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最后的审判 (1050) 重读德斐尔箴言 (二)

发表于 2023-7-25 10:00:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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001.        Επου θεω        Follow God        顺天理(道)        
002.        Νομω πειθου        Obey the law        守律法        
003.        Θεους σεβου        Worship the Gods        礼拜诸神        
004.        Γονεις αιδου        Respect your parents        孝敬父母        
005.        Ηττω υπο δικαιου        Be overcome by justice        由正义,公正(司法)来解决问题        
006.        Γνωθι μαθων        Know what you have learned        知道你所学到的        
007.        Ακουσας νοει        Perceive what you have heard        察觉你所听到的        
008.        Σεαυτον ισθι        Be Yourself or Know Yourself        认识你自己        
009.        Γαμειν μελλε        Intend to get married        意向结婚成家        
010.        Καιρον γνωθι        Know your opportunity        了解你的机遇        
011.        Φρονει θνητα        Think as a mortal        像凡人一样去思索(务实)        
012.        Ξενος ων ισθι        If you are a stranger act like one        若你是个陌生人则行动的像个陌生人(或指入乡随俗和重礼节,但不忘本色和不过份干涉)        
013.        Εστιαν τιμα        Honor the Hearth (or Hestia)        敬重火灶神(或可译为圣火神坛,祭坛,火炉灶,火壁炉,词根与燃烧相关,古时火焰或被视为善与智慧的象征、清浄、正义、真理)

Delphic maxims
德尔斐箴言- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

The ENTIRE Story of Greek Mythology Explained - YouTube

Delphi: The Bellybutton of the Ancient World - YouTube

oracle: 神谕。



Delphic maxims (2)

147 maxims of Stobaeus
In the 5th-century anthology of Stobaeus, there is a list of another one hundred and forty seven maxims attributed to the old-timey Seven Sages of Greece.

The maxims are farther translated into English and they are as follows:
Follow holy God; Obey the law and prescription; Worship the Holy Gods; Adore your father and mother oftentimes; Wholly be gotten around by the spirit of justice and honour; Always know what you have wholly had lessons in; And be aware of which ones all you have gotten wise to the fact; Further be yourself and have knowledge of yourself; Aspire to tie the knot; Be aware your any one likelihood or lucky chance or facility; theorise as an adult; Hypothetical you are a stranger respond like one; And honour always the hearth (or Hestia who symbolises the spirit of holy and sacrificial fire, as one of the Twelve Olympians);

(To be continued)


Delphic maxims

Perceive which in particular you indeed have heard; Further be yourself or become cognizant of yourself; Plan to get married...

Ruin the CCP.

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