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最后的审判 (786) 诗经•大雅•清廟之什•清廟

发表于 2022-7-12 19:38:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-8-6 18:52 编辑

清廟 - Qing Miao        


Qing Miao:      

Ah! solemn is the ancestral temple in its pure stillness.
Reverent and harmonious were the distinguished assistants;
Great was the number of the officers:
[All] assiduous followers of the virtue of [king] Wen.
In response to him in heaven,
Grandly they hurried about in the temple.
Distinguished is he and honoured,
And will never be wearied of among men.

清廟- Qing Miao - Book of Poetry - Chinese Text Project


啊庄严而清静的宗庙,助祭的公卿多么庄重显耀!  济济一堂的众多官吏,都秉承着文王的德操;为颂扬文王的在天之灵,敏捷地在庙中奔跑操劳。文王的盛德实在显赫美好,他永远不被人们忘掉!

诗经的作者简介 - 瑞文网
King Wen of Zhou - Wikipedia
姬昌(周朝奠基者) - 百度百科
诗经- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
周文王- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
诗经(中国最早诗歌总集) - 百度百科
《诗经》的作者来源诗经四大家及创始人是谁? - 趣历史
《周颂·清庙之什.清庙》原文注释翻译及赏析-学习网 - 唐诗宋词
《诗经》中最长和最短的诗篇各是什么,你知道吗? - 今日头条



Church Online • 17th July • Ps Ollie Nelson • 11am - YouTube
Special guest CeCe Winans! ???? | Lakewood Church Service


Qing Miao

(In other words)
Ah! solemn is the ancestral temple in its pure stillness.
Reverent and harmonious were the distinguished assistants;
Great was the number of the officers:
They are the hardworking and mettlesome followers of the invisible high principles and responsibility.
And as a compensation for him in heaven,
They lavishly enthused and hurried about in the large temple.
Distinguished is he and honoured,
His brilliant repute will never be wearied of among men.

(Gathering the shaded letters)
The first name is green. And the last name is blue.

清廟 - Qing Miao        

濟濟(Ji and Ji)多(more)士(shi)、秉(含: )文之德。

Qing Miao:      

Ah! solemn is the ancestral temple in its pure stillness[Ah! majestic and impressive exist the lineal and ancestorial temple in the middle of its absolutely sterling soundlessness and calmness].
Reverent and harmonious were the distinguished assistants[Courtly and kind of befittingly concordant at any time were the exceptional also unobjectionable member of staff];
Great was the number of the officers[Exorbitantly outrageous and strong was the number of the in good order officers]:
[All] assiduous followers of the virtue of [king] Wen[They are inarguably the hardworking and also mettlesome followers of the extraordinary goodness and justness].
[As a compensation for him among the abode of God,]In response to him in heaven,
Grandly they hurried about in the temple[They expressly invigorated along with hurried about in the large temple].
Distinguished is he and honoured[Lofty is he and great honoured],

And will never be wearied of among men[And the fame will never be wearied of among men].

AMEN AMEN- Sinmidele and Ore Macaulay - YouTube

啟示錄2:17 CUVMPT
What does Revelation 2:17 mean? - BibleRef.com

启示录5 CUVMPS - 七印封严的书卷
Revelation 5 King James Version - Bible Gateway

关于其中提到的“七角七眼seven horns and seven eyes”

seven horns)指的是:中文名字有七个笔画带有明显角度。
七眼(seven eyes)指的是:“耶和華”三个汉字。合拢的方形“眼”,共有七个。


Qing Miao:      

Reverent and harmonious were the reputable assistants;
UnCalCulable and Plenteous was the number of the officers:     

(In short)
Ruin CCP.

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