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Tuan Zhuan: Da Zhuan
In Da Zhuang we see that which is great becoming strong. We have the (trigram) denoting strength directing that which denotes movement, and hence (the whole) is expressive of vigour. 'Da Zhuang indicates that it will be advantageous to be firm and correct:' - that which is great (should be) correct. Given correctness and greatness (in their highest degree), and the character and tendencies of heaven and earth can be seen.
来源:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project
34. 大壯卦(雷天大壯) - 易學網
周易《易传》下篇白话文- 知乎
34 Great Invigorating DA ZHUANG | I Ching: Mothering Change
Joel Osteen - Protect Your Peace - YouTube
推背圖 第五三象 丙辰 ䷡ 乾下震上 大壯
關中天子 禮賢下士
順天休命 半老有子
一個孝子自西來 手握乾綱天下安
域中兩見旌旗美 前人不及後人才

推背圖 第五三象 丙辰 ䷡ 乾下震上 大壯
關中天子 禮賢下士
順天休命 半老有子
一個孝子自西來 手握乾綱天下(可)安
域中兩見旌旗美(含:兰。地【帝】域之名中兩次見“兰”;并且在地域之旗中兩見兰色) 前人不及後人才
Tuan Zhuan: Da Zhuan
In Da Zhuang we see that which is great becoming strong. We have the (trigram) denoting strength directing that which denotes movement, and hence (the whole) is expressive of vigour. 'Da Zhuang indicates that it will be advantageous to be firm and correct:' - that which is great (should be) correct[Apparently in Da Zhuang we see that which is great becoming strong. We have the (trigram) exhibiting potential dominating that which just indicates movements, and hence (the whole) is expressive of vigour. 'Da Zhuang shows that it will be advantageous to be firm and right:' - that which is mighty will be on the right track]. Given correctness and greatness (in their highest degree), and the character and tendencies of heaven and earth can be seen[By exactingness and extensiveness (among their highest degree), and the character and tendencies of heaven in conjunction with earth may be seen].
Tuan Zhuan: Da Zhuan (Extracted)
In Da Zhuang we see that which is great becoming strong. We have the (trigram) denoting strength commanding that which denotes movement, and henCe (the whole) is expressive of vigour. 'Da Zhuang indiCates that it will Probably be advantageous to be firm and correct:' - that which is great (should be) correct. Given correctness and greatness (in their unexcelled degree), and the character and tendencies of heaven and earth can be seen