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最后的审判 (904) 以诺二书 第六十二章

发表于 2023-1-9 09:09:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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2 Enoch
Translated by F. Andersen
62 About how it is appropriate to bring one’s gift with faith. And that there is no repentance after death.  

“Happy is the person who, in his suffering, brings his gifts with faith before the face of the LORD, and sacrifices them and then receives remission of sins. But if, before the time comes, he should retract his vows, there is no repentance for him.
If the time specified elapses, and then he does it, he will not be accepted, and there is no repentance after death. Because everything before the time and after the time which a person does, both are a scandal before men and a sin before God.
Source: 2 Enoch


2 人若亲口承诺在某个时间带同礼物到上主面前,而他又实际如此行,他将要获得赏赐。但假使那指定的时间过了,然后他才实践他的承诺,则他的悔改将不会被接纳,
3 因为拖延足以造成丑闻。

02以诺二书 - 美门堂

94.以诺与上帝同行- 生命季刊
以諾- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《以諾書》全篇Cephas @ 在沙灘洗滌記憶
创世记第五章短篇信息 - 〔返回講道資料總索引〕

奥城华人基督教会主日于斌牧师讲道之《以诺与神同行的信心 ...
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5 By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. 6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. (Hebrews 11 NIV)

5 以诺因着信被接去,不至于见死,人也找不着他,因为神已经把他接去了;只是他被接去以先,已经得了神喜悦他的明证。 6 人非有信就不能得神的喜悦,因为到神面前来的人必须信有神,且信他赏赐那寻求他的人。(希伯来书 11)

Joel Osteen LIVE ???? | Lakewood Church Service - YouTube

火星男孩是真的吗?能预知未来?! - 新浪


12 他的眼睛如火焰,他头上戴着许多冠冕,又有写着的名字,除了他自己没有人知道。(启示录 第19章)

启示录19 CUVMPS - 神申讨大淫妇流人血之罪- Bible Gateway

January 22, 2023 Online Worship Service - YouTube


2 Enoch (In other words)

62 On the subject of how it is fairly suitable to bring one’s gift with exactness and firm belief. In order that there is no allowance of regret or dejection after demise.
Great enjoyable is the person who...

62 On the subject of how it is reasonable to conduct one’s donation with exactness and firm belief. In order that there is no allowance of regret or dejection after demise.
Happy and blithe is the person who, within the innards of his nightmare bother, picks his gifts with credence before the face of the LORD, and sacrifices them and then receives remission of sins.

62 On the subject of how it is singularly suitable to brings one’s gifts with exactness and firm belief. In order that there is no allowance of regret or dejection after demise.
Happy is the person who, in his tribulation, supplies his gifts with faith before the face of the LORD...
(Gathering the shaded letters above)
The first name of God is green. The second name of God and the third are brick red. And the last name of God is blue.


2 Enoch
62 About how it is appropriate to bring one’s gift with exactness and firm belief. In order that there is no allowance of regret or dejection after the demise.   

Happy in sooth is the human being who, in his excruciation, brings his rather notably meaningful gifts with justness and firmness in front of the face of the LORD, and offers them graciously and next gains amnesty (that is to say, acquittal or dispensation) of wrongs or misconducts. Debarring if, by the continuance comes, he really is obliged to renege or retract his vows, there is no allowance of regret or dejection for him.
If the indicated time expires, and he does it next off, he will not be grudgingly allowed, and there is not in any circumstances pangs of conscience, disgrace, bother, regret or dejection after demise. Since everything a person executes in advance of the time and after the time, both have being an outrageous wrongdoing ahead of human beings accompanied by a sin in front of God.


Who is God? - GotQuestions.org
Who Is God? | Answers in Genesis

Who Is God? (THIS IS SO POWERFUL) - YouTube
Who Is God? (THIS IS SO POWERFUL) II - YouTube


2 Enoch

62 Surrounding how it is acceptably appropriate to brings one’s gift with faith.

(In short)
Ruin CCP.

如果说习近平想当“皇帝”或者说他事实上是个“皇帝”,他为什么至今都未发 “罪己诏”? -- 他连做个封建皇帝都不称职啊。
人不知理定有祸,事出反常必有妖 -- 中共国的妖们都是谁呢?中共自己自不必说;另外以钟南山为代表的专门误导大家的“专家”,他们算不算妖呢?


人不知理定有祸,事出反常必有妖 - 古诗文网

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