries on the Global Times article “Lee Hsien Loong: China could gain Diaoyu Islands but lose its international standing” dated 21 August 2013
In response to media queries on the Global Times article “Lee Hsien Loong: China could gain Diaoyu Islands but lose its international standing” dated 21 August 2013, the MFA Spokesman said:
The Global Times article on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong""""s remarks at the 19th Nikkei International Conference on the Future of Asia is inaccurate and misleading. Using a sensationalist headline, the article took Prime Minister Lee""""s comments completely out of context and grossly distorted and misreported what he said. Such unprofessional reporting is unhelpful and could harm bilateral relations and affect people-to-people ties.
PM Lee was asked whether it was necessary for countries to cooperate together to have """"close enclosure"""" against China. PM Lee decisively rejected this approach, and said that this would not be helpful, and that he would not criticise China. PM Lee made a number of additional comments including the following : countries in the region benefitted from China""""s development; China itself saw it necessary to develop peacefully in a way which was non-threatening to its neighbours; and China will calculate that any gains from a non-peaceful approach to territorial disputes will have to be weighed against broader implications for its reputation and standing in the world. Thus, it would not be "constructive" to say "let us make a friendship amongst all the countries which are frightened of China."
PM Lee spoke on the record, openly, in front of international journalists. His comments were made as a good friend of China and put across China’s position fairly. The transcript of the relevant sections of PM Lee""""s remarks is attached. Any dispassionate observer will conclude that PM Lee was balanced in his assessment. PM Lee was trying to be helpful, not stir up tensions.
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来源:凯迪社区 发帖人: 不加入游戏