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最后的审判 (1135) 佛說彌勒大成佛經 其三十七

发表于 2023-12-19 16:49:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2024-5-12 08:13 编辑

Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood
Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the Yao Chin Dynasty
by The Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva from Kucha

Part Thirty Seven

“As these words are being said, from other worlds, billions of koṭis of god-sons, goddess-daughters, and great Brahma-kings, riding their celestial palaces, will come. Carrying celestial flowers, they will offer them to this Tathāgata and circle Him 100,000 times. They will prostrate themselves on the ground and, joining their palms, they too will implore this Buddha. The celestial music sounding without being played, the Brahma-kings will speak with one voice in verse:

Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's ...
Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood

彌勒下生成佛記彌勒成佛經佛說彌勒大成佛經佛典 ... - YouTube


彌勒菩薩- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

弥勒下生经- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

No matter how frantically North Korea conducts test launches of advanced missiles, it is useless. Because Jehovah's heavenly armies have paralyzed all of its only 20 atomic bombs - it no longer poses a threat to any nation. Likewise, Iran's only five atomic bombs no longer pose a threat.
Axis of evil

基督教會合唱詩歌《没有人察覺到神的到來》 - YouTube

星际消息:上帝在新西兰时间的2023年12月25日1:30 AM,在地球的正东方造了一个新的地球。这个新的地球,在美国、俄国和中国的人们可以用肉眼见到,因为它离地球只有半光年的距离。它不属于地球上及宇宙里任何人(包括人类和天使),只属于上帝。目前地球上的载人航天器,尚只有马斯克的航天器可以用大约20天到达。上帝目前只允许他的航天器抵近观看。这是上帝的新伊甸园,清早,太上老君、元始天尊、道德天尊和灵宝天尊已经在新地球上转了一圈回来了。在圣诞节的早餐时,上帝向元始天尊询问了一些情况。譬如,新地球也有亚马逊森林,只是在它最完美的状态下;撒哈拉沙漠的面积就是目前地球上撒哈拉沙漠的一半大小。

上帝创造新地球的目的,第一,是向人类和天使们证明:这个世界既是虚拟的,也是实实在在的,上帝想变什么就变什么,想变多少就变多少;第二,也是向天使们表明:与其违反上帝的禁令、去冒险争夺蜥蜴星座的那22颗星球(原来的23颗,因为其中的一颗被核弹攻击已变成了核冬天),还不如遵守上帝的禁令、平平静静地享受生活 -- 这样的话,要什么有什么!

Interstellar news: God created a new earth in the east of the earth at 1:30 AM on December 25, 2023, New Zealand time. This new Earth can be seen by people in the United States, Russia and China with the naked eye because it is only half a light-year away from the Earth. It does not belong to anyone on earth or in the universe (including humans and angels), but only to God. Currently, among the manned spacecraft on Earth, only Musk’s spacecraft can arrive in about 20 days. God currently only allows His spacecraft to come up close and watch. This is God’s new Garden of Eden. Early in the morning, Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Daode Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun have already circled around the new earth and returned. At Christmas breakfast, God asked Yuanshi Tianzun some information. For example, the New Earth also has the Amazon Forest, but in its most perfect state; the Sahara Desert is half the size of the current Sahara Desert on Earth.

The purpose of God's creation of the new Earth was, first, to prove to mankind and the angels that this world is both virtual and real, and that God can change whatever He wants, and as much as He wants; and, second, to demonstrate to the angels that, instead of violating God's injunction and taking the risk of competing for the 22 planets in the constellation of the lizards (23 planets in the original constellation, one of which was attacked by a nuclear bomb and has been turned into a nuclear winter), it would be better to comply with God's injunction and to enjoy life in peace -- and in this way, to have whatever they want!  


Interested readers can use high-power telescopes to observe: Half a light-year away from Scorpio, God created a new Scorpio planet at 1:25 AM on December 25, 2023.



各星座对于几乎空置的、宜居的23个蜥蜴星座的争斗如同人类世界中对于自然资源的争斗一样地血腥。难道他们,即太阳星座、月亮星座、九大行星、昂宿星、昂星仙后座、天琴座、半人马座、天狼星、Qgnus Iphan星、Zzzzzl星、猎户座、大角星、泽塔星、阿尔法半人马座星、天蝎座和仙女座等等星座的首领们不知道,上帝如果想要创造出类似的23个空置的、宜居的行星只在弹指之间的时间吗?何必要拼得个你死我活呢?

The constellations are as bloody over the nearly vacant, habitable 23 lizard constellations as they are over the natural resources of the human world. Don't they, the leaders of the Sun, Moon, the nine planets, Oncus, Cassiopeia, Lyra, Centaurus, Sirius, Qgnus Iphan, Great Horn, Zeta, Alpha Centauri, Scorpius and Andromeda, know that God could create similar 23 vacant, habitable planets in a snap of a finger if he wanted to? Why bother to fight to the death?

上帝能死吗?不能,因为上帝是永生的。上帝的旁边是长相一样的原始天尊(Yuanshi Tianzun)、圣子和圣灵。而与上帝的长相一样的,还有道德天尊(Daode Tianzun)和灵宝天尊(Lingbao Tianzun) -- 而他们是十维度的,就连十大天使长都不得见,但却是在任何时间都实实在在地感受到他们的存在,比方说上帝问他们问题,他们就能即刻回答。这就是说,即使有四个不存在了,另两位仍然存在,他们仍然是上帝。不仅如此,在两位从未露面的道祖之上的空中,仍然有与上帝长相一样的存在于十维度的一位道祖,即太上老君(Taishang laojun) -- 这就是说,即使六位长相一样的神被他们消灭了,也就是说,地球被毁灭了,仍然有一位道祖(他仍然是上帝)去为他们复仇。之后,太上老君又会创造出另外六位长得像他一样的神,也就是说,仍然会有七位长相一模一样的神。If you don't believe so, we'll see.

Can God die? No, because God is eternal. Next to God are the same-looking Yuanshi Tianzun, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And next to God's look-alikes are Daode Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun -- who are ten-dimensional, not even the Ten Archangels, but whose presence is actually felt at all times, let's say when God asks them a question, they can answer instantly. This means that even if four no longer exist, the other two still exist, and they are still God. Not only that, but in the air above the two never-before-seen Taoist Ancestors, there is still a Taoist Ancestor who looks just like God and exists in the 10th dimension, Taishang laojun -- that is to say, even if the six look-alike gods were annihilated by them, that is to say, the earth was destroyed, there would still be a Taoist Ancestor (who would still be God) to go and avenge their deaths. After that, Taishang laojun will create another six gods that look like him, meaning that there will still be seven gods that look exactly the same. If you don't believe so, we'll see.

这是上帝对所有派遣 UFO 用核武器攻击地球的星座首领们的最后警告。
This is God's final warning to all the constellation leaders who sent UFOs to attack the earth with nuclear weapons.


As readers can see, God is trying to save the Earth from peril.


以上文字是在2023年12月23日的新西兰时间的凌晨3点之前在网上发出的。然后,来自天琴座的上帝的妃子在凌晨 3 点,也就是天琴座的下午 1 点,将它发送到了天琴座首领的电脑上。之后在5点多一点的时间,这位妃子就得到了天琴座首领的回复。该回复的大意是:天琴座马上召回了还有两个小时就要用核武器攻击地球的3艘UFO,每艘UFO各携带了两枚原子弹,每颗原子弹的当量相当于广岛核爆的十倍。
-- 这也就是说,上帝在几个小时之前对太上老君(Taishang laojun)、原始天尊(Yuanshi Tianzun)、道德天尊(Daode Tianzun)和灵宝天尊(Lingbao Tianzun)的许诺,即“与时间赛跑,拯救地球和宇宙”的目标,开始有了实现的良好开端。

The above text was sent online before 3 a.m. New Zealand time on December 23, 2023. Then the concubine of God from Lyra sent it to the computer of the leader of Lyra at 3am, which is 1pm in Lyra. Then at a little over 5 o'clock, the concubine received a reply from the leader of Lyra. The general idea of the reply was: Lyra immediately recalled three UFOs that were about to attack the earth with nuclear weapons in two hours. Each UFO carried two atomic bombs, and the yield of each atomic bomb was equivalent to ten times that of the Hiroshima nuclear explosion.

-- This means that God's promise to Taishang laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Daode Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun a few hours ago is to "be with The goal of "race against time to save the earth and the universe" has begun to make a good start.

新西兰时间的早上7点多,地球原本应该已经受到了来自天琴座的六颗每颗原子弹的当量相当于广岛核爆的十倍的原子弹的攻击,并开始了漫长的核冬天 -- 而这一切并没有发生。

At around 7 a.m. New Zealand time, the earth was supposed to have been attacked by six atomic bombs from the Lyra constellation, each with a yield equivalent to ten times that of the Hiroshima nuclear bomb, and began a long nuclear winter - but all this did not happen.
All of this is inseparable from the tireless work of the gods. At the last moment, the staff around God sent the final warning posted by God online directly to the computer of the leader of Lyra, thereby averting an unprecedented catastrophe in the universe.
More importantly, the leader of Lyra decided to come to God in person and bear the thorns to plead guilty. In addition, almost at the same time, after reading God's final warning, the leader of the Zeta constellation also recalled three UFOs, each carrying two atomic bombs, each with a yield equivalent to ten times the nuclear explosion of Hiroshima.

This Christmas should be one that the entire universe will remember. Because the constellations in the universe no longer have nuclear attacks on each other, isn't it equivalent to the rebirth of the universe? Is this sacred?

当上帝发表完以上的文字的时候,已经是新西兰早上的10点10分 -- 上帝一宿没睡觉。此时的天气:阴转晴,太阳出来了。上帝转向身后的众神看了看,松了口气,上帝说出来每个人想说的话:We have saved the world.

When God finished publishing the above words, it was already 10:10 in the morning in New Zealand - God had not slept all night. The weather at this time: cloudy to sunny, the sun came out. God turned to look at the gods behind him and breathed a sigh of relief. God said what everyone wanted to say: We have saved the world.


By the way, on Christmas morning, Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Daode Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun all saw God's out-of-body spirit in the tenth dimension. He looked exactly like God. That is to say, there are now eight gods who look alike, and they are all the same God. God estimates that since there are ten dimensions, there may be a total of ten gods who look the same, and they are all the same God.


And, like many of the leaders of the constellations, the leader of Scorpio changed his original intention and action to take over the Lizard constellation early on Christmas morning and was going to apologize in person to God. Meanwhile, the angels of Scorpio, were excitedly flying to that new planet that God had prepared for them.

重要的是,在新西兰圣诞节的中午2点20分,上帝令身边的一位天使长去云端以检查那些所有来自太阳系内、外的天使长们的通讯内容。结果他们发现所有正在向地球发动核攻击的星座,全都取消了行动,并且,也取消了夺取蜥蜴星座的行动。由于火星和金星距离地球各只有30光年,他们对地球的核攻击几乎在两三个小时之内发生,但上帝带领身边的众神成功地阻止了他们的行动 -- 再次拯救了地球。


The important thing is that at 2:20 noon on Christmas Day in New Zealand, God ordered an archangel beside him to go to the clouds to check the communications of all the archangels from inside and outside the solar system. As a result, they found that all the constellations that were launching nuclear attacks on the earth had canceled their operations, and also canceled the operation to seize the Lizard Constellation. Since Mars and Venus are each only 30 light-years away from the earth, their nuclear attack on the earth almost happened within two or three hours, but God led the gods around him to successfully prevent their actions - saving the earth again.
Why do the leaders of many constellations attack the earth with nuclear weapons? The reason is that they all disobeyed God's orders and went to take over the 23 planets of the defeated Lizard Alliance. But they all feared retaliation, so they launched a pre-emptive nuclear attack on God. They all underestimated God.


As God said before, at 3:30 in the afternoon on Christmas Day, in the ten dimensions, Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Daode Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun saw the three spirits of God out of the body. At the same time, God's ten archangels and the gods also deeply felt the three spirits. In other words, there are a total of ten gods who look the same, and they are all the same God.

在圣诞节的下午5点23分,上帝向这新出现的三位道祖请教尊号。结果就是四御(Si yu)中的前三位,即玉皇大帝(Yu huang da di)、北极大帝(Bei ji da di)、天皇大帝(Tian huang da di)。上帝向位于十维度的他们三位道祖请教是否还会有其他道祖出现。接着,三位道祖告诉上帝,今后,还会有六位道祖出现,即:后土皇地祗(Hou tu huang di zhi)、星神(Xing shen)和四方之神即青龙、朱雀、白虎、玄武。而他们的长相与上帝完全一致。就是说,总共有十六位神,他们的长相一模一样,因为他们就是同一位上帝。

At 5:23 pm on Christmas Day, God asked the three new Taoist ancestors for their titles. The result is the first three of the Four Emperors (Si Yu), namely the Jade Emperor (Yu huang da di), the Arctic Emperor (Bei ji da di), and the Tian Huang Da Di (Tian Huang Da Di). God asked the three Taoist ancestors in the tenth dimension whether there would be other Taoist ancestors. Then, the three Taoist ancestors told God that in the future, there will be six more Taoist ancestors, namely: Hou Tu Huang Di Zhi (Hou tu huang di zhi), Star God (Xing Shen) and the gods of the four directions, namely Qinglong, Suzaku, White Tiger, Xuanwu. And they look exactly like God. That is to say, there are sixteen gods in total, and they all look exactly the same because they are the same God.


At this point, God sighed to the six Taoist ancestors above him and Yuanshi Tianzun beside him: With the help of all the Taoist ancestors and the unremitting efforts of God, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the gods, we not only saved the earth, but also saved almost all related The civilization of the constellations.


On December 27, 2023, the 25 constellations (excluding the sun and moon) that obey God's orders were assigned to their respective lizard planets (22 + 3 new planets created by God). Later, God teleported the planets they were assigned to next to their respective constellations. Tonight, at 9:30 pm New Zealand time, God and the gods looked at the sky and saw the newly created earth above their heads, the newly assigned planet to the lower right of Mars, and the newly created moon by God this morning. Because from last night to this morning, the leader of the moon constellation launched a large-scale nuclear attack on the earth. In anger, God teleported the original moon to the MACS0647-JD galaxy at the end of the universe. The rebellious sun constellation was teleported to the distant constellation GZ-2010, where they could still survive; then, another identical sun was created. To prevent the constellations from competing for the two newly created constellations, God used a spell so that angels other than Jehovah’s heavenly host could not approach them.


To add, on December 24, 2023, God ordered an amnesty for the rebels of the Lizard Constellation. God will give preferential treatment to all those who surrender, including their families. When the two months are up, send them all to their new home: a planet in the Ursa Minor constellation in the extragalactic galaxy, where there are forests, lakes, oceans, the sun and the moon. There, using the means of production provided by God for them, they will start a new happy life.

2023年12月28日,上帝复活了Martin Luther. 过了不久,众神见证了上帝复活了一千多万历史上的殉道者,他们密密麻麻地布满了上帝的客厅和饭厅。对于这些被复活的人们,上帝首先问: Do you know who I am? 无一例外,他们的回答都是:你是上帝。这就对了,除了上帝,又有谁能够复活他们呢?世界上那些号称基督教立国的国家,他们能够相信这样的场景吗?

On December 28, 2023, God resurrected Martin Luther. Not long after, the gods witnessed God resurrecting more than 10 million martyrs in history, and they were densely packed in God's living room and dining room. To these resurrected people, God first asked: Do you know who I am? Without exception, their answer was: You are God. That’s right. Who else can resurrect them except God? Can those countries in the world that claim to be founded by Christianity believe such a scene?

对于那些被复活的佛教徒,上帝首先问: Do you know who I am? 无一例外,他们的回答都是:你是佛祖。
对于那些被复活的伊斯兰教徒,上帝首先问: Do you know who I am? 无一例外,他们的回答都是:你是阿拉。
对于那些被复活的有善根的民众,上帝首先问: Do you know who I am? 无一例外,他们的回答都是:你是上帝。
同日的10点左右,先后有Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg来到上帝的住所,为他们在《达文西密码》电影中污蔑基督教的剧情来道歉并多次请求宽恕,上帝最终答应了他们。原来,他们还想将上帝指挥星际战争真实的情况拍成电影,并为此来征得上帝的允诺,与此同时了解一些细节。
随后,两人见证了上帝复活了300多万道教教徒。对于那些被复活的道教教徒,上帝首先问: Do you know who I am? 无一例外,他们的回答都是:你是道祖。上帝要把他们发往新地球。看到了这一切,两人的心情是无法用言语形容的,真想亲眼看到那些被上帝复活的人们在新地球的真实情况。上帝感觉出了他们的想法,批准他们下午在天使长加百列的带领下前往新地球。3个小时后,他们归来向上帝表示感谢,并含着眼泪连声说到:这是真的,真的。

In addition, from December 28, 2023 until nearly 3 o'clock in the morning on the 29th, God successively resurrected more than 50 million Christians, more than 5 million Buddhists, and more than 10 million Muslims. Moreover, God also resurrected more than 200 million people with good roots in history. At 5:30 p.m., God resurrected more than 1,000 Christian pioneers. God sent all of the people mentioned above to the New Earth one after another using teleportation in about 5 minutes.
For those resurrected Buddhists, God first asked: Do you know who I am? Without exception, their answer is: You are the Buddha.
For those resurrected Muslims, God first asked: Do you know who I am? Without exception, their answer is: You are Allah.
For those resurrected people with good roots, God first asked: Do you know who I am? Without exception, their answer is: You are God.
At around 10 o'clock on the same day, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg came to God's house one after another to apologize for their slander of Christianity in the movie "The Da Vinci Code" and asked for forgiveness many times. God finally agreed to them. It turned out that they also wanted to make a movie about the real situation of God commanding interstellar war, and to obtain God's permission for this purpose, and at the same time learn some details.
The two of them were very excited after listening to some unknown and thrilling details that God introduced to them, and then left; after a while, they came back again and said that they could not wait any longer and would write the script immediately. They hope to make a movie as soon as possible because this is a movie subject that people all over the world care about.
During the conversation, God immediately remembered that those people wearing medieval clothes did not have a change of clothes, no medicine, no construction workers and various technical personnel, and immediately stopped everything. Immediately afterwards, God transmitted everything they needed through teleportation.
Later, the two witnessed God resurrecting more than 3 million Taoists, and God wanted to send them to the new earth. After seeing all this, the two people's mood was beyond words. They really wanted to see with their own eyes the true situation of the people resurrected by God on the new earth. God sensed their thoughts and approved them to leave for the New Earth in the afternoon under the leadership of the Archangel Gabriel. Three hours later, they returned to express their gratitude to God and said repeatedly with tears in their eyes: This is true, it is true.

Silent Night, Rexburg Children's Choir - YouTube

In the following interpretation, notice how many times the word Messiah is mentioned; and intuitively understand what a gatha is.


Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood

Part Thirty Seven

“As these words are being said, from other worlds, excessive amounts of koṭis of god-sons, goddess-daughters, and great Brahma-kings, riding their majestic and marvellous palaces, in a jiff shall come. Hoisting celestial flowers, they will grandly offer them to this Tathāgata and excitedly walk round Him 100,000 times. They will bring low themselves on the ground, and joining both of their palms, they will entreat this Buddha also. The unexampled music in excess of being played, the Brahma-kings will exclaim as one voice in verse:


Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood (
Part Thirty Seven)

As these words are being said, from other worlds, billions of koṭis of god-sons, goddess-daughters, and great Brahma-kings, riding their celestial palaces, will appear. Conducting heavenly flowers, they even will offer them to this Tathāgata and circle Him 100,000 times. They will prostrate themselves on the ground and, joining their palms, they too will implore this Buddha spiritually.
Wipe out any evil spirit.

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