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最后的审判 (957) 路加福音 第23章 续四 神是三位一体的证据

发表于 2023-4-15 15:01:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2023-5-30 08:44 编辑

Luke 23 续四
King James Version

38 And a supers cription was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, This Is The King Of The Jews.

39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.

40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?

41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.

42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.

44 And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.

45 And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.

46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

47 Now when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified God, saying, Certainly this was a righteous man.

48 And all the people that came together to that sight, beholding the things which were done, smote their breasts, and returned

(To be continued)

Luke 23 King James Version
Luke 23 NIV - Then the whole assembly rose and led
Luke 23 - Audio Bible - King James Version Dramatized 1611


Light Of The World-Trinity Worship - YouTube
This I Believe (The Creed) - Hillsong Worship - YouTube


路 加 福 音 23 (续四)

38 在 耶 稣 以 上 有 一 个 牌 子 ( 有 古 卷 在 此 有 : 用 希 利 尼 、 罗 马 、 希 伯 来 的 文 字 ) 写 着 : 这 是 犹 太 人 的 王 。

39 那 同 钉 的 两 个 犯 人 有 一 个 讥 诮 他 , 说 : 你 不 是 基 督 麽 ? 可 以 救 自 己 和 我 们 罢 !

40 那 一 个 就 应 声 责 备 他 , 说 : 你 既 是 一 样 受 刑 的 , 还 不 怕 神 麽 ?

41 我 们 是 应 该 的 , 因 我 们 所 受 的 与 我 们 所 做 的 相 称 , 但 这 个 人 没 有 做 过 一 件 不 好 的 事 。

42 就 说 : 耶 稣 阿 , 你 得 国 降 临 的 时 候 , 求 你 记 念 我 !

43 耶 稣 对 他 说 : 我 实 在 告 诉 你 , 今 日 你 要 同 我 在 乐 园 里 了 。

44 那 时 约 有 午 正 , 遍 地 都 黑 暗 了 , 直 到 申 初 ,

45 日 头 变 黑 了 ; 殿 里 的 幔 子 从 当 中 裂 为 两 半 。

46 耶 稣 大 声 喊 着 说 : 父 阿 ! 我 将 我 的 灵 魂 交 在 你 手 里 。 说 了 这 话 , 气 就 断 了 。

47 百 夫 长 看 见 所 成 的 事 , 就 归 荣 耀 与 神 , 说 : 这 真 是 个 义 人 !

48 聚 集 观 看 的 众 人 见 了 这 所 成 的 事 都 捶 着 胸 回 去 了 。


路加福音23 Chinese Union Version (Simplified)
#圣经朗读#听圣经#圣经#圣经故事路加福音23章圣经和合本 ...



Readers, the program of Church Unlimited this Sunday morning (April 16, 2023) regarding this chapter of Bible, and was well done by Pastor Tak Bhana. Suggesting you to watch.

Trinity Song (feat. All Sons & Daughters) (Lyrics) - YouTube


Luke 23 续四
King James Version (In other words)

45 And the sun at first was darkened, and then the ornamental curtain of the HOLY temple was rent in the midst.
46 And when he had cried with a loud SOUND, JESUS said, said, HOLY FATHER, into thy hands I HOLD UP MY SPIRIT: this, he outright rested in peace.

45 And the sun was darkened in a second, and the ornamental curtain of the HOLY temple was rent in the midst.
46 And when he had cried with a loud SOUND, JESUS said, said, HOLY FATHER, into thy hands I HOLD UP MY SPIRIT: and having said this, he rested in peace.
47 After the centurion saw what was done, he celebrated quickly God, saying, Assuredly this was a righteous man.

45 And the sun singularly started to darken, and ornamental curtain of the HOLY temple was rent in the midst.
46 And when he had cried with a loud SOUND, JESUS said, HOLY FATHER, into thy hands I HOLD UP MY SPIRIT: and having said this, he absolutely gave up the ghost.

(Gathering the shaded letters above)
The first name of HOLY SON JESUS, HOLY FATHER and HOLY SPIRIT is green. The second name of HOLY SON JESUS, HOLY FATHER and HOLY SPIRIT and third are brick red. And the last name of HOLY SON JESUS, HOLY FATHER and HOLY SPIRIT is blue.



Trinity Song - YouTube

Luke 23 续四
King James Version

38 And then a name was set forth distinctly on top of Jesus in letters of Latin, and in letters of Greek, alongside Hebrew, This Is The King Of The Entire Jews.

39 And one of the inexorable misfeasors, which were being hung, vociferated meanly on Jesus, saying, Only if thou be Christ, save thyself inclusive of us.

40 Whereas the other misfeasor answering blamed him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, thinking of as thou art in the same excruciating pain and also punishment?

41 And we altogether are punished justly; forasmuch we score the expected requital of our bearings: only this decent human being hath engaged something distinctly blameless.

42 Then he begged off unto Jesus softly, Lord, think back me the instant thou extraordinarily comest into thy abode of God.

43 And softly Jesus said unto him, Precisely I say unto thee, This day shalt thou be found accompanied by me in Garden of Eden.

44 There and then it was near middle of the day, and there was an exceedingly darkness over all the ground through to the mid-afternoon.

45 At this time the sun was being concealed, meanwhile the wonderfully fine ornamental curtain of the venerated temple was being torn in the midst of it.

46 And at the time Jesus had cried off WITH A LOUDLY YELLING SOUND, he rapped, HOLY FATHER, into thy hands I HOLD UP MY SPIRIT: having announced this, he really gave up the ghost.

47 Since at the time the centurion examined what was done, he glorified God, saying, This was authentically a just and blameless man.

Likewise, in the process of the disturbing event all the men and women that came TOGETHER to directly have experience of that proceeding, beholding the every single one of the things which were being done dolefully, smote their ribs excruciatingly, moved back then.

(To be continued)

The Trinity Song - Video - YouTube


Luke 23 续四
King James Version

44 And it was around high noon, and there was a darkness over all the earth reaching three in the afternoon.

45 In a second the sun was completely darkened...

(In short)
Ruin the CCP.

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