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发表于 2010-1-27 22:21:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
从丹尼伯克雷的第二本书《天堂教我的七堂课》中,得知劳瑞•杜西医师(Larry Dosse

A Conversation About the Future of Medicine

Micke Crockett Lymphoma survivor and fly fisherman

Micke Crockett:
Inyour new book, Reinventing Medicine, you describe three periods inmedicine: Eras I, II, and III. Please tell us about them.
在你的新书《医学的再发现(Reinventing Medicine)》里,你提到了医学的三个时期:时代1,时代2和时代3,请给我们解释一下。

  Larry Dossey:(劳瑞•杜西
These eras describe the periods through which medicine has progressed since the second half of the 19th century.   

Era I, which can be called"mechanical medicine" and which began roughly in the 1860s, reflectsthe prevailing view that health and illness are totally physical innature, and thus all therapies should be physical ones, such assurgical procedures or drugs. In Era I, the mind or consciousness isessentially equated with the functioning of the brain.

Era II began to take shape in the period followingWorld War II. Physicians began to realize, based on scientificevidence, that disease has a "psychosomatic" aspect: that emotions andfeelings can influence the body's functions. Psychological stress, forexample, can contribute to high blood pressure, heart attacks, andulcers. This was a radical advance over Era I.
  The recently developing Era IIIgoes even further by proposing that consciousness is not confined toone's individual body. Nonlocal mind -- mind that is boundless andunlimited - is the hallmark of Era III. An individual's mind may affectnot just his or her body, but the body of another person at a distance,even when that distant individual is unaware of the effort. You canthink of Era II as illustrating the personal effects of consciousnessand Era III as illustrating the transpersonal effects of the mind.

It's important to remember that these eras are not mutually exclusive;rather they coexist, overlap, and are used together, as when drugs areused with psychotherapy, and surgery is used with prayer.


Micke Crockett:
What do these eras mean for the future of medicine?

Larry Dossey:(劳瑞•杜西
They can help us make sense of theconfusion within medicine. By drawing attention to the effects ofconsciousness, they can help us move beyond the exclusive use ofmechanical, physical measures in treating illness.

The most interesting era, in myview, is Era III. The evidence supporting Era III implies that thereare no boundaries to consciousness, that it is infinite in space andtime. If our minds are unbounded, then they must unite or come togetherat some level. This means that in some sense we are literally one. Theimplications of this unity are profound. If our minds are connected,then we can, and do, share any and all experiences. All the joys andsorrows of life can be mutual affairs. This means we are never alone,which relieves the twin burdens of loneliness and isolation, two majorfactors in illness.

The biggest payoff of Era IIIconcerns our destiny. If our mind is nonlocal and boundless, then it isinfinite in time. Therefore, the death of the body does not mean thatconsciousness ceases to exist; something about us endures. Era III,therefore, carries with it the promise of immortality, which is a curefor the "disease" that has caused more suffering for humans than anyother: the fear of death.

Micke Crockett:
How did you become interested in the effects of prayer?

Larry Dossey:(劳瑞•杜西
I grew up in a deeply religious environmentin central Texas, where people prayed all the time; but I threwreligion overboard when I went off to college and fell in love withscience. I had no interest in prayer again until, during my practice ofinternal medicine, I occasionally began to bump into patients who hadhorrible diseases and who received no medical treatment - yet theirillnesses went away following prayer. One patient I encountered duringmy first year in medical practice had terminal lung cancer for which notreatment was given; members of his church prayed nonstop for him andthe cancer totally disappeared. I did not take these cases seriously,however, until the mid-80s, when I discovered the existence ofscientific studies, dealing with humans and animals, showing theeffects of prayer. After years spent researching this evidence, Ibecame convinced that it is one of the best-kept secrets in medicine.

Micke Crockett:
Can you cite specific research that supports your theory that prayer can help people heal?

Larry Dossey:(劳瑞•杜西
In 1998, Dr. Elisabeth Targ and hercolleagues at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco,conducted a controlled, double-blind study of the effects of "distanthealing," or prayer, on patients with advanced AIDS. Those patientsreceiving prayer survived in greater numbers, got sick less often, andrecovered faster than those not receiving prayer. Prayer, in thisstudy, looked like a medical breakthrough.
在1998年,Elisabeth Targ博士和她的同事们,在加利福尼亚洲旧金山的和平医疗中心,进行了受控制的,双方向遮蔽(译注:具体见后面的说明),关于“远程治疗”或者祈祷,对晚期艾滋病病人的效果的研究。那些接受了祈祷的病人,比没有接受祈祷的病人,存活了更多的天数,并且常常是病的轻,恢复的要快。在这项研究里,看起来祈祷是一个医学的突破。

In 1988, Dr. Randolph Byrdconducted a similar study at San Francisco General Hospital involvingpatients with heart attack or severe chest pain. He found that patientsreceiving prayer did much better clinically than those who did not.
在1988年,Randolph Byrd博士,在旧金山综合医院进行了一项类似的研究,围绕心脏发作,或者严重胸痛的患者。他发现在临床上,受到祈祷的病人要比没有受到的要更好一些。

Currently, Dr. Mitchell Krucoff at DukeUniversity Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, is studying theeffects of prayer on patients undergoing cardiac procedures such ascatheterization and angioplasty. Patients receiving prayer have up to100% fewer side effects from these procedures than people not prayedfor.
目前,北卡罗莱纳州,都汉姆的杜克大学医疗中心的Mitchell Krucoff 博士,正在研究祈祷对于,正在接受--例如导管插入手术或血管形成手术等--心脏手术的病人的效果,受到祈祷的病人在手术中所受到的副作用,几乎100%的要少于没有受到祈祷的病人。

These are impressive double-blind studies, meaning that no one knowswho is receiving prayer and who isn't. This eliminates or at leastreduces the placebo effect, which is the power of suggestion orpositive thinking. However, the studies I find most impressive are notdone on humans. For example, when bacteria are prayed for, they tend togrow faster; when seeds are prayed for, they tend to germinate quicker;when wounded mice are prayed for, they tend to heal faster. I likethese studies because they can be done with great precision, and theyeliminate all effects of suggestion and positive thinking, since we canbe sure the effects aren't due to the placebo effect. Mice, seeds, andmicrobes presumably don't think positively!


Micke Crockett:
How do you see these concepts being incorporated into the current medical model?

Larry Dossey:(劳瑞•杜西
My wife and I were recently invited toconsult with a large hospital in a major city. The CEO and a fewphysicians on the staff had become aware of the evidence supporting thehealth effects of religious devotion and prayer. How, they asked,should they respond to this evidence? Should they relegateresponsibility to the clergy or to hospital chaplains? Should thephysicians and nurses play an active role? A meeting was held thatinvolved prominent leaders of the community. One woman stated, "If Iwere sick and came to this hospital, and you didn't offer me some formof spiritual support, I would be very angry!"

This illustrates the situation ourhealing institutions face. The public, by and large, wants spiritualsupport to be available. A survey on the East Coast found that 75% ofhospitalized patients believed their doctor should be concerned abouttheir spiritual welfare; and 50% wanted their physician to pray notonly for them, but with them. In response to the evidence showing apositive role of prayer and religious practices on health, nearly 50medical schools currently offer courses in this area. The fact that ouryoung doctors are now learning about these issues is an importantindicator of where we are headed.
这例证了我们的治疗体系所面临的状况。公众们,大体来说,是希望精神支持,是可以被利用的。根据一项在东海岸所做的调查,有75%的被送入医院治疗的病人们相信,他们的医生应该对他们精神上的安宁给予关心。并且50%的病人需要他们的医生,不仅仅是为了他们而祈祷,还要和他们一起祈祷(pray with them)。

But Era III interventions do not have to be physically located inhospitals. Recall that prayer and positive intentions are nonlocal;they work at a distance. Evidence suggests that they are as effectivefrom the other side of the earth as at the bedside. This means that laygroups, off site, can successfully employ these methods; we don't haveto depend on doctors and hospitals to provide them. Even so, I dobelieve physicians should take a greater lead in Era III medicine.Perhaps they may choose to pray for their patients. Or, at least, theymight mention the importance of these factors, which could encouragepatients to "cover their spiritual bases" in their own ways: forexample, asking friends to pray for them or placing their names onvarious prayer lists in the community.
但是,时代3没有必要应该被明显的定位在医院里,请回想一下刚才所说的,祈祷和正面的意图是非局限性(非本地的),它们是能在远方起作用。这证据暗示了,即使是远在地球的另外一边也会有效,就跟在床边一样。这意味着,专家小组(lay groups),或不在现场,也能成功的采用这些方法;我们不需要必须依赖医生和医院来提供这些东西。

The important thing is tohonor the data supporting the benefits of spirituality in health,instead of continuing to ignore them. As we move forward, however, wemust be very careful not to use this evidence as a pretext for pushingour private religious views onto people who are sick. I have seen a fewexamples of shameless evangelizing during illness, which I deplore.Above all, we must avoid making people feel as if they are spiritualfailures if they get sick or don't heal, as if illness were punishmentfor sin.

Micke Crockett:
What sort of reactions have your ideas met with in the medical establishment and among practitioners of different religions?

Larry Dossey:(劳瑞•杜西
There is intense interest among physicians.I cannot keep up with the invitations to speak about these issues atmedical schools and hospitals. This is a dramatic change from fiveyears ago, reflecting a growing acknowledgment of the evidence thatsupports a role for spirituality in health. Of course, there are a fewdoctors who think this wrong, who believe we're trying to drag medicineback into the Dark Ages, but this is a minority point of view.

Modern medicine is one of the mostspiritually malnourished professions that has ever existed. Doctorsneed their spiritual needs to be met, just like anyone else. This isanother reason most physicians are sympathetic to these developments.The response from nurses tends to be, "What took you so long?" Nurses,by and large, understand intuitively the role of spirituality inhealing. I am immensely grateful for their support. The response of thetheological community is 95% positive, although a small minoritydoesn't like that the experiments show that the prayers of allreligions appear to be effective.

Micke Crockett:
What is the currentattitude about alternative medicine held by the orthodox medicalcommunity? How is the popularity of alternatives affecting themainstream?
Larry Dossey:(劳瑞•杜西
Surveys show that a large majorityof conventional physicians are interested in alternative therapies andwant to know more about them. As an indicator of this widespreadinterest, the Journal of the American Medical Associationdevoted a special issue to alternative medicine in 1998; and the greatmajority of the nation's 125 medical schools have courses inalternative therapies. Most physicians are stunned by the extent towhich their patients have responded to alternative therapies. Nearlyhalf of adults in the US seek out some type of alternative therapyevery year; this exceeds the combined number of office visits to familydoctors, internists, pediatricians, and gynecologists. Currently, mostphysicians are trying to understand why this is happening, and this isprompting a healthy reexamination of medicine in general.

Micke Crockett:
What is the mostimportant issue in health care today? What will the hospital look likein the future? What will training be like?

Larry Dossey:(劳瑞•杜西
The major challenge we face is howto spiritualize and humanize medicine, how to infuse it with acompassionate quality that answers to our inner needs as well as to theneeds of our physical bodies. The good news is that this challenge isbeing met. In the future, high-tech medicine will remain with us andwill become even more prominent. But in addition, psychological andspiritual approaches to healing will assume a substantial position.Healers will take their places in surgery suites, coronary care units,and emergency rooms, as they are already beginning to do in somehospitals. As a result, it will feel different to be a patient. Onewill know that "the system" cares about the soul as well as the body.Fantasy? Hardly. These changes are already penetrating some of themajor hospitals in the country.

Micke Crockett:
What applications, beyond medical practice, can Era III thinking have, in our culture at large and in our private lives?

Larry Dossey:(劳瑞•杜西
The foundation of Era III isnonlocal mind -- mind that is infinite, eternal, immortal. As nonlocalmind becomes a living reality for more people, we could become akinder, gentler culture. Nonlocal mind leads to what I call the GoldenRule of Era III: "Do good unto others because they are you!" Why?Because, as I said earlier, nonlocal mind is unlimited and boundless,which means that minds can't be walled off from each other. In somesense, at some level, we are each other.

Taking nonlocal mind seriously can, as Idescribe in Reinventing Medicine, widen the dimensions of theconsciousness. We can tap into sources of wisdom beyond ourselves andbeyond the present. Creative breakthroughs and prophetic knowing becomeordinary in the context of nonlocal mind. Empathy and compassion floweras a result of our felt linkage with one another. And the awareness ofimmortality, as I've described, takes the pressure off living anddying. This will not happen automatically, however. We have to do ourshare and set our biases and prejudices aside. These are urgentmatters. As Andre Malraux said, "The twenty-first century will bespiritual or it will not be at all."
如我在《医学的再发现(Reinventing Medicine》书中所提到的,认真接受“非局部的心灵”,能开阔意识的次元。我们能够领略到,超越我们自己,超越现在,的智慧源头。创造性的突破和预言性的了悟,将在“非局部的心灵”的环境下变的稀松平常。心灵相通和同情之花,是作为一个,我们感觉到的与其他人连接的结果。如我所提到的,对(意识)不朽这件事情的认识,将除去生活和死亡的压力。但是,这些不会自动发生。我们必须做好自己的事,抛弃我们的偏见和成见。这是非常紧急的。因为正如安德烈·马尔罗(Andre Malraux)所说的:“二十一世纪将是灵性的世纪,要不然就是一点也不灵性的世纪”。

译注:安德烈·马尔罗André Malraux1901年1月3日1976年11月23日),法国著名作家、文化人,曾任戴高乐时代法国文化部长,且被提名诺贝尔文学奖候选人,代表作小说人的价值 (另译:人类境况)






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