
《大熊猫的利爪》作者文达峰(Jonathan Manthorpe)在导论引用美国知名外交家与国际事务专家季辛吉(Henry Kissinger)的话,无非是想让众人了解,中国共产党扩张国际势力的作为并不会有停止的一天,让全世界都归他们发号施令恐怕就是共产党的目标。
2018年,澳洲作者克莱夫.汉密尔顿(Clive Hamilton)出版《无声的入侵:中国因素在澳洲》的计划,便因出版社担心遭到中国报复而取消。
There is no doubt that the Huawei Affair and the way the PRC dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic has had a strong impact in Canada. The latest polls show that 85 percent of Canadians have a negative view of the PRC and the CCP. That view has been caused by the CCP taking two Canadians hostage after Canada honoured an international arrest warrant to detain Huawei executive Meng Wan-zhou for extradition to the United States. Also,there is a strong belief among Canadians that Beijing tried to cover up the caronavirus outbreak in Wuhan and that many lives could have been saved if the CCP had been honest.
Most Canadians are well aware of this trap. We have 1.5 million Canadians who are of ethnic Chinese heritage. We know that the PRC is not China and that the CCP is not the Chinese people. But,like other countries with large groups of ethnic Chinese citizens,our big problem is attempts by the United Front Work Department to intimidate these people or to pressue them by insisting that their first loyalty should be to the PRC.
答:我认为中国已经具备你所描述的力量,但我在各地观察到的迹象显示,对于中华人民共和国的欺凌和掌权,现在出现了广泛的反制力量,特别是在民主国家,也包括像是接受一带一路倡议(Belt and Road Initiative)的国家。在加拿大,政府针对香港新国安法祭出制裁和停止引渡协议,从这样的负面态度就可以看出这点。此外,渥太华政府强调“跨太平洋伙伴全面进展协定”(Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership,CPTPP),视CPTPP为其与亚洲关系的核心,同样体现了上述观点。邀请台湾加入CPTPP也是一项强力行动。
I think China has had the power that you describe. But I see signs everywhere,especially among the democracies,but also,for example,among the countries that have taken Belt and Road Iniative contracts,that there is now widespread push-back against PRC bullying and assumption of power. In Canada it is evident in the government‘s negative reaction to the new security law in Hong Kong,with the application of sanctions and ending the extradition agreement. It is also evident in the Ottawa government’s emphasis on the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership as the core of its relationship with Asia. There is also a strong movement here to invite Taiwan to join the CPTPP.
From the handover in 1997 the CCP has been determined to insure that Hong Kong doesn‘t infect the Mainland with ideas that might challenge the one-party state. Insuring that the party can silence reform activists in Hong Kong has been an essential part of that effort. So I don’t think international condemnation will force the CCP to distil or withdraw the Hong Kong security law. But I think the CCP will be careful how it applies the law. While the world is still pre-occupied with COVID-19 it will probably round up,try,and imprison a few of the most high-profile pro-democracy and especially the pro-independence activists. This will be on the principle of killing the chicken to scare the monkey. But after that the party will probably just keep the law there as a threat. Every now and then it may use the law to remind everyone that political activism is dangerous. The CCP may also make some efforts to reassure international business people that Hong Kong is still a good gateway for business with the PRC,but Hong Kong's importance as a financial centre for the PRC is now much less than it was in 1997.