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最后的审判 (634) 波波武经 第二部分第十二章

发表于 2021-11-16 06:51:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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The Book of the People: POPUL VUH
Translated into English by Delia Goetz and Sylvanus Griswold Morley
from Adrián Recino's translation from Quiché into Spanish

II. Chapter 12

Here is the account of the death of Hunahpú and Xbalanqué. Now we shall tell of the way they died[Here is the major statements of the death of Xbalanqué in addition Hunahpú. Now we shall begin telling of the way they died then].
Having been forewarned of all the suffering which the [Lords of Xibalba] wished to impose upon them, they did not die of the tortures of Xibalba, nor were they overcome by all the fierce animals which were in Xibalba[Having been given advance warning of all the suffering which the Lords of Xibalba wished to impose just amid them, still they did not die of the tortures of Xibalba, nor they were being overcome by all the fierce animals which were in Xibalba].
[Ensuingly they sent for two soothsayers who were exactly like clairvoyants; they were just named as Xulú in addition Pacam, besides, were diviners, along with they said unto them:]Afterward they sent for two soothsayers who were like prophets; they were called Xulú and Pacam and were diviners, and they said unto them:
"You shall be questioned by the Lords of Xibalba about our deaths, for which they are planning and preparing because of the fact that we have not died, nor have they been able to overcome us, nor have we perished under their torments, nor have the animals attacked us["You shall be questioned through the Lords of Xibalba about our deaths, for which they are projecting and framing because of the existing fact that we have not died, nor have they been able to bring under control us, nor yet have perished under their tribulations, nor have the animals aggressed us].
We have the presentiment in our hearts that they shall kill us by burning us. All the people of Xibalba have assembled, but the truth is, that we shall not die. Here, then, you have our instructions as to what you must say[We have the presentiment in our hearts that they shall execute us via burning us together. All the people of Xibalba have just assembled, still the truth is, that we shall not die. Here, then, you have our examples in regard to what you must say]:
"If they should come to consult you about our death and that we may be sacrificed, what shall you say then, Xulú and Pacam["If they should come to consult you about our death in addition that we might be sacrificed, what shall you signify then, Xulú and Pacam?]? If they ask you: 'Will it not be good to throw their bones into the ravine?' 'No, it would not be well,' tell them, 'because they would be brought to life again, afterward!'[If they ask you: 'Will it not be indeed good to throw their execrable bones into the ravine?' 'No, it would not be enjoyable,' say to them, 'because they would be brought into existence again, later on!'] If they ask you: 'Would it not be good to hang them from the trees?' you shall answer: 'By no means would it be well, because then you shall see their faces again.'[If they ask you: 'Would it not be kind to hang them from the trees?' you will answer: 'It would be not in the slightest well, because next you will see their faces once again.'] And when for the third time they ask you: 'Would it be good to throw their bones into the river?' If you were asked all the above by them, you should answer: 'It would be well if they were to die that way; then it would be well to crush their bones on a grinding stone, as corn meal is ground[And just at the time they ask you for the third time: 'Would it be good to throw their exasperating bones among the river?' If you were asked all the above by them, you will answer: 'It might be well if they were to die akin to that; then it would be well to crush their bones on a grinding stone, approximating to corn or jowar meal is ground]; let each one be ground [separately]; throw them into the river immediately, there where the spring gushes forth, in order that they may be carried away among all the small and large hills.'[Let exclusively each one be ground; throw them into the river straight away, there where the spring gushes forth, in order that they may be carried away among all the extra tiny and enormous hills.'] Thus you shall answer them when the plan which we have advised you is put into practice," said Hunahpú and Xbalanqué[Thus you shall answer them when the plan which we have advised you is just about to make use of," said Xbalanqué in addition Hunahpú].
And when they [the boys] took leave of them, they already knew about their approaching death[And when the boys began leaving of them, they already discerned about their approaching death].
They made then, a great bonfire, a kind of oven; the men of Xibalba made it and filled it with thick branches[They made then, a great bonfire, a kind of oven; the lords of Xibalba made it and also filled it with thick branches].
Shortly afterward the messengers arrived who had to accompany [the boys], the messengers of Hun-Camé and Vucub-Camé[In a jiffy afterward the messengers arrived who had to mix with and go around with the boys, the dominant messengers of Hun-Camé and Vucub-Camé].
"'Tell them to come. Go and get the boys; go there so that they may know we are going to burn them.' This the lords said, oh, boys!" the messengers exclaimed["'Tell them to come. Go and get the boys; go there so that they will know possibly we are going to burn them.' This the lords of Xibalba said, oh, boys!" the messengers just exclaimed so].
"It is well," they answered. And setting out quickly, they arrived near the bonfire. There [the Lords of Xibalba] wanted to force the boys to play a mocking game with them["It is exciting," they made a response. By setting out quickly, they arrived near the burning bonfire. There the Lords of Xibalba wanted to force the boys to play a jeering game surrounded by them].
"Let us drink our chicha and fly four times, each one [over the bonfire] boys!" was said to them by Hun-Camé["Let us drink our intoxicating chicha and fly four times, each one over the bonfire boys!" was being said to them by Hun-Camé].
"Do not try to deceive us,"[the boys] answered. "Perchance, we do not know about our death, oh lords! And that this is what awaits us here? "And embracing each other, face to face, they both stretched out their arms, bent toward the ground and jumped into the bonfire, and thus the two died together["Do not try to deceive us," the boys answered. "Maybe, we do not acquaint regarding our death, oh lords of Xibalba! So this is what awaits us here? "And embracing each other, face to face, they both jutted their arms, bent towards the ground and jumped into the bonfire, approximatively the two died together].
All those of Xibalba were filled with joy, shouting and whistling they exclaimed: "Now we have overcome them. At last they have given themselves up."[All those of Xibalba were filled with rejoicing, yelling and bawling they exclaimed: "At this moment we have subjugated them. Decisively they have given themselves up."]
Immediately they called Xulú and Pacam, to whom they [the boys] had given their instructions, and asked them what they must do with their bones, as they [the boys] had foretold[They expeditiously called Xulú along with Pacam, to whom they, the boys had given their biddings, and asked them what they must do with their bones, as they, the boys had foretold]. Those of Xibalba then ground their bones and went to cast them into the river. But the bones did not go very far, for settling themselves down at once on the bottom of the river, they were changed back into handsome boys. And when again they showed themselves they really had their same old faces[Those of Xibalba on that occasion ground their bones and went to cast them into the river. Except the bones did not go extraordinarily far, just because homing themselves down expeditiously at the base of the river, they were changed back into good-looking boys.
The instant they bagan showing and expressing another time themselves they just had their same old faces].

POPUL VUH - LatinAmericanStudies.org

瑪雅文明 - owlapps
Popol Vuh - 基切玛雅历史
Popol Vuh - Annenberg Learner

The Maya - Latin American Studies

都曾有过大洪水的传说。 譬如《圣经》里诺亚方舟的故事 ..


II. Chapter 12 (Excerpt)

"You Shall be questioned by the Lords of Xibalba about our deaths, for which they are planning and preparing because of the faCt that we have not died, nor have they been able to overCome us, nor have we Perished under their torments, nor have the animals attacked us. We have the presentiment in our hearts that they shall kill us by burning us.

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