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发表于 2010-5-31 09:45:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ZT 1) news.xinhuanet.com/world/201.../c_12151800.htm

《环球时报》报道 在美国国会众议院26日召开的听证会上,美国航天局高层和老宇航员们就美国载人航天下一步是登火星还是重返月球争论不休。但他们共同透露出的,是对中国航天发展会令美国航天霸主地位不保的担忧。


令他们担忧的是中国航天的发展会令美国的霸主地位不保。一名众议员在听证会上说,美国一旦取消“星战计划”,中国的火箭技术就会超过美国。老宇航员赛南称,“我们要重返月球的目的,就是要在月球上插上美国国旗,而不能让别国插上他们的红旗”。博尔登则意味深长地提醒说,更令人担心的是美国的年轻一代,因为中国的航天工程毕业生是美国的7倍。(本报驻美国特约记者 温燕)

ZT 2) //legislative.nasa.gov/hearing...10%20CERNAN.pdf

Written Testimony of
Captain Eugene A. Cernan, USN (ret.), Commander, Apollo 17, Astronaut (ret.)
Before the
Committee on Science and Technology
United States House of Representatives
May 26, 2010


America’s human space flight program has for a half century risen above partisan
differences from Eisenhower to Kennedy to the present day. The challenges and
accomplishments of the past were those of a nation –never of a political party or of
any individual agenda. Those flags that fly on the moon today are neither blue flags
nor are they red flags – they are American Flags. We are at a cross road. If we

abdicate our leadership in space today, not only is human spaceflight and space
exploration at risk, but I believe the future of this country and thus the future of our
children and grandchildren as well. Now is the time for wiser heads in the Congress
of the United States to prevail. Now is the time to overrule this Administration’s
pledge to mediocrity. Now is the time to be bold, innovative and wise in how we
invest in the future of America. Now is the time to re-establish our nation’s commitment to excellence.
Thank you Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee for this opportunity to share
my concern and passion for that which means most – the future of our country!
Sincerely, and with respect,
Eugene A. Cernan
Commander, Apollo XVII

(美国人原话的意思是, 我们要超越党派政治,人不分民主党还是共和党,大家都要齐心协力继续创新探知未来世界, 因为荣耀和成就是属于我们美国的.高高飘扬在月球上的旗帜是我们美国国旗, 不是象旗或驴旗.
他说的红蓝, 指的是国内两党的颜色,没有提到任何外国. 我党的无耻真是无底线!)
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