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When is the end of the "petition road"?(one)









发表于 2020-12-4 09:11:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Foreword: Li Gaoxi, the petitioner in thearticle, is a typical farmer in Xinwuzi Group, Nantian Village, Wuyun Town,Ganxian District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province. He has only a primary schooleducation, and he has been working with his brother Li Gaoshou, mainly in thebusiness of landscape stone management in Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province.

By chance, I met Long Qimin, the formerdeputy head of the traffic police detachment directly under the Ganzhou PublicSecurity Bureau. In the following period of time, Long Qimin took theinitiative to contact petitioners many times, expressing his intention tobecome a shareholder and expand the landscape stone business...
(Escorted Li Gaoxi's interception vehicle)

Unexpectedly, behind the equitycooperation, Long Qimin colluded with Deng Zenghua (with Long Qi civiliancomrades), who was the former head of the third brigade of the EconomicInvestigation Detachment of the Public Security Bureau of Ganzhou City, toadopt public power and private use methods to understand the situation. Theydeceived their couple to the three major squadrons of the EconomicInvestigation Detachment of the Ganzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, andrestricted the personal freedom of the petitioners Li Gaoxi and his wife formany consecutive days. Without assessing and auditing the corporate assets,they intervened in the civil affairs by criminal law and used threats and coercivemethods to force the The super high price of more than RMB 3.08 million,accepting 20% ​​of the shares held by Long Qimin with his wife... They, ashigh-level police officers of the public security system, are lawless,knowledgeable and illegal, abuse of power, malicious litigation, falselitigation, etc. Illegal and criminal activities have caused deep anger andindignation among the people of the whole society, and their behavior has madethe society feel terrified.

What makes the public feel desperate isthat the court should be a place to uphold social fairness, equality, justice,and maintain the dignity of the rule of law in society... This is to protectsocial conscience and public order, and is a holy place where the public placesthe bottom line of final principles. . However, in Long Qimin's long-standinglocal social influence network, the court's judgment is also a judgment that isobviously unfair, equal, and just... presenting a "one-sided"judgment.

For this reason, the petitioner Li Gaoxiwas also forced to imprison for 18 months. After he was released from prison onAugust 20, 2020, Li Gaoxi has never given up the lawsuits and re-establishmentsof the verdict on criminal violations such as "forced transactions,criminal intervention in civil affairs, abuse of power, extortion, falselawsuits, and malicious lawsuits". Apply for re-examination, as well aspetitions at all levels.

When is the end of the "petition road"?

On the morning of November 16, 2020, I amLi Gaoxi (contact number: 13870730593; formerly the corporate legal person ofGanzhou Yilong Natural Stone Art Co., Ltd.). Due to a case where a publicsecurity officer forced me to acquire the company’s equity and forced me tosign a “letter of commitment”, I went to the Central Fifth Inspection Team toreceive a petition-Qianhu Hotel, No. 888 Hongjiaozhou Xuefu Avenue, Honggu NewDistrict, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province.

(Concentration point responsible for receivingpetitioners)

When I rushed to the entrance of the hotel,I was stopped by a group of people claiming to be government workers andprevented me from petitioning. After a while, I was rushed to the gymnasium ofNanchang University opposite, where many claimed to be provincial. The leaderasked me to take out my ID, register them and give them the materials. However,these people took out some photos of my ID card with their mobile phones, andimmediately called a few people who claimed to be "coordinators" fromGanzhou in the province, telling me not to go to Qianhu Hotel. In petitioning,a few others said they would take me back to Ganzhou.

At that time, I said: "You don't needto take me back, I will go back myself."

After a few minutes, they notified thesecretary of our village, and he called me "tell me not to leave, theywill come and pick me home". After a while, Xu Xiaochun, the director ofour town's police station, also called me and said, "They're here to takeme home!"

I said: "I didn't break the law again!You don't use it to pick me up, I will come back by myself if I do a goodjob."

In the afternoon of the next day (November17, 2020), I went to Qianhu Hotel again.

With the first failure experience, thistime I made an appointment with a "Didi car" from the outside networkand drove in directly. When I reached the intersection of Building 7, I wasstopped by a few people in front of a sentry box and "interrogated",asking us what we were doing!

(Li Gaoxi and other petitioners from variousplaces were intercepted and gathered in the gymnasium of Nanchang University)

I lied, "Take the way to Building5!" They said, "This is Building 7. You can't go in, and you won'tlet you in." At the same time, they also told that "Building 5 willtake a detour from across the road. Let’s go.” We said, “The navigation routeis to be guided from here to get into Building 5. Anyway, they just don’t letthe vehicles pass by. Helplessly, the online car-hailing has to be in front ofBuilding 2. I put it down.

Then, I met a staff member of the park andasked him the "Central Inspection Team" reception staff, whichbuilding "receives" the visitors? The staff member said: "Thepeople from the'patrol team' live in the Qianhu Hotel." He told me not toinquire, but he dared not tell me; even if he told me, the petition materialswould not be sent in at all! "Interceptions" are all guards on theinside and the outside. Later, he told me not to ask any more, because theleader found that he would be criticized.

About ten minutes later, I met the staffwho were transferred from Ganzhou. Immediately, they called a group of"interceptors" claiming to be local police and public securitybureaus to surround me. At the same time, I also confiscated my petitionmaterials. And they controlled my freedom of movement. These people pulled meinto a minibus and took me from Qianhu Hotel to the old place on the firstday-Nanchang University.

After that, 4 people kept guarding me.Until the time for dinner, there were still 3 people who sandwiched me and wentto the school cafeteria to eat together; after the meal, they took me to thehotel where the "interviewer" was staying, and waited for the localinterceptor from Ganzhou. Interviewer. This time, they will take me back.

While waiting, two staff members doideological work for me.

They said: "We won't let you go in andmess around! The central inspection team will come here, and will not acceptsuch inconspicuous things as you; they are basically dealing with relativelylarge and important cases." .

At the same time, he also"warned" that we are asking your local government to take you back inthis petition. If you dare to petition again next time, you will be"breaking the law" and we will arrest you.

At ten o'clock that night, three peoplefrom the local government of Ganzhou came. They took me to Nanchang RailwayStation and boarded the train directly; at 6 o'clock the next morning, thetrain reached Ganzhou. They asked me to report to the Wuyun Police Station, andthey told me that I could no longer petition. If I petitioned again, theprovincial leaders said that I would be arrested and sentenced for"breaking the law."

[Post****]"Living like a year" petition road, when is the end?

The central inspection team will bestationed in Jiangxi.

Knowing the news of the "patrol teamstationed in Jiangxi", Li Gaoxi, who was in the petition, was so happythat he did not rest for several nights. In reality, after a two-day trip toNanchang, Li Gaoxi's "luck" on the petition itinerary was still alittle bit worse. He saw the building where the inspection team lived, but itwas close to each other.

(The public telephone of the inspection teamstationed in Jiangxi)

After being intercepted and returning fromthe interview, Li Gaoxi also tried to dial the special duty telephone numberset during the inspection: 0791-88903030, and the answer was "The problemreflected is not within the scope of the inspection petition reception..."

Li Gaoxi learned that according to theregulations on inspection work, the central inspection team mainly acceptedletters and calls that reflected Jiangxi's provincial leadership team and itsmembers, the main leaders of the next-level party organization leadership team,and leaders in important positions. The focus was on Reports and reflections onviolations of political discipline, organizational discipline, integritydiscipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline.

During the letter and visit in Nanchang,the problem of so many "destroyed people" on the way was stillhandled by Jiangxi Province and relevant departments in accordance with theprovisions of territorial management principles.

(Li Gaoxi was restricted by the public securityofficers' personal freedom, forcing them to sign the name in the "Letterof Commitment" that they drafted more than 3.08 million yuan in equity)

Could it be that the disciplinary andlaw-breaking cases that were "concocted" by the officers of thePublic Prosecutors' Department and the Public Prosecutors' Department aredestined to be "unlucky" for the people in their lives? Deduced intothe "Yang Naiwu" of modern society? Are "professional"petitioners forced out in this way?

Let me ask: Long Qimin colluded with DengZenghua (who was a comrade-in-arms with Long Qimin), who was formerly thecaptain of the third brigade of the Economic Investigation Detachment ofGanzhou Public Security Bureau. Like Jimin, the "public tool" in hishands became a means of "private gain" and lost control. Today's LiGaoxi is "robbed" by public power, tomorrow will be Zhao Gaoxi being"raped" by public power, and the day after tomorrow, Wu Gaoxi may be "raped"by public power. "Blackmail"... From this, how can the credibility ofthe people's government and the authority of the political and legaldepartments be reshaped?

Where should Li Gaoxi, Zhao Gaoxi, and WuGaoxi go to complain about the "suffering"? When is the end of thepetition road of "Living like years"?

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