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最后的审判 (593) 易經•彖傳•復

发表于 2021-9-26 07:55:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Tuan Zhuan: Fu
'Fu indicates the free course and progress (of what it denotes):' - it is the coming back of what is intended by the undivided line. (Its subject's) actions show movement directed by accordance with natural order. Hence 'he finds no one to distress him in his exits and entrances,' and 'friends come to him, and no error is committed.' 'He will return and repeat his proper course; in seven days comes his return:' - such is the movement of the heavenly (revolution). 'There will be advantage in whatever direction movement is made: - the strong lines are growing and increasing. Do we not see in Fu the mind of heaven and earth?

来源Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project


周易《易传》上篇白话文- 知乎
24 Returning FU | I Ching: Mothering Change

Steffany Gretzinger | John Wilds | Jesus Image Choir - YouTube

推背圖 第五十象 癸丑 ䷗ 震下坤上 復         

   水火相戰 時窮則變
   貞下起元 獸貴人賤
   虎頭人遇虎頭年 白米盈倉不值錢
   豺狼結隊街中走 撥盡風雲始見天



Tuan Zhuan: Fu
'Fu indicates the free course and progress (of what it denotes):' - it is the coming back of what is intended by the undivided line['Fu unobjectionably manifests having extra time passing combined with progress (by it denotes):' - besides, it is the coming back of what is expected via the whole line]. (Its subject's) actions show movement directed by accordance with natural order. Hence 'he finds no one to distress him in his exits and entrances,' and 'friends come to him, and no error is committed.''[(Its subject's) actions manifest movement expected via compatibility with natural regularity. In that case 'he begins to recognise not exactly any single man to jar on him in the entries and exits of his location,' besides, 'friends go down to him, accompanying no aberration is engaged in.']
He will return and repeat his proper course; in seven days comes his return:' - such is the movement of the heavenly (revolution)[He will reexamine and ditto his justifiable movements; next, in seven days comes his bringing back:' - the previously mentioned is being the exercises of class of holy and enjoyable (movements)]. 'There will be advantage in whatever direction movement is made: - the strong lines are growing and increasing. Do we not see in Fu the mind of heaven and earth?['There will be expediency in whatsoever direction (or bearing) activity is done: - besides, the strong lines are maximizing and growing. Do we not judge in trigram the mind of heaven as well earth?]


Tuan Zhuan: Fu (Excerpt)
'Fu indicates the free course and progress (of what it denotes):' - it is the Coming baCk of what is Planned by the undivided line. (Its subject's) actions show movement directed by accordance with eventually natural order.  

教授只保留一小時即刪的可怕預言!孟晚舟回國什麼在等她 ...

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