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发表于 2010-5-5 06:54:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(1)教师地位生教师引导--生---->(2)学生就认为,教师一切是对的。 ---生--->(3)孤立某个学生,使周围同学产生猜忌、隔阂。---生--->(4)教师使用体罚、恫吓、恶毒语言攻击等产生情绪激动。 ---生--->(5)由情绪激动带来了其他方面的影响,直接影响就是分数逐步下降。----生-->(6)分数下降,直接反映了被邪恶教师攻击的学生,各个方面都不好,是活该。---生--->(7)周围同学认为,教师只所以攻击教师攻击的学生,是因为他(她)活该,应该是这样,不好就得受到教师批评。---生--->(8)随后不公平,不会诉说等因素,如此恶性循环,最终造成了彻底毁灭了这个学生。杀人只要这么办就可以了。黑白颠倒,也许会出现种种恐怖的事情,这个在圣经上也有描述。
教师=(1)      学生=(2)      家长=(3)      社会不良青年=(4)
(1)主动诽谤、谣言蔓延攻击      (1)支持      (2)不支持      (3)不支持      (4)支持
(2)在教师群和学生群中,产生错误印象      教师 = 支持      学生 =支持      (3)支持      (4)不支持
(3)欺上瞒下特性      (1)支持      (2)不支持      (3)家长不会知道      (4)不清楚
(4)借助学校机器加作业和恶毒攻击      (1)支持      (2)不支持      (3)如今的中国家长,把教师当成是西方的上帝,黑白不分,成了教师的傀儡。      (4)无关联,除非有关联。
(5)瞧不起特性      (1)支持      (2)支持      (3)支持      (4)就是因为他(她)们瞧得起,觉得有尊严,有价值,人生有意义,所以才会出现往他(她)们这个队伍靠拢。
(6)战略偏振特性      (1)不支持      (2)不支持      (3)不支持      (4)支持,高性能,比如各种犯罪活动,如偷盗、奸淫、卖淫等。
(7)精神地震、世界观地震,崩塌。      (1)支持,用恶毒的语言攻击。      (2)支持,拳头和恶毒的语言攻击。瞧不起。      (3)打、恶毒的语言攻击和家法。      (4)不支持,自由的。
(8)内部形成拥护屏障,惟独不支持受攻击的学生的任何权利和自由等。      (1)支持      (2)支持      (3)支持      (4)支持
(9)黑暗陷阱,谁都不相信受到攻击的学生说的话的时候。      (1)支持      (2)支持      (3)支持      (4)支持
(10)死磨特性,精神分裂症突然发生,邪恶教师的目的就彻底得逞了。如此恶性循环,最后使受到黑暗教师攻击的学生出现精神分裂症,然后撵到精神分裂症医院。      (1)支持      (2)支持      (3)支持      (4)支持,因为他(她)们认为,他(她)有精神分裂症。

Darkness Darkness Cheats Daquan teachers
Even in a good system, just follow the following methods, teachers will be able to death a student. Black and white reversed, will have terrible things happen.
We should first take a look at what position of teachers, what advantage, what position the students, the students have any advantage.
Teachers Location: direction, guidance.
Student's position: to accept the Executive. Commonly known as the obedient.
(1) the status of teachers of teachers to guide students - students ---->( 2) students, believes that all teachers are right. --- Health --->( 3) isolation of a student, so that students around and mistrust, alienation. --- Health --->( 4) teachers to use corporal punishment, intimidation, malicious attacks, and produce emotional language. --- Health --->( 5) brought by the other aspects of emotional impact that directly affect the scores gradually decreased. ---- Health - "(6) scores decreased, a direct reflection of the evil attack of teachers of students in all aspects of bad, you probably deserve it. --- Health --->( 7) around the students that teachers will only attack an attacker student teachers, because he (she) deserved, it should be so, good teachers have to be criticized. --- Health --->( 8) then is not fair, do not tell other factors, such a vicious cycle, eventually leading to the complete destruction of the student. Murder as long as such do on it. Black and white reversed, there may be many terrible things, this is also described in the Bible.
This is also true of Chinese education, the darkest of circumstances, there can not be prevented. Attacks on students and teachers, the purpose is very simple, look down, not the altar, or ask for indecent assault, etc., common. But also because Chinese parents, teachers that their children not to give him (her) the altar, he (she) to parents of children Chuanxiao Xie, bad luck, or our children, ah, to have any way ah. This is also the parents prefer that their child is wrong, do not believe the teacher's fault.
The following are the parameters Dark teachers, professional personnel for reference only, do not know you can search for these terms in the network. If parameter error, subject to the reality, not subject to this text documents.
Teachers = (1) Student = (2) Parents = (3) Social delinquents = (4)
(1) active slander, rumors spread attack (1) support (2) does not support (3) does not support (4) support
(2) group of teachers and students in the group, create an erroneous impression of teachers = to support the students = support (3) Support (4) does not support
(3) Qishangmanxia properties (1) support (2) does not support (3) Parents will not know (4) is not clear
(4) work with schools to increase and vicious attack machine (1) support (2) does not support (3) today's Chinese parents, to teachers as a Western God, grays, become a puppet of the teachers. (4) No association, unless there is relevance.
(5) look down feature (1) support (2) support (3) Support (4) because he (she) who think much of, that dignified, valuable, meaningful life, thus giving rise to his (her) This team approach.
(6) Strategic polarization properties (1) does not support (2) does not support (3) does not support (4) support, high performance, such as various criminal activities such as theft, adultery, prostitution.
(7) spirit of the earthquake, and the world earthquakes, landslides. (1) support the language with the vicious attack. (2) support, fists and viciously attacked. Look down. (3) fight, viciously attacks and domestic discipline. (4) do not support, free.
(8) form a support within the barrier, but only by attacking the students do not support any of the rights and freedoms. (1) support (2) support (3) Support (4) support
(9) dark trap, who do not believe the attack when the students say. (1) support (2) support (3) Support (4) support
(10) die mill characteristics, schizophrenia sudden, the evil teacher's purpose completely succeeded. Such a vicious circle, the last to make teacher attacked by students in the dark schizophrenia appear and then thrust into the hospital with schizophrenia. (1) support (2) support (3) Support (4) support, because he (she) believe that he (she) has schizophrenia.
Teachers currently no way to prevent the dark, but the more you give teachers the dark altar, more on yourself and your children do not benefit, strongly recommend reproduced in this article, but to ensure that does not modify the article, or will the real world. What about your teachers methods to prevent the dark.
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