Sala88 发表于 2014-5-2 22:54:47


送交者: 太阳石

每年的春天的四五月份,英国的英格兰的南部,有好多的地方都开满了紫蓝紫蓝的风铃草的小花,幽幽的一大片,衬托着青翠嫩绿的树叶,好美好美。在西方国家,花花草草和许多物件都有个小精灵,她们可爱美丽,顽皮淘气,是孩子们最喜欢,又最爱幻想的对象。风铃草的小精灵叫 Bluebell fairy,传说她怕这些美丽的小花会被人们採摘或被动物破坏,为了保护小花,她在花铃里下了咒语,会给不乖的人带来麻烦,但如果你在轻轻地走,慢慢地观赏,你会听到她在花铃里的笑声和她优美的歌声,有一首诗是如此写她们的:

The Bluebell Fairy

The bluebell fairy's cast her spell
by sipping nectar of the glens;
at dusk she rings the sweet harebell.

Her home's a hollow tortoise shell.
O'er every creature she befriends
the bluebell fairy‘s cast her spell.

Oh, elfin music she knows well,
above the mushroomed hills it blends;
at dusk she rings the sweet harebell.

Her golden harp plays through the dell,
at sunset how her voice extends;
the bluebell fairy’s cast her spell.

While from the east her notes compel
harsh nature to make due amends,
at dusk she rings the sweet harebell.

The pixies, fairies, elves as well,
are charmed as melody transcends--
The bluebell fairy’s cast her spell,
at dusk she rings the sweet harebell.

Sala88 发表于 2014-5-2 22:56:18

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