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An Unfair Trade War and Why Should the World Be Grateful to Them









发表于 2019-3-16 04:40:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 曾铮 于 2019-3-16 05:15 编辑

While conducting an investigation on slave labor inside China, I put the name of a certain product inside the “search” window of Falun Gong’s official website, en.minghui.org, and immediately got 84 results. I could not only see on what a scale this product has been made inside Chinese labor camps, detention centers, and prisons, but could also find out the quote everyone had to achieve every day, as well as how much the labor camps were paid for these products, etc.

By comparing these figures with the price of this product on the international market, I was shocked to realize that the wholesale price of this product on the international market was 10,000 higher than the labor cost of this product in China.

In this sense, can any country, especially the USA, compete with Communist China? How can American workers compete with the slave laborers in the Chinese labor camps, detention centers, and prisons?

Now everyone in the U.S. is talking about government subsidies when discussing unfair trade relations with China. Now we have something far worse than government subsidies: free slave labors, on an astonishingly large scale.

I then realize how valuable these “raw” accounts and data are. Although when those Falun Gong practitioners wrote about these things as part of the persecution they suffered in those places, they might not have realized that these accounts and figures could help international researcher and journalists in the future, they nevertheless documented many aspects of what happened during the persecution. When the first-hand accounts accumulated to a certain level, they became extremely valuable.

In the meantime, overseas Falun Gong volunteers have been spending tremendous amounts of time and effort to collect, verify, sort out, edit, and publish these accounts and reports, for nearly 20 years now. When doing so, they have to fight against the attacks and crashing down efforts of the Communist Chinese regime that has the resources of the whole nation at its disposal to attack, crash and block this website, to make sure that it is always up and running, and is accessible both outside and inside China.

And all these have been done while they themselves are suffering most severe persecution. Some of them could have risked their lives to get the information out.

And this, is another reason why the world should be very grateful to Falun Gong practitioner, on top of many other reasons.

At least, today, as an investigative journalist, I am extremely grateful.

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