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曾錚的圖片故事(10)Jennifer’s Photo Stories (10)









发表于 2017-4-17 07:29:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Praising the Murderer 「無知的」碩士及學者

This clearly is a very “awkward” photo for our dance team in Hanwang Middle School in Mianzhu County, Sichuan Province in China. The photographer was not fast enough to snap a photo while we were dancing; so he asked us to hold still afterwards so that he could "make up" for what he missed. However, he was still way too slow. Some of us became impatient and gave up holding the pose. Only three still managed to stay in the posture, with two showing miserable expressions including me at the back row.

And what was the dance all about? It was about singing the praises of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) for “liberating the slaves in Tibet”. We were obviously dressed and acted as grateful Tibetans to express our gratitude towards the CCP.
For more than 30 years, all those songs that glorify the CCP engraved very deeply in my mind; as I had heard them too many times. Like the song accompanied our dance, we had to listen to it countless times while practicing the dance.
It was not until 2001, when I was already 35 years old, did I ever realize that my knowledge about Tibet was very, very wrong. It was at a human rights forum in Melbourne on the Human Rights Day; and I was invited there to talk about the persecution I suffered in the Chinese labor camp for practicing Falun Gong. At that stage I had just escaped from China several months ago.
At the Q & A session, a lady asked me, “What do you know about the persecution in Tibet? Do they suffer similar persecution?”
I quickly searched within my mind for what I knew about Tibet; and realized in panic that apart from “the CCP had liberated Tibetan salves and brought them eternal happiness”, I knew nothing at all about what happened in Tibet.
As a labor camp survivor who had nearly been tortured to death, and who had witnessed how mad and overwhelming CCP’s lies and propaganda campaign could be, I of course already knew that what the CCP had told us about Tibet could be all wrong. But what was the right information?
I had to admit that that was one of the most embarrassing moments in my entire life. As a Master of Science who graduated from a top university, Peking University, in China, I had thought that I was quite well educated, very smart, and knew a lot. But at that embarrassing moment when so many people were eagerly gazing at me and waiting for an answer, I had to admit that I was too ignorant to offer any.
The other day I saw a post of Professor Ming Xia from CUNY-College of Staten Island, sharing similar “ignorance” and “embarrassment” of knowing nothing about Iwo Jima and its significance as someone who had studied International Politics for eight years and then taught it for three years in China.
So, how devastating is the damage that the CCP has done to China and Chinese people? How hard do we need to work in order to get rid of it? I would say that we have a long way to go!
前兩天在網上看到紐約城市大學斯泰登學院(CUNY—College of Staten Island)夏明教授的一個帖子,說他作爲已在中國接受國際政治系八年訓練並授課三年的學者,來到美國後才發現自己並不了解美國在二戰,尤其是太平洋戰爭中的犧牲和貢獻,以及硫磺島之戰的重要性,當時也是無比尷尬。

Click here for info about where to read or buy Jennifer''s book in English and Chinese, as well as where to watch award winning documentary based on Jennifer''s story: "Free China: The Courage to Believe"

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