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Wei Liu, Democracy Promoter: 2023 September: Only in Communist China, Human incl









发表于 2023-9-3 01:17:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
刘蔚, Wei Liu: 人包括华人唯独在中共区没有人身自由 712
WeiLiu, Democracy Promoter: 2023 September: Only in Communist China, Humanincluding Chinese People Cannot Have Freedom to Go to a Different Place 712
民主人士/普通百姓/民人   刘蔚      2023年9月 Youtube了。
2023年9月2日       2023 September 2.
WeiLiu 2023 September on Youtube now. 在Youtube 了。
本集主要内容: Main Idea of thisEpisode:                                       
Wei Liu: 2023 September:Virus is Made in China  
Only in CommunistChina, Chinese people cannot withdraw money from the bank. Starting from 2022,multiple provinces in China including Henan Province, Anhui Province,Chongqing, half a million people there cannot withdraw money from the bankowned by the Communist. Till now 2023, over 400 days passed, and they stillcannot get their money from the Communist banks. Further, starting fromSeptember 2023, Chinese Communist enacts multiple policies to disable people’sfreedom to withdraw money from the bank. For example, one statute is that aperson withdrawing or depositing over 50,000 Chinese yuan, about 5,000 U. S.dollars, must provide the source and the usage of the money to bank. Then it isup to the Communist Bank to say Yes or No. If they choose not to believe thewords of the customer, then the customer cannot withdraw money from the bank.The airports in China run by the Communist only allow a person to carry 20,000Chinese yuan, about 2,000 U. S. dollars, to go abroad. In short, regardless theeffort or hardship a Chinese person undergoes in China, the money he/she canreally decide where to use is about 2,000 U. S. dollars for the life. Human includingChinese people in the 200 countries in the world can all withdraw money fromthe bank freely, but not in Communist China.
Only in CommunistChina, people do not have the freedom of going to a different place. From 2019to 2022, Xi Jinping Regime ordered 1.3 billion Chinese people stay home in thename of Virus. Many Chinese people died from starvation, lack of medical care, pressurefrom Communist. Then after 2022, people in China can go to a difference place,but there is no law to protect people’s freedom, which means Chinese Communistcan shut people in their apartment building again if they want to. Millions ofChinese have their passports taken away by the Communist Leaders. Human includingChinese people in the 200 countries in the world can go anywhere they want to,but not in Communist China.
Only in CommunistChina, human is facing a foreign language because those Communist has adifferent language, being slave to their superior, disregard people’s rightsand life needs. Take the above as example. You think you and Communist allspeak Chinese, but that does not help at all. You stand in the office and wantto withdraw your own money from the bank. You talk with Communist for 6 hoursand you still cannot get your own money from the bank. Human in the 200countries in the world, go to a bank and talk less than 1 minute, and you canwithdraw your money from the bank, but not in China. It is also in China,information including Chinese is blocked the most. One goes to Thailand, India,one can see a hundred times more Chinese videos on Youtube. Human includingChinese people in the 200 countries in the world can communicate by language,solve the problem, but not in Communist China.
Only in CommunistChina, high school students studying over 10 hours a day cannot go to college.Chinese Communist runs Entrance Examination to College from 1977 to now 2023,over 40 years. In the key high schools in China, students study at least 10hours a day, and quite some 13 hours a day. But the admission rate in China isfrom 5% in the 1980s to 50% in the 2020s. In the 40 years about 220 million Chinesestudents participated in Entrance Examination to College, we reckon 150 millionChinese students who study over 10 hours a day during the three years of highschool failed that exam and cannot go to college. High school students whostudy over 10 hours a day can go to college in any of the 200 countries in theworld, but not in Communist China.
Only in CommunistChina, one’s apartment, food, money, information is the worst among the world.In China, the apartment building has very poor quality. The running waterinside the apartment is not drinkable. There is only several degrees differenceof temperature between inside and outside. China holds about 6% of the arablein the world and each year it consumes 50% of the pesticide in the world. Thefood quality in China is the worst in the world. Chinese yuan cannot buy land,cannot exchange with foreign currency for common people in China, the price inChina increases by 30% every year from the 1980s to now 2020s. Chinese yuan isthe worst currency in the world. Information, we already mentioned, it is inChina information including Chinese Language is blocked the most in the world.You go to India, Thailand, Europe, Australia, America, you see 100 times ofmore Chinese videos on the Internet. Human including Chinese people can havedecent apartment, food, money, information in the 200 countries in the world,but not in Communist China.
Now in the 2020s,1.3 billion Chinese people should work for two things. One is body freedom.Every Chinese in China should have a passport and have the rights to go abroad.The other is money freedom. Every Chinese in China should have the rights towithdraw money from the bank without any problem.
I support theAffirmative Action in college admission in America. We need diversified studentbody in America.
Thetext of the Video is on History Forum, Politics Forum of creaders.net.
Nationalsor Kuomin Party lost China to Chinese Communist Party for it was cheated ahundred times by CCP, including Nationals stopping attack against CCP in 1936,Chongqing Negotiation in 1945, Ceasefire Agreement in Northeast in 1946,Beijing Negotiation in 1949, National General Zuoyi Fu turned over Beijing toCCP in 1949, National General Wenhui Liu and Yun Long turned over SouthwestChina to CCP in 1949, National General Zhiyue Tao turned over Northwest Chinato CCP in 1949, National General Qiwu Dong turned over Inner Mongolia to CCP in1949.
刘蔚   2023年9月    Youtube 了。
        人包括华人唯独在中共地方不能上大学。中共环境的高中生每天学习时间绝对在10小时以上,好些学生每天学习时间在13小时以上。如果在印度,泰国等地球200个国家,这些高中生都能上大学。中共的高考从1977年到现在2023年,进行40年以上,从1980年代的约5%的 录取率,到现在2020年代约50%的录取率,40年累计约2.2亿人参加了中共的高考,高考落榜的估计有1.5亿人。我刘蔚当年在中共地方高中每天学习13个小时,也没有上中共在四川的高考分数线。真相是我们这1.5亿高考落榜生,在地球上200个国家任何国家都能上大学,但在中共地方就不行。
         可见,中共是地球上唯一反华的,唯一汉奸。中共不让人取钱,不让人有人身自由包括出国的自由,就是反人类的。中共环境13亿人权意识淡薄。2020年代13亿人就争取两项基本人权吧。一是每个中国人100来斤的身体自由,每个中国人都该有护照,有出国的自由,与单位领导无关。二是每个中国人的取钱自由,只要是你的钱,不管几百万人民币,几百亿人民币,银行无权扣留,必须让百姓取钱。就是现在2020年13亿人就争取两个自由,身体自由,取钱自由。如何争取,就看各人自己的考虑了。在网上发声,电话,传单,你坐车或步行到你不经常去,没人认识你的地方,在黑夜里喊,“每个中国人都该有取钱自由,几百万人民币,几百亿元人民币,只要是百姓的钱,银行无权扣留。” 你不到一分钟,在黑夜喊两遍,然后迅速撤退。至于说游行,示威,那要看你周围人的觉悟了。我只是说我们每个人可以做的。这两个自由应该是13亿人在2020年代长期争取的。
        我是男士,我的交友Skype: beyu1213@hotmail.com
        可见,中共是地球上唯一反华的,唯一汉奸。中共不让人取钱,不让人有人身自由包括出国的自由,就是反人类的。中共环境13亿人权意识淡薄。2020年代13亿人就争取两项基本人权吧。一是每个中国人100来斤的身体自由,每个中国人都该有护照,有出国的自由,与单位领导无关。二是每个中国人的取钱自由,只要是你的钱,不管几百万人民币,几百亿人民币,银行无权扣留,必须让百姓取钱。就是现在2020年13亿人就争取两个自由,身体自由,取钱自由。如何争取,就看各人自己的考虑了。在网上发声,电话,传单,你坐车或步行到你不经常去,没人认识你的地方,在黑夜里喊,“每个中国人都该有取钱自由,几百万人民币,几百亿元人民币,只要是百姓的钱,银行无权扣留。” 你不到一分钟,在黑夜喊两遍,然后迅速撤退。至于说游行,示威,那要看你周围人的觉悟了。我只是说我们每个人可以做的。这两个自由应该是13亿人在2020年代长期争取的。

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