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发表于 2010-8-17 17:59:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2002年5月28日晚上,在香山中医医院住院减肥的李卫平同志(原中纪委刘丽英副书记之子)突然因急性心肌梗塞跌倒在值班医生王凡办公室门口,由于王凡脱岗洗澡,并在40分钟内对李卫平采取了致命的措施,致李卫平死亡。副院长吴云定当晚指示有关人员通宵篡改病史。接着又隐匿或销毁了部分病历资料按照《医疗事故处理条例》 58条应对其纪律处分,按照《侵权责任法》第58条规定,即可推定有过错,应受惩罚。
JULY . 26





PHOTO TAKEN ON 16TH, Dec. 1972
Respected Deputy Director, Madam Li Shi-zhen,
How are you ? Presumably as you might see it, what I am writing to you, for the
third time about, is that I still hope you could realize the error that you have made
and correct the wrong case you fabricated, i.e. the wrong verdict you approved on
26th, August, 2003 of the faulty conclusion made by Doctor Wu Li-qun, Song
Yong-jian and Zhou Zhi-hong, who were invited by the Bureau of Health of Luwan
District from the Rui-Jin Hospital, and cheated and based their diagnosis on the
made-up file data on Mr. Li Wei-ping’s death case as ‘Treatment has been found
nothing wrong against the curing principles, death caused by deterioration of the
patient’s conditions’ . Your malpractice administratively had made the verdict
treasure’ for the ones in power both in Xiangshan Hospital and in the Bureau of
Health of Luwan District, with which they covered the truth of Li Weiping’s death
and kept the relative departments and leaders at various levels in the dark, thus
making a simple problem complicated, and a business issue politicalized.
For 8 years, out of the conscience and medical ethics of doctors, we have made
appeals and petitions in the hope that the wrong case you fabricated could have
been corrected. But up to now, it is still to no avail. Your ill- doings administratively
has been the root cause of why Mr. Li Weiping’s death case can not have been
reversed for 8 years.
On the evening of 28th,May, 2002, Mr. Li Weiping < the son of Ms. Liu Li-ying, the
former Deputy Secretary of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission of the
Chinese Communist Party >, who was then hospitalized in Xianshan Hospital under
a weight-losing therapy, suffered from a sudden heart attack of myocardial
infarction and fell to the ground before the duty doctor’s office. Due to the fact that
the duty doctor Ms. Wang Fan, was not in the office but taking a bath at the time
and when back she applied fatal measures to the patient for as long as 40 minutes,

Mr. Li Weiping died. The vice president of Shanghai Xiangshan Hospital of the

Chinese Traditional Medicine Mr. Wu Yunding instructed people to alter and sham

make the patient’s case file throughout the night and concealed and destroyed part

of the case file. According to Clause 58 of ‘the Regulation on the Handling of Medical

Accidents’, he shall be disciplinarily sanctioned. And according to Tort Liability

Law, he was presumably in fault and should be punished.

Patients in the ward who helped in the rescue all provided written proofs,

confirming that there was no duty doctors about; that the duty doctor when arrived

just looked on and did not apply any immediate rescue; and that the male nurse

Mr. Bao De-xue admitted in writing that at that time he did not even know how to operate the oxygen vessel, failing to get Li Weiping connected with the oxygen

supply when the patient was in need of oxygen. It is obvious that the Xian Shan

Hospital had an unshirkable responsibility.

More, Dr. Wang Fan, whose performance had the cause and effect relationship

with Mr. Li Wei-ping’s death said 4 times repeatedly that her rescue was timely

taken and without any mistakes. But When knowing that I was investigating the

cause of Mr. Li Wei-ping’s death with the patients who were in the know of the

case, she came in the accompany of Dr. Zhu Fei to my office, confessing to me the

fact that at the time when Mr. Li Wei-ping fell, she was not in the office but taking

a bath.

In order to find out the true cause that had made the wrong diagnosis come true, I,

together with Dr. Jiang Xiao-wei paid fact-finding visits on 17th, 19th,and 25th , 2008

to the 3 above-mentioned medical experts in Rui-Jin Hospital. After reading the

true materials, Doctor Wu Li-qun, Song yong-jian and Zhou zhi-hong they all
confirmed, saying that the diagnosis in the death case file was wrongly made. The
patient did not die of Cerebral hemorrhage but a sudden heart attack of myocardial
infarction. Meanwhile, the rescue measures applied were also not correct. They
suggested judicial identification be applied.

November,2008 the HUA XIA Evidence Identification Center of Beijing made the

judicial identification conclusion on Mr. Li Wei-ping’s death case, stating:

‘The rescue taken was untimely and there was misdiagnosis
and wrong treatment in the course of rescuing Mr. Li
Wei-ping by Shanghai Xiangshan Hospital of the Chinese
Traditional Medicine.’

The afore-mentioned untimely rescue was entirely due to Doctor Wang Fan’s

leaving her post without authorization first, and then not knowing what steps to

take when called back, but just looking on, letting co-patients in the ward applying

wrong rescues. Secondly, what ‘misdiagnosis’ above meant is that later Wang

Fan misdiagnosed for 5 minutes that the patient’s heart ceased beating suddenly

and watched the patient dying for 15 minutes, totaling 20 minutes. As a matter of

fact, the patient was just shocked with still breathing and heart beating.

The HUA XIA Evidence Identification Centre of Beijing is a state-run institute under

the Ministry of Justice P.R.C. whose judicial identification is universally

acknowledged as authentic. Judicial identification on important incidents such as

the death incident of China’s pilot Mr. Wang Wei in an air collision between a

Chinese jet and a U.S. jet, 2001 were all made by the Center. The HUA XIA Evidence

Identification Centre of Beijing has been prudent on Mr. Li Weiping’s death case.

They specially invited 3 renowned experts Medical Examiners for the identification.

They are Mr. Hu Zhi-qiang, an Associate Chief Medical Examiner, Mr. Zhuang

Hong-sheng, Chief Medical Examiner of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Mr.

Zhai Jian-an, ex-Principal & Party Committee Secretary of the National College of

Public Security.

For the past 8 years or so, we have been reporting the death case of Mr. Li Weiping

to various government agencies, on which the Ministry of Health P.R.C. made

instructions 2 times.
Mr. Zhang Min, Director of Letter & Visit Office, Ministry of

Health, made instructions in the presence of persons in charge in the municipal and

district bureaus of health and the Shanghai Xiangshan Hospital of the Chinese

Traditional Medicine when on a visit to my residence. The Mayor of Shanghai, Mr.

Han Zheng made instructions 2 time. Vice-Mayor of Shanghai, Mr. Yang Xiao-du

made instructions 4 times. The municipal People’s Congress of Shanghai made an

instruction 1 time. The Bureau of Health of Shanghai made instructions 5 times

consecutively on petition letters. The General Office of CPC Central Committee and

the General Office of the State Council issued 2 letters. The National Committee of

the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) made 2 motions

respectively. But all these instructions and letters or proposals once reached in

your hand were just like an ox made of clay going into sea with no responses

whatsoever at all. You just turned a deaf ear to whatsoever from the grass-root and

submitted made-up stories to your superiors. May I, in this connection, ask you:

Supposing Mr. Li Wei-ping were your kinsman, how would you react ? Just think in

their place. Return to the relatives of the diseased, the right to be informed, the

right to be Compensated and the right to be treated in an open-and-fair way. If you

still stick to your wrong doings, I am afraid you are bound to take bigger

responsibilities for your ill doings administratively.

By :
Jiao Dong-hai

ex-Party Congress representative for Shanghai Party Congress
10th People’s Congress representative of the city congress of Shanghai
City’s model worker of Shanghai for 6 years running
National model worker
‘May Day Labor Medal’ medalist
The National Middle-age and Young Experts for Outstanding Contribution expert
Expert enjoying special State Council annual compensation 1991
Ex-Branch President of the Obesity Branch of China Health Care Association
Pace-setter of the Emergency Treatment for Chinese Traditional Medicine
Expert member on the Science & Technology Advancement Award Panel
Expert member on the State Natural Science Award Panel

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