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最后的审判 (924) 孟子•公孙丑上 续十一

发表于 2023-2-9 17:28:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续十一)

Mencius replied, 'Let us drop speaking about these, if you please.'
Chou then asked, 'What do you say of Bo Yi and Yi Yin?'

'Their ways were different from mine,' said Mencius. 'Not to serve a prince whom he did not esteem, nor command a people whom he did not approve; in a time of good government to take office, and on the occurrence of confusion to retire - this was the way of Bo Yi. To say "Whom may I not serve? My serving him makes him my ruler. What people may I not command? My commanding them makes them my people." In a time of good government to take office, and when disorder prevailed, also to take office - that was the way of Yi Yin. When it was proper to go into office, then to go into it; when it was proper to keep retired from office, then to keep retired from it; when it was proper to continue in it long, then to continue in it long - when it was proper to withdraw from it quickly, then to withdraw quickly - that was the way of Confucius. These were all sages of antiquity, and I have not attained to do what they did. But what I wish to do is to learn to be like Confucius.'
(To be continued)
公孫丑上- Gong Sun Chou I - Mengzi - Chinese Text Project


Mencius - Wikipedia
《孟子》中的规矩之道 - 党建网
孟子- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
孟子与“孔孟之道”的形成 - 光明网

孔子和孟子核心思想的区别? - 知乎
孟子(战国时期儒家代表人物) - 百度百科

孔子并非是孟子的老师,孔孟之间的关系,原来是这样的 - 搜狐

【#PLive】20230213 星雲法師圓寂讚頌典禮 - YouTube


公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续十一)

Next Mencius claimed, 'Allow us put off speaking on this subject another time please.'
Gong Sun Chou examined next in order, 'What do you say of Yi Yin and Bo Yi in bygone days?'

'Their ways were anything but mine,' alleged Mencius then.' Not to serve a prince whom he did not extol in addition admire together with glorify, nor command a human being whom he did not rather approve; in a time of enjoyable regime to respond to office, together with in a time of confounding to depart - this was the exceptional means of Bo Yi. Notwithstanding, to declare, "Whom may possibly I not give help to? And my serving him brings into existence him my dominator. What human beings could I not officially give the order to? My management them majestically makes them my people." In a time of good government to take office, and in a time of imbroglio brought round, also to take office - that was the exceptional means of Yi Yin. At the time it was befitting to go into office, ensuingly to go into it; and at the time it was befitting to keep retired from office, next to cling to retired away from to it; for the period that it was just and meet to sustain in it long, next to maintain it long - at the time it was wonderfully befitting to withdraw from it quickly, in due course to pull back unhesitatingly - that was the exceptional means of Confucius. These were all sages of days of yore, and I have not attained and completed to carry off anything they performed. Just the same as I expect to do is to learn to be resembling Confucius.'

(To be continued)
Comment: What do the above words mean if there is no God?


公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续十一)

Mencius said, 'Let us drop speaking surrounding these, if you please.'
On that occasion Chou probed, 'What do you say of Bo Yi and Yi Yin?'

(In short)
Mencius said, "Ruin the CCP."

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