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《中英对照读新闻》bin Laden on way to Rome?宾拉登悼教宗? 别闹啦
◎ 吴直耕
Italy's leading news agency has denied reporting that al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden would attend Pope John Paul's funeral on Friday after a story attributed to it circulated widely on the Internet.
Some people just won't stop even at a time of mourning for the Pope: among the deluge of false emails, viruses and spam, a false item attributed to Ansa is circulating about Osama bin Laden attending the funeral of John Paul II, the Ansa agency said.
In a dispatch issued late on Tuesday, Ansa noted that the prankster, who specified bin Laden would be flying to Rome from Pakistan, had accurately imitated the agency's sign-off style -- a series of letters and numbers at the end of every item.
attribute: 动词,意指「将结果归于」、「将事情归因于」。
dispatch: 名词,意指「急件」、「电报」、外交官所发回国的「重要讯息」及记者所传送的「电讯」或「专电」。
prankster: 名词,意指「恶作剧者」或「爱开玩笑的人」。
imitate: 动词,意指「模仿」、「仿效」、「效法」。 好笑........................