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最后的审判 (885) 以诺二书 第十二章

发表于 2022-11-27 07:36:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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2 Enoch
Translated by F. Andersen

12 About the very wonderful solar elements.
And I looked and saw flying spirits, the solar elements, called phoenixes and khalkedras, strange and wonderful. For their form was that of a lion, their tail that of a …, and their head that of a crocodile. Their appearance was multicolored, like a rainbow. Their size was 900 measures. Their wings were those of angels, but they have 12 wings each. They accompany and run with the sun, carrying heat and dew, and whatever is commanded them from God.

Thus he goes through a cycle, and he goes down and he rises up across the sky and beneath the earth with the light of his rays. And he was there, on the track, unceasingly.
Source: 2 Enoch

Enoch - Wikipedia

02以诺二书 - 美门堂
4 以诺与神同行 - MIT

以诺- 与神同行三百年9
4.以诺与上帝同行- 生命季刊
以诺与神同行 何卫中|金灯台活页刊

圣经人物:以诺与神同行! - YouTube
圣经中的以诺是一个没有死的人 - N D U
《以諾書》全篇Cephas @ 在沙灘洗滌記憶
创世记第五章短篇信息 - 〔返回講道資料總索引〕

以诺书》中文版- 哲學- Aeons隱知_神秘學網站(指引社
世界四大奇书之一《以诺书》,地位直逼《圣经》 - 网易
奥城华人基督教会主日于斌牧师讲道之《以诺与神同行的信心 ...
【视频】人从哪里来?被隐藏千年的禁书:才是人类真正的歷史 ...

有人说,以诺书中没有提及上帝。但是你们看看,每一句经文都谈及上帝之名,并且贯穿全章 (而只有这样才因此被称作真经文)。尤其是以诺二书 (The second book of Enoch) 每一章的标题,特别强调了本章论及上帝之名。这可是几千年前的经文 - 所以,醒醒吧,无神论者们!醒醒吧,那些拜假神的!

伪经《猶大福音》和《約翰密傳》是古时异教徒的邪恶作品。如今的异教徒和无神论者将其视为圣典,为他们的亵渎背书,这其中就包括《达文西密码》后面隐藏的诺斯底主义者,在许多方面他们都严重地亵渎了上帝。他们还宣称上帝是没有名字的,甚至连天使们都没有见过他 - 这显然是错误的!因为上帝是有名有姓的,并且时时刻刻都被天使们包围着 (不然,他们怎么执行上帝的指令!!!上帝为什么要创造天使?)。如果读过韩国《格庵遗录》的,可知上帝的居所 (位于“天坡”之上) 被大量天使包围得就像铁桶一般 (可惜中共刺客们不信 - 被天使们抓获后,自知获救无望,一个个都成为了叛徒。幕后的公安部前副部长孙力军逃不脱干系 - “轻举妄动!” 黑帮头子斥责道)。

读过波波武经 (POPUL VUH)的,可知主人公是双胞胎,实际上是暗指上帝是三位一体的 (两人,再加上圣灵;双胞胎的母亲本是处女)。而耶稣基督说“我与父原为一” (两人,再加上圣灵)
读过古埃及亡灵书 (THE BOOK OF THE DEAD) 的,可知当上帝沉睡时,圣灵升天指挥天军行动,但上帝并不觉察。

诺斯底主义- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
达·芬奇密码(丹·布朗著长篇小说) - 百度百科
什么是基督教的诺斯替教? - GotQuestions.org


2 Enoch

12 About the very wonderful solar elements[About the unique solar elements of the kind that is staggeringly wonderful].
And I looked and saw flying spirits, the solar elements, called phoenixes and khalkedras, strange and wonderful[There I glanced and made out flying breathtakingly wonderful spirits (that is, the unique solar elements), often called phoenixes in addition khalkedras, strange and wonderful].* For their form was that of a lion, their tail that of a …, and their head that of a crocodile[Just because their lineament was that of a lionfish, and their luxuriantly too lengthy tails approximated to goldfishes, besides their noggins were resembling crocodiles]. Their appearance was multicolored, like a rainbow. Their size was 900 measures. Their wings were those of angels, but they have 12 wings each. They accompany and run with the sun, carrying heat and dew, and whatever is commanded them from God[Their typical tone and image was of the kind that bright-coloured, resembling a rainbow. Their extension and dimension was of the kind that just about 900 palms. Their wings approximated to those of angels, despite being every single one of khalkedras (that
is to say, being interpreted, phoenixes) has 12 wings. They accompany and run with the remote sun, carrying major steam as well as heat, and whatever is commanded them from out of God].**
[In that manner he experiences an interval of time, next off he goes down and he goes up over and above the airspace and underground the earth with the light of his rays. Invariably, he was abiding on the road.]Thus he goes through a cycle, and he goes down and he rises up across the sky and beneath the earth with the light of his rays. And he was there, on the track, unceasingly.

*spirits: 精灵。

Biblical and Talmudic units of measurement - Wikipedia


2 Enoch
12 About the very wonderful solar elements.
Thus he goes through a cycle, and he goes down and he rises up crossing the sky and beneath the earth with the light of his lucency. And he was there, on the way, perpetually.
(In short)
Ruin CCP.

王局拍案|少年,你们是中国的未来!20221128 - YouTube

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