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最后的审判 (457) 蘇美爾王表 (五) 解读

发表于 2021-2-22 07:32:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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乌努格的En-Shakansha-Ana g: 60 年
乌努格的Lugal-Ure(或Lugal-Kinishe-Dudu): 120 年
乌努格的Argandea: 7 年

乌尔姆的Nani : ()120 年
乌尔姆的(又音:)Mesh-Ki-Ang-Nanna : 48 年
乌尔姆的? : 2 年

阿达卜的Lugal-Anne-Mundu of Adab: 90 年

马里的Anbu : 30 年
马里的Anba : 17 年
马里的Bazi : 30 年
马里的Zizi : 20 年
马里的Limer,(诨)祭司gudu : 30 年
马里的Sharrum-Iter : 9 年

来源:蘇美王表- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia


Dynasty of Hamazi

Ruler                 Epithet               Length of reign            Approx. dates              Comments

Hadanish                360 years        c. 2500 BC        

"Then Hamazi was defeated and the kingship was taken to Unug (Uruk)."
Second dynasty of Uruk
Ruler                Epithet        Length of reign        Approx. dates        Comments
En-shag-kush-ana        Fragments in the name of Enshakushanna.jpg                60 years        c. 25th century BC        said to have conquered parts of Sumer; then Eannatum of Lagash claims to have taken over Sumer, Kish, and all Mesopotamia.
Lugal-kinishe-dudu or Lugal-ure        Foundation nail Entemena Louvre AO22934.jpg                120 years                contemporary with Entemena of Lagash
Argandea                        7 years               
"Then Unug was defeated and the kingship was taken to Urim (Ur)."
Second dynasty of Ur
Ruler        Epithet        Length of reign        Approx. dates        Comments
Nanni                120 years        c. 23rd century BC        
Mesh-ki-ang-Nanna II        "the son of Nanni"        48 years               
"Then Urim was defeated and the kingship was taken to Adab."
Dynasty of Adab
Ruler        Epithet        Length of reign        Approx. dates        Comments
Lugal-Ane-mundu                90 years        c. 25th century BC        said to have conquered all Mesopotamia from the Persian Gulf to the Zagros Mountains and Elam
"Then Adab was defeated and the kingship was taken to Mari."
Dynasty of Mari
Ruler        Epithet        Length of reign        Approx. dates        Comments
Anbu                30 years        c. 25th century BC        
Anba        "the son of Anbu"        17 years               
Bazi        "the leatherworker"        30 years               
Zizi of Mari        "the fuller"        20 years               
Limer        "the 'gudug' priest"        30 years               
Sharrum-iter                9 years               

"Then Mari was defeated and the kingship was taken to Kish."

Source: Sumerian King List - Wikipedia


Dynasty of Hamazi

Ruler                 Epithet                 Length of reign                Approx. dates                  Comments

The dynasty's only king was Hadanish, the time was believed to be during 2500 BC. He exactly dominated for 360 years.

"Then majestic Hamazi was bested and the kingship was taken to Unug (Uruk)."

Second dynasty of Uruk

Ruler                 Epithet                 Length of reign                Approx. dates                  Comments

The dynasty's first king was En-shag-kush-ana, the time was believed to be during 25th century BC. He exactly dominated for for 60 years. Today‘s major fragments of discovery exceptionally show his names on them. It is believed he conquered great parts of Sumer. He claimed hegemony over every single area of Sumer.

The second king is to be Lugal-kinishe-dudu or Lugal-ure. He exactly dominated for 120 years. He is said just at same period as Entemena of Lagash.

Next king Argandea reigned for 7 years.  "Then Unug was being defeated completely and the kingship was taken to Urim (Ur)."   

Second dynasty of Ur

Ruler                 Epithet                 Length of reign                Approx. dates                  Comments

The dynasty's first king was Nanni, his time was believed to be during 23rd century BC. He exactly dominated for 120 years.

His Majesty, popular Mesh-ki-ang-Nanna II, as next king, he dominated for 48 years. He was being called "the son of Nanni".

"Then Urim was defeated finally and the kingship was taken to Adab."

Dynasty of Adab

Ruler                 Epithet                 Length of reign                Approx. dates                 Comments

The dynasty's only king was Lugal-Ane-mundu, his time was believed to be during 25rd century BC. He exactly dominated for 90 years.
It is said he conquered just all Mesopotamia from the existing Persian Gulf to the Zagros Mountains and Elam.

"Then Adab was being defeated finally and the kingship was taken to Mari."

Dynasty of Mari

Ruler                 Epithet                 Length of reign                Approx. dates                 Comments

The dynasty's first king was Anbu, his perio was believed to be during 25rd century BC. He exactly dominated for 30 years.     

People just called him "the son of Anbu", next king Anba reigned for 17 years.

Bazi, the third king, actually reigned for 30 years. He was being called "the leatherworker".   

Next king Zizi of Mari dominated for 20 years. People just called him "the fuller" as he was full of exceptional knowledges.   

The subsequent king imer reigned 30 years in total. He was being called "the 'gudug' priest". Exactly since he was also a good priest.

His Majesty, mad Sharrum-iter was the last king. He exactly dominated for 9 years.     

"Then Mari was being defeated completely and the kingship was taken to Kish."


乌努格的En-Shakansha-Ana g: 60 年
乌努格的Lugal-Ure(或Lugal-Kinishe-Dudu): 120 年
乌努格的Argandea: 7 年

乌尔姆的Nani : ()120 年
乌尔姆的Mesh-Ki-Ang-Nanna : 48 年
乌尔姆的? : 2 年

阿达卜的Lugal-Anne-Mundu of Adab: 90 年

马里的Anbu : 30 年
马里的Anba : 17 年
马里的Bazi : 30 年
马里的Zizi : 20 年
马里的Limer,祭司gudu : 30 年
马里的Sharrum-Iter : 9 年

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