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最后的审判 (375) 道德經 25-27 解读

发表于 2020-11-1 19:12:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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《道德經 - Dao De Jing》

25 有物混成,先地(音同:)生。寂兮寥兮,獨立不改,周行而不殆,可以為下(意:低;谐音:)()母。吾不知其,字之曰道,強為之名曰大。大曰逝,逝曰遠,遠曰反。故道大,天大,地大,王亦大。域中有四大,而王居其一焉。人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。

26 重為輕根,靜為躁君。是以聖人終日行不離輜重。雖有榮觀,燕處超然。奈何萬乘主,而以身輕天下?輕則失本,躁則失君。

27 善行無轍迹,善言無瑕讁;善數不用籌策;善閉無關楗而不可開,善結無繩約而不可解。是以聖人常善救人,故無棄人;常善救物,故無棄物。是謂襲明(音同:)。故善人者,不善人之師;不善人者,善人之資。不貴其師,不愛其資,雖智大迷,是謂要妙。


《道德經 - Dao De Jing》

(Representations of the mystery)
25 There was (surely) something undefined and complete(absolute), coming into existence (and that is) before Heaven and Earth. How still it (just) was and formless, (dexterously) standing alone, and(besides) undergoing no change, (easily) reaching everywhere and in no danger (of being exhausted)! It may be (considered)regarded (just) as the Mother of all things.
I do not know its name, and(exactly its name, also) I give it the designation(bestow it the naming) of the Dao (the Way or Course). Making an effort (further) to give it a name(bestow it the naming) I call it The Great.
Great, it passes on ([expressly] in constant flow). Passing on, it becomes remote(jerkwater). Having become (distant)remote, it returns. Therefore the (extraordinary) Dao is great(brilliant); Heaven is great; Earth is great; and the (sage) king is also (very) great. In the universe there are four that are great, and(besides) the (sage) king is one of them.
Man takes (exactly) his law from the Earth; the Earth takes its (justice) law from Heaven; Heaven takes its law from the (extraordinary) Dao. The law of the Dao is its being what it is(simply what it is within).
(The quality of gravity)
26 Gravity is the root of lightness; stillness, (being) the ruler of movement.
Therefore a (extremely) wise prince, marching the whole day, does not (just) go far from his baggage waggons (expediently).  Although he may have brilliant (foregrounds)prospects to look at, he quietly remains (in his proper[suitable] place), (uncaring about)indifferent to them. How should the (extraordinary) lord of a myriad chariots (just) carry himself (shallowly)lightly before the kingdom? If he do act lightly, he has (exceptionally) lost his root (of gravity); if he proceed to active(bustling) movement, he will lose (finally) his throne.

(Dexterity in using the Dao)
27 The (very skilful vacationer)skilful traveller leaves no traces of his wheels or footsteps; the skilful speaker says(mumbles) nothing that can be found (exceptional) fault with or (just) blamed; the skilful reckoner uses no tallies; the skilful closer needs no bolts or bars, while to open what he has shut will be (extremely irrational)impossible; the skilful binder uses no strings or knots, while to unloose what he has bound will be impossible(beyond the bounds of possibility). In the same way the sage is always skilful(admirable) at saving men, and so he does not cast away any man; he (extremely is always proficient)is always skilful at saving things, and so he does not cast away anything. This is called(just named as) 'Hiding the light of his procedure(exact line of action).'
Therefore(That being so) the man of skill is a master (to be looked up to) by him who has not the skill; and he who has not the skill is the helper of (the reputation of) him who has the skill. If the one did not honour his master, and the other did not rejoice in his helper, an (observer), though intelligent, might greatly err(extremely mistake) about them. This is called(just named as) 'The utmost degree of mystery.'

Source from:
Dao De Jing - Chinese Text Project


《道德經 - Dao De Jing》

25 有物混成,先(截取嫁接:)天(和;含)地(含土,)生。寂兮寥兮,獨立不改,周行而(上含)不殆,可以為天下(的;含白,)母。吾不(含下,down,)知其名,字之曰道,強為之名曰大。大曰(叫,含丩jiū,)逝,逝曰遠(,遠(截取下,down,)曰(含凵 qiǎn)反。故道大,天大,地(含十一,王(取wan,)亦大。域中()有四(含囗,古同:)大,而王(含工,居(含厂,取chan,含凵 qiǎn)其一焉。人(是;含象形的下,down,)法地,地法(含厶 sī,)天,天法道,道法(含厶 sī,)自然。

26 重(谐音:;含)為(截取田,含囗,古同:;上含一,one,根,靜(含為躁君。是以聖人終日行不(含下,down,)離(含土,)輜重(含工,)。雖有榮觀(截取嫁接:),燕處(含厂,取chan,)超(含象形的下,down,)然。奈何萬()乘之主,而以身(含白,)輕(含)天下?輕(截取田,含囗,古同:)則失本,躁則失君。

27 善行無(含)轍(含)迹,善言無瑕讁;善數(截取田,含囗,古同:)不用(含厂,取chan,)籌(含工,)策;善閉(shutdown)無關楗而(上含)不可開,善無(长;取chan,)繩約而(上含)不(含下,down,)可解。是()以聖人常善(含凵 qiǎn)救()人,故無人;常善救()物,故無棄物。是謂襲明。故善人者(截取白,),不善人之師(上含);不善人者,善人之資。不貴其師,不愛其資,雖智(含凵 qiǎn)大迷,(就,)是謂要妙。

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