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最后的审判 (720) 易經•彖傳•歸妹

发表于 2022-3-2 07:47:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Tuan Zhuan: Gui Mei
By Gui Mei (the marrying away of a younger sister) the great and righteous relation between heaven and earth (is suggested to us). If heaven and earth were to have no intercommunication, things would not grow and flourish as they do. The marriage of a younger sister is the end (of her maidenhood) and the beginning (of her motherhood). We have (in the hexagram the desire of) pleasure and, on the ground of that, movement following. The marrying away is of a younger sister. 'Any action will be evil:' - the places (of the lines) are not those appropriate to them. 'It will be in no wise advantageous:' - the weak (third and fifth lines) are mounted on strong lines.

SourceBook of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project



周易《易传》下篇白话文- 知乎
周易理解 - Google Books result
54. 歸妹卦(雷澤歸妹) | 易經今解(周易今解) | 易學網
54 Marrying Maiden GUI MEI | I Ching: Mothering Change




(In other words)
Tuan Zhuan: Gui Mei

The marriage of a younger sister is the end (of her maidenhood) and the beginning (of her motherhood). We observe in the hexagram the desire of exhilaration and joy, and movement succeeding, which existed above the base of that. The marrying away is of a younger sister. 'Any operation will be scandalous:' - the places (of the lines) are not those convenient to them. 'It will be in no wise advantageous:' - the feeble (second and fourth lines) are mounted on strong lines.

(Gathering the shaded letters)
The beginning name is green and last one is blue.

Tuan Zhuan: Gui Mei

By Gui Mei (the marrying away of a younger sister) the great and righteous relation between heaven and earth (is suggested to us)[By Gui Mei (the marrying away of a beautiful younger sister) the extensive and righteous relation between heaven in conjunction with earth (is manifested to us)]. If heaven and earth were to have no intercommunication, things would not grow and flourish as they do. The marriage of a younger sister is the end (of her maidenhood) and the beginning (of her motherhood)[For example heaven in addition to globe were to have no getting in touch, every thing would not begin to grow and luxuriate as they do their jobs. And the marriage of a same family younger sister exactly is the depart (of her maidenhood) and the beginning (of her motherhood and lying-in)]. We have (in the hexagram the desire of) pleasure and, on the ground of that, movement following. The marrying away is of a younger sister[We observe in the hexagram the desire of exhilaration and joy, and movement succeeding, which existed above the base of that. The marrying away is of a nubile younger sister]. 'Any action will be evil:' - the places (of the lines) are not those appropriate to them. 'It will be in no wise advantageous:' - the weak (third and fifth lines) are mounted on strong lines['Any action will be noxious:' - the places (of the lines) are not those justifiable to them. Besides, 'It will be no exceedingly advantageous:' - the feeble (second and fourth lines) are heightened on studly lines].

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Tuan Zhuan: Gui Mei
By Gui Mei (the marrying away of a younger sister) the great and righteous relation between heaven and earth (is suggested to us). If heaven and earth were to have no interCommuniCation, things would not grow and flourish as they do. The marriage of a younger sister is the end (of her maidenhood) and the beginning (of her motherhood). We have (in the hexagram the desire of) Pleasure and, on the ground of that, movement following. The marrying away is of a younger sister. 'Any action will be evil:' - the places (of the lines) are not those appropriate to them.



乌克兰与俄国的之间问题,靠人类自己是解决不了的问题(譬如,泽伦斯基总统呼吁美国与北约在乌克兰上空设立禁飞区或派遣地面部队来阻止俄罗斯的进攻,就很难达成)。而且其发展方向甚至触发和导致人类的生存危机。类似的问题在世界上,还有好几个。所以这个时期,叫做“末世”。造成这个结果,既有像CCP这样的bad egg,也有自私、无序、短视(如碳排放与全球暖化)和犯罪行为(如中共在武汉这样的大城市搞冠状病毒升级的研究,接着故意释放病毒,导致globe pandemic)的作用。各种矛盾纠缠不清,解不开,越解还越乱。看起来,似乎人们都活够了,活腻了,不知道该怎么活了。君不见,人们的各种各样的前所未有的、反常的疯狂举动。

马太福音24 CUVMPS - 预言圣殿被毁
Matthew 24 | NKJV Bible | YouVersion
生命智慧162 【末世是现在】预言性的事件正在发生 - YouTube

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