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最后的审判 (463) 哈特谢普苏特方尖碑碑文 解读

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公元前1512年,圖特摩斯一世去世。他與王妃所生的長子與哈特謝普蘇特結婚,繼承了王位,是為圖特摩斯二世。二世體弱多病,無心治國,繼位不久,大權就落到哈特謝普蘇特的身上。幾年後,二世病死。此時的哈特謝普蘇特根基不穩,無法實現其抱負。她安排二世與妃子所生的一個10歲男孩與自己的女兒完婚後繼位,是為圖特摩斯三世。自己則以攝政王身份,全權管理國家事務。哈特謝普蘇特執掌國政的期間,停止了埃及向外的戰爭,因而動搖了埃及在敘利亞及巴勒斯坦的統治權,雖然如此,但哈特謝普蘇特開始了埃及與鄰國的商貿,使埃及在她執政的期間變得十分繁華富庶,哈特謝普蘇特繼而利用財富開始大規模建築神廟,包括底比斯的停靈廟(Deir el-Bahri)。




哈特謝普蘇特- 揭密真相


哈特谢普苏特墓– 建筑百科

古埃及方尖碑王名破译(四) - 知乎

神選之地@ 絲諾的雪屋:: 隨意窩Xuite日誌
寻寻觅觅29座埃及方尖碑,还有未尽的话要说- 简书

The Obelisk of Hatshepsut | All about Natural Stone.Varieties ...


The Insc ription on Hatshepsut's Obelisk

Based on the translation by Amir Hussein.

Western Side:
Horus strong spirited, youthful of years. Horus the Golden Bright God. Egyptian queen of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Maatkare. She has erected this as a monument to her father, master of the brides of the Two Lands. She has erected two large obelisks in front of the Gate of Amun, made of lots of electrum. She lightens the Two Lands like Aten. She has done what no one has done since the beginning of the earth. Hatshepsut has done this, daughter of the sun, given life forever.

Eastern Side:

Horus strong spirited, queen of Upper and Lower Egypt Maatkare beloved of Amun. This monument stands forever with the name of her father. Flattery was given to the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Aakheperkare (Thutmose I), by his majesty the great noble god. Two great obelisks have been erected by her majesty in the first occasion; they are words by the Lord of the gods. It is your father King of Upper and Lower Egypt Aakheperkare who gives the command to erect the obelisks. Your majesty shall repeat the monuments, causing life forever.

Southern Side:

Horus strong spirited, King of Upper and Lower Egypt Maatkare, the useful image of Amun. He caused her appearance as a queen of the throne of Horus in front of the sacred great house, and the nine gods brought her to be the mistress of the universe. They have mixed her with life and happiness before the life of the daughter of the sun, Maatkare. Beloved of Amun-Re, Lord of the gods who gives life as Re forever.

Northern Side:

Horus strong spirited green of life that is the bright god of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lady of the Two Lands Maatkare. Her father Amun has fixed her name Maatkare on the Holy Tree. Her annals like millions of years are united with life and welfare. Daughter of Re, Hatshepsut, beloved of the king of the gods Amun, in front of this beautiful solid monument, which she erected for him in the first Jubilee to offer eternal life.

Base of the Obelisk:

Living Horus strong spirited, green of years, Golden Horus, the Bright Goddess. Goddess of Upper and Lower Egypt, Maatkare, daughter of Re, Hatshepsut, living forever. The daughter of Amun who is in his heart, his only child whom he has brought. The useful image of everyone's master; the spirit of Iunu created her beauty. She is the holder of the Two Lands, as Irsu, who created her to carry his crowns, who is there as Khepri, who shines with his crowns like Akhti. She is the chaste egg that has come out useful, whom the two great of magic (Isis and Nephthys) reared, whom Amun himself raised to his throne in Iunu in southern Thebes. He has chosen her to protect Egypt and to protect mankind and people.

Horus is protector of her father, the old daughter of the god Kamutef, whom Re has brought to be for him an excellent seed on earth, for the welfare of his people, his living image. Egyptian queen Maatkare of Upper and Lower Egypt, is the best of kings. She has made this as a monument for her father Amun, Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, in front of Ipet Issut (Karnak).

I have created two great obelisks of red granite of the south. Their upper sides are made of the best electrum of the Two Lands, which can be seen from both banks of the river, whose reflected rays flood the Two Lands. Aten (sun god) shines in their midst, as he shines in the sky.

I have done them with my heart, which loves my father Amun. I have had access to his secret for the first time. I have been introduced to his strong spirits. I shall not forget anything I go through. My majesty knows it is sacred. What I have done was really according to his command. He has guided me. I cannot do anything that is his doing. It is he who gives commands. I have not slept concerning his temple. I do not hide what I go through.

My heart is like Sia (goddess of wisdom) in front of my father, for I understand my father's wishes. I have not neglected the city of the Lord of All, but have given it my all. Therefore I know it is the horizon on earth, the great hill of beginning, the good eye of the Lord of All, in place of his heart which shows his beauty, encompassing all who follow him.

The king himself says I have put it before the people who shall come in the future, whose hearts care for this monument which I have made for my father. Those who shall talk in discussion, who shall look into the future. It is I who lives in the palace, I who remember my creator. My heart led me to make obelisks of electrum. From them I speak to the sky, in the honourable court of columns, between the two great pylons of the great king, the strong bull, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Aakheperkare, deceased.

Truly my heart turns this way and that, concerning what people speak and think - people who will see my monument years later, who will speak of what I have made. Beware of saying, 'I do not know why you have made that' - a mountain fashioned entirely of gold like that which has been made, which lives for Re, and loves me.

As long as my father Amun supports me and refreshes my nose with life and well-being, I have worn the white crown, and I shine in the red crown. The masters (Horus and Seth) have united the Two Lands for me. I have ruled this land like the son of Isis (Horus). I am strong like the son of Nut. Whereas Re sets in the boat of night and rises in the boat of morning, he gathered his mother in the Holy Boat. As long as the sky is there and his work is steady, I shall be forever like the star that does not end. I shall reign in the other life like Aten.

As for the two great obelisks, I have made them of electrum for my father Amun, for my name to last forever in this temple. They were one piece of strong granite, without a join or mend in them. My majesty ordered them to be made in year 15 (of Hatshepsut's rule), the second month of winter, on the first day, until year 16, fourth month, last day (when they were finished). The work has lasted 7 months since the arrangements in the mountain. I have made them for him with a loyal heart, like any king to his god. It was my wish to make them for him, golden of electrum. I have put their bodies on their bases.

I have thought of what people shall say. My lips are true, in all that goes out of them. I never go back on what I say. Listen to me: I have put on them the best electrum. I have weighed the electrum by the satchel like grains. My majesty has calculated, and the number is more than all she saw in the Two Lands. The ignorant as well as the learned knows that - you shall hear that. Don't say my words are exaggerations but say how like her it is, to be true to her father.

The god knows they are from me - Amun Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands. He has made me rule Egypt for what I have made. I have no enemies in all the land. All the foreign lands are my slaves. He has made my borders to the ends of the sky. All that surrounds the sun works for me.

He is true to those with him. He knew I shall present it to him. I am his true daughter, who glorifies him and carries out his orders. My reward from my father was life and welfare, and settling on the throne of Horus, with the help of all the beloved ones, like Re, forever.

Source:The Insc ription on Hatshepsut - Time Trips


The Insc ription on Hatshepsut's Obelisk

Based on the translation by Amir Hussein.

Western Side:

(With years of intensive blessing by powerful Horus, the Golden Bright God, made the work finished by the excellent Egyptian queen of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Maatkare. She has erected this as a monument to her majestic father, master of the brides of the Two Lands. She has exceptionally erected two large obelisks in front of the Gate of Amun, made of many electrum. She lightens the big Two Lands like great Aten. She has extraordinarily done what no one has done just the same as she has exactly since the starting of the globe. Hatshepsut has nicely done this, daughter of the hearty sun god, given life forever.)Horus strong spirited, youthful of years. Horus the Golden Bright God. Egyptian queen of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Maatkare. She has erected this as a monument to her father, master of the brides of the Two Lands. She has erected two large obelisks in front of the Gate of Amun, made of lots of electrum. She lightens the Two Lands like Aten. She has done what no one has done since the beginning of the earth. Hatshepsut has done this, daughter of the sun, given life forever.

Maatkare - Wikipedia
Aton | Egyptian god | Britannica

Eastern Side:

(With the blessing by vital Horus, queen of Upper and Lower Egypt Maatkare beloved of kind and great Amun has completed the work. This extraordinary monument stands forever with the majestic name of her special father. Excessive flattery was given to the adorable King of Upper and Lower Egypt, invincible king of the Two Lands inherited exceptionally from Aakheperkare (Thutmose I), and permitted by his majesty and the amply precious god. Two extraordinary obelisks have been erected greatly by her majesty in the beginning occasion; they are exceptional words by the majesty Almighty Lord of the gods. It exactly is your father King of Upper and Lower Egypt Aakheperkare who basically gives the command to erect the great obelisks. Your majesty shall do again the monuments, basically causing the exceptional livelihood just all the times.)Horus strong spirited, queen of Upper and Lower Egypt Maatkare beloved of Amun. This monument stands forever with the name of her father. Flattery was given to the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Aakheperkare (Thutmose I), by his majesty the great noble god. Two great obelisks have been erected by her majesty in the first occasion; they are words by the Lord of the gods. It is your father King of Upper and Lower Egypt Aakheperkare who gives the command to erect the obelisks. Your majesty shall repeat the monuments, causing life forever.

Amun - World History Encyclopedia
Aakheperkare Thutmose I - Wikipedia

Southern Side:

(With the blessing by Horus' spirit, the venerable King of the extraordinary Two Lands Egypt Maatkare has finished the work. She reflects the majestic image of Amun. He caused her appearance as a queen of the exceptional throne of Horus before the divinely great house, and the mighty nine gods brought her to be the mistress of the universe. Gently they have mixed her with activity of life and jouissance amid the existent life of the daughter of the exceedingly smart sun god. Maatkare Hatshepsut is being loved by wise Amun-Re, God of the gods who gives human beings lives as Re exceptionally does just all the times.)Horus strong spirited, King of Upper and Lower Egypt Maatkare, the useful image of Amun. He caused her appearance as a queen of the throne of Horus in front of the sacred great house, and the nine gods brought her to be the mistress of the universe. They have mixed her with life and happiness before the life of the daughter of the sun, Maatkare. Beloved of Amun-Re, Lord of the gods who gives life as Re forever.

Northern Side:

(Horus, the bright god of Upper and Lower Egypt, gives generously blessing to all lives which belong to Lady of the Two Lands Maatkare. Her father Amun has fixed her unique name Maatkare on the Holy Tree. Her major annals like millions of years are united with life and welfare. Excellent and virtuous Daughter of Re, Hatshepsut, beloved of the king of the gods mighty Amun, is standing in front of this beautiful strong monument, which she erected exceptionally for him in the first Jubilee to grant human eternal lives.)Horus strong spirited green of life that is the bright god of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lady of the Two Lands Maatkare. Her father Amun has fixed her name Maatkare on the Holy Tree. Her annals like millions of years are united with life and welfare. Daughter of Re, Hatshepsut, beloved of the king of the gods Amun, in front of this beautiful solid monument, which she erected for him in the first Jubilee to offer eternal life.

Base of the Obelisk:

Living Horus strong spirited, green of years, Golden Horus, the Bright Goddess. Goddess of Upper and Lower Egypt, Maatkare, daughter of Re, Hatshepsut, living forever. The daughter of Amun who is in his heart, his only child whom he has brought. The useful image of everyone's master; the spirit of Iunu created her beauty. She is the holder of the Two Lands, as Irsu, who created her to carry his crowns, who is there as Khepri, who shines with his crowns like Akhti. She is the chaste egg that has come out useful, whom the two great of magic (Isis and Nephthys) reared, whom Amun himself raised to his throne in Iunu in southern Thebes. He has chosen her to protect Egypt and to protect mankind and people.(The project achievement has reached by the living Horus' extraordinarily strong blessing. For years evergreens in the Two Lands are due to brilliantly Golden Horus. The exalted Bright Goddess of Upper and Lower Egypt, Maatkare, junior daughter of mighty Re, Hatshepsut, living forever. The extraordinary daughter of Amun, who is in his heart, his only adorable child whom he has indeed brought. The nifty image is of everyone's master; the spirit of Iunu created her beauty. She is the holder of the Two Lands, as great Irsu, who created her to carry his extraordinary crowns, who is there as Khepri, who shines with his crowns just same as Akhti. She is exactly like the chaste ovum which has come out useful, whom being the two great of magics reared by Isis and Nephthys, whom being raised to his throne by Amun himself in Iunu in southern Thebes. He has exceptionally chosen her to protect Egypt majorly and to save mankind's interest)


Heliopolis (ancient Egypt) - Wikipedia
Irsu - Wikipedia
Khepri - Wikipedia
Akhet (hieroglyph) - Wikipedia
Isis - Wikipedia
Nephthys - Wikipedia

(Horus is an extraordinary protector of her father; the old daughter of the god Kamutef, whom Re has brought for him to be an great seed on earth, for the security of his men with his brilliant image. Excellent Egyptian queen Maatkare of the Two Lands, is just the best among the kings. She has extraordinarily founded this Obelisk as a monument for her great father Amun, Lord of the Thrones of Upper and Lower Egypt, in front of Ipet Issut, Karnak)Horus is protector of her father, the old daughter of the god Kamutef, whom Re has brought to be for him an excellent seed on earth, for the welfare of his people, his living image. Egyptian queen Maatkare of Upper and Lower Egypt, is the best of kings. She has made this as a monument for her father Amun, Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, in front of Ipet Issut (Karnak).

Kamutef - definition of Kamutef by The Free Dictionary
Ipet-Isut | ancient temples, Thebes, Greece | Britannica
Karnak - Wikipedia

(I have established twain great obelisks of exquisite red granite blocks which just came from the south. Their exact upper sides are made of the best kind of golden electrum from Upper and Lower Egypt, which can be noticed from both banks of the big river, their reflected rays extraordinarily glow the Two Lands. Aten, sun god shines in their midst, just same as he shines in the sky.)I have created two great obelisks of red granite of the south. Their upper sides are made of the best electrum of the Two Lands, which can be seen from both banks of the river, whose reflected rays flood the Two Lands. Aten (sun god) shines in their midst, as he shines in the sky.

(Exactly I have done them with my innermost being, which namely loves my genuine father Amun. Basically I have had ingress to his extremely confidential matter for the first time. I have been injected affirmatively by his strong spirits. Exactly I shall not forget basically anything I go through. My majesty informs it is being sacred. What exactly I have done was really according to his major pragmatic. He has exercised me. I cannot do anything which he has been telling not to do. It is really he who gives commands. I have not gone to bed concerning his temple. I extraordinarily do not hide majorly what I impress.)I have done them with my heart, which loves my father Amun. I have had access to his secret for the first time. I have been introduced to his strong spirits. I shall not forget anything I go through. My majesty knows it is sacred. What I have done was really according to his command. He has guided me. I cannot do anything that is his doing. It is he who gives commands. I have not slept concerning his temple. I do not hide what I go through.

(My heart is exactly like Sia, goddess of wisdom, humbly standing before my father, for I understand my father's basic longings. Exactly I have not neglected the city of the Lord of All, but just have given it my every single thing. Therefore I exceptionally know it is the horizon on earth, and such as the great hill of beginning, the good eye of the loving Lord of All, the place of his heart which shows his beauty, encompassing extraordinarily all who just go after him resolutely.)My heart is like Sia (goddess of wisdom) in front of my father, for I understand my father's wishes. I have not neglected the city of the Lord of All, but have given it my all. Therefore I know it is the horizon on earth, the great hill of beginning, the good eye of the Lord of All, in place of his heart which shows his beauty, encompassing all who follow him.

Sia (god) - Wikipedia

(The king himself expresses I have put it before the human being who shall religiously come in the future, whose humble hearts care for this monument greatly which exactly I have made for my father. Those who jaw in argument shall look into the future. It is I who exactly lives in the palace, I who remember my loving creator. My heart guided me to construct obelisks of silvery and golden electrum. From them I speak extraordinarily to the sky, in the majestic yard of columnares: between the two extraordinary pylons of the big king, and between the very vigorous and strong bull, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, extraordinary lord, Aakheperkare, and just all human being who passed away.)The king himself says I have put it before the people who shall come in the future, whose hearts care for this monument which I have made for my father. Those who shall talk in discussion, who shall look into the future. It is I who lives in the palace, I who remember my creator. My heart led me to make obelisks of electrum. From them I speak to the sky, in the honourable court of columns, between the two great pylons of the great king, the strong bull, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Aakheperkare, deceased.

aakheperkare   Thutmose I - Wikipedia
Electrum - Wikipedia

(Truly my heart turns excitedly this way and that, concerning what human being simply think and speak - human being who exactly will read my monument years later, who will speak of what I just have made less or more. Exceptionally beware of big saying, 'I do not know why you have indeed made that' - a big mountain forged approximately of gold just same as that which has been extraordinarily constructed, which gets along for brilliant Re, and greatly he is loving me.)Truly my heart turns this way and that, concerning what people speak and think - people who will see my monument years later, who will speak of what I have made. Beware of saying, 'I do not know why you have made that' - a mountain fashioned entirely of gold like that which has been made, which lives for Re, and loves me.

(As long as my father Amun supports me and refreshes my nose with life and well-being, I have exceptionally worn jeweled and impressive white crown, and I extraordinarily glow in the red crown. The brilliant Horus and great Seth have finally united the Two Lands for me. I have been ruling this land exactly like the smart son, Horus, of Isis. I am strong just as same as the extraordinary son of Nut. Whereas Re sets in the boat of moonlit night and gets up peacefully in the boat of morning. Exceptionally on board the Holy Boat, he joined his amazing mother surprisingly. As long as the sky is there exactly and his work is steady, I ought to be forever being like the star that does not end. I shall actually reign in the other human being like Aten)As long as my father Amun supports me and refreshes my nose with life and well-being, I have worn the white crown, and I shine in the red crown. The masters (Horus and Seth) have united the Two Lands for me. I have ruled this land like the son of Isis (Horus). I am strong like the son of Nut. Whereas Re sets in the boat of night and rises in the boat of morning, he gathered his mother in the Holy Boat. As long as the sky is there and his work is steady, I shall be forever like the star that does not end. I shall reign in the other life like Aten.

Set (deity) - Wikipedia
Isis - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nut (goddess) - Wikipedia

Aten - Wikipedia

(As for the two extraordinary obelisks, I have just made them of finest electrum exceptionally for my father Amun, because my name to last forever in this great temple. They were all only single block of impregnable granite, extraordinarily without any joins and mends in them. My majesty exceptionally ordered them to be made in year 15 of great Hatshepsut's rule, the second month of winter, on the first day, until year 16, fourth month, last day when they were being extraordinarily completed. The project has taken time say 7 months since the exhibitions in the tall mountain. I have built them for him with a single-hearted heart, like any king to his brilliant god. Exactly it was my wish to just make them respectfully for him, with the luxuriously aurous electrum. I have put these electrum bodies on their ground foundations.)As for the two great obelisks, I have made them of electrum for my father Amun, for my name to last forever in this temple. They were one piece of strong granite, without a join or mend in them. My majesty ordered them to be made in year 15 (of Hatshepsut's rule), the second month of winter, on the first day, until year 16, fourth month, last day (when they were finished). The work has lasted 7 months since the arrangements in the mountain. I have made them for him with a loyal heart, like any king to his god. It was my wish to make them for him, golden of electrum. I have put their bodies on their bases.

Electrum - Wikipedia

(What people shall say, which I have been thinking about. My lips are true, in all that goes out of them. I never go back on what exactly I say. Listen to me: I just have put on them the best electrum. Exactly I have counted the electrum by the big gunny bag in the same way as grains. My majesty has calculated, and the number is more than everything she examined in the Two Lands. The ignorant just as same as the learned exceptionally knows that - you shall be told about everything. Don't say my words are exaggerations but say how like her it is now, to be genuine to her great father.)I have thought of what people shall say. My lips are true, in all that goes out of them. I never go back on what I say. Listen to me: I have put on them the best electrum. I have weighed the electrum by the satchel like grains. My majesty has calculated, and the number is more than all she saw in the Two Lands. The ignorant as well as the learned knows that - you shall hear that. Don't say my words are exaggerations but say how like her it is, to be true to her father.

My majesty  Hatshepsut - Wikipedia

(The god extraordinarily knows they just are from me - superb Amun Lord of the extraordinary Thrones of the Two Lands. He has made me basically dominate Egypt for what I have done. I have no big rivales in all the land. All the foreign lands are my auxiliaries. Also he has just made my borders to the ends of the sky. All that surrounds the sun extraordinarily works for me.)The god knows they are from me - Amun Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands. He has made me rule Egypt for what I have made. I have no enemies in all the land. All the foreign lands are my slaves. He has made my borders to the ends of the sky. All that surrounds the sun works for me.

(He is being true to those actually with him. He knew I shall submit it to him. I am his genuine daughter, who extraordinarily glorifies him and just accomplished his exceptional orders. My reward from my father was life and well-being, and very settling on the brilliant throne of great Horus, with the extraordinary support of just all the admired ones, like Re, forever.)He is true to those with him. He knew I shall present it to him. I am his true daughter, who glorifies him and carries out his orders. My reward from my father was life and welfare, and settling on the throne of Horus, with the help of all the beloved ones, like Re, forever.


Re: Sun King of the Egyptian Gods


How to discribe an obelisk:
Only single block of impregnable granite, exquisite and old, no joins and mends.


The Insc ription on Hatshepsut's Obelisk

Based on the translation by Amir Hussein.

Western Side:
Horus strong spirited, youthful of years. Horus the Golden Bright God. Egyptian queen of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Maatkare. She has erected this as a monument to her father, master of the brides of the Two Lands. She has erected two large obelisks in front of the Gate of Amun, made of lots of electrum. She lightens the Two Lands like Aten. She has done what no one has done since the beginning of the earth. Hatshepsut has done this, daughter of the sun, given life forever.

Eastern Side:

Horus strong spirited, queen of Upper and Lower Egypt Maatkare beloved of Amun. This monument stands forever with the name of her father. Flattery was given to the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Aakheperkare (Thutmose I), by his majesty the great noble god. Two great obelisks have been erected by her majesty in the first occasion; they are words by the Lord of the gods. It is your father King of Upper and Lower Egypt Aakheperkare who gives the command to erect the obelisks. Your majesty shall repeat the monuments, causing life forever.

Southern Side:

Horus strong spirited, King of Upper and Lower Egypt Maatkare, the useful image of Amun. He caused her appearance as a queen of the throne of Horus in front of the sacred great house, and the nine gods brought her to be the mistress of the universe. They have mixed her with life and happiness before the life of the daughter of the sun, Maatkare. Beloved of Amun-Re, Lord of the gods who gives life as Re forever.

Northern Side:

Horus strong spirited green of life that is the bright god of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lady of the Two Lands Maatkare. Her father Amun has fixed her name Maatkare on the Holy Tree. Her annals like millions of years are united with life and welfare Daughter of Re, Hatshepsut, beloved of the king of the gods Amun, in front of this beautiful solid monument, which she erected for him in the first Jubilee to offer eternal life.

Base of the Obelisk:

Living Horus strong spirited, green of years, Golden Horus, the Bright Goddess. Goddess of Upper and Lower Egypt, Maatkare, daughter of Re, Hatshepsut, living forever. The daughter of Amun who is in his heart, his only child whom he has brought. The useful image of everyone's master; the spirit of Iunu created her beauty. She is the holder of the Two Lands, as Irsu, who created her to carry his crowns, who is there as Khepri, who shines with his crowns like Akhti. She is the chaste egg that has come out useful, whom the two great of magic (Isis and Nephthys) reared, whom Amun himself raised to his throne in Iunu in southern Thebes. He has chosen her to protect Egypt and to protect mankind and people.

Horus is protector of her father, the old daughter of the god Kamutef, whom Re has brought to be for him an excellent seed on earth, for the welfare of his people, his living image. Egyptian queen Maatkare of Upper and Lower Egypt, is the best of kings. She has made this as a monument for her father Amun, Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, in front of Ipet Issut (Karnak).

I have created two great obelisks of red granite of the south. Their upper sides are made of the best electrum of the Two Lands, which can be seen from both banks of the river, whose reflected rays flood the Two Lands. Aten (sun god) shines in their midst, as he shines in the sky.

I have done them with my heart, which loves my father Amun. I have had access to his secret for the first time. I have been introduced to his strong spirits. I shall not forget anything I go through. My majesty knows it is sacred. What I have done was really according to his command. He has guided me. I cannot do anything that is his doing. It is he who gives commands. I have not slept concerning his temple. I do not hide what I go through.

My heart is like Sia (goddess of wisdom) in front of my father, for I understand my father's wishes. I have not neglected the city of the Lord of All, but have given it my all. Therefore I know it is the horizon on earth, the great hill of beginning, the good eye of the Lord of All, in place of his heart which shows his beauty, encompassing all who follow him.

The king himself says I have put it before the people who shall come in the future, whose hearts care for this monument which I have made for my father. Those who shall talk in discussion, who shall look into the future. It is I who lives in the palace, I who remember my creator. My heart led me to make obelisks of electrum. From them I speak to the sky, in the honourable court of columns, between the two great pylons of the great king, the strong bull, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Aakheperkare, deceased.

Truly my heart turns this way and that, concerning what people speak and think - people who will see my monument years later, who will speak of what I have made. Beware of saying, 'I do not know why you have made that' - a mountain fashioned entirely of gold like that which has been made, which lives for Re, and loves me.

As long as my father Amun supports me and refreshes my nose with life and well-being, I have worn the white crown, and I shine in the red crown. The masters (Horus and Seth) have united the Two Lands for me. I have ruled this land like the son of Isis (Horus). I am strong like the son of Nut. Whereas Re sets in the boat of night and rises in the boat of morning, he gathered his mother in the Holy Boat. As long as the sky is there and his work is steady, I shall be forever like the star that does not end. I shall reign in the other life like Aten.

As for the two great obelisks, I have made them of electrum for my father Amun, for my name to last forever in this temple. They were one piece of strong granite, without a join or mend in them. My majesty ordered them to be made in year 15 (of Hatshepsut's rule), the second month of winter, on the first day, until year 16, fourth month, last day (when they were finished). The work has lasted 7 months since the arrangements in the mountain. I have made them for him with a loyal heart, like any king to his god. It was my wish to make them for him, golden of electrum. I have put their bodies on their bases.

I have thought of what people shall say. My lips are true, in all that goes out of them. I never go back on what I say. Listen to me: I have put on them the best electrum. I have weighed the electrum by the satchel like grains. My majesty has calculated, and the number is more than all she saw in the Two Lands. The ignorant as well as the learned knows that - you shall hear that. Don't say my words are exaggerations but say how like her it is, to be true to her father.

The god knows they are from me - Amun Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands. He has made me rule Egypt for what I have made. I have no enemies in all the land. All the foreign lands are my slaves. He has made my borders to the ends of the sky. All that surrounds the sun works for me.

He is true to those with him. He knew I shall present it to him. I am his true daughter, who glorifies him and carries out his orders. My reward from my father was life and welfare, and settling on the throne of Horus, with the help of all the beloved ones, like Re, forever.


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