http://my.opera.com/community/party/reg.dml?email=leoyue8@gmail.com10-year online anniversary party
To register the Opera browser and remove the ad bar, follow these steps or view the flash demo.
1. Copy the appropriate registration code given below
2. Go to Help > Register Opera
3. Enter your name and organization
4. Paste the registration code and press OK
Operating System Registration Code
Windows w-dCbxx-w4NJt-WFUTu-sz3Aj-r3E5C
Linux Intel u-djfny-eAhTs-fbvKv-E4BLk-bcPTE
Linux PowerPC p-Bszxy-MMyJs-nwkUv-PnsBk-SyCKE
Linux Sparc k-vBC3x-VhSet-FcNrv-cUEsk-YUdzC
FreeBSD f-deUFy-wt5ys-8YB6v-CKv7k-BdaAE
Solaris s-W8YFy-uKvzs-YXf6v-RPp7k-Qi4zE
Mac m-L3mcx-mbL5t-FP4zu-mSrhj-zXBrD
这个浏览器很好用,推荐一下,快去注册吧,因为这个公司10周年庆祝,所以才会免费提供注册码的 忘记说了,最后是到今晚12点截至,哈哈 Too late. Got nothing.