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发表于 2007-11-2 02:01:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在各个英语学习论坛上,经常可以看到有关Chinglish(中式英语)的文章,但一般都是中国人写的。不过我看到一篇长文,也是有关Chinglish的,但却是美国人写的,很有意思。这篇长文的标题是Chinglish 2 English(从中式英语到标准英语),作者是浙江大学的美国外教Chuck Allanson,内容则是Chuck在中国五年任教期间所听到、所看到的各种Chinglish说法。

比如Chuck第一次来中国,下飞机后,负责接待他的东北某大学英语系陈老师说:您刚到,我们吃点饭吧。我们要点Chinese dumpling(饺子)和Chinese beancurd(豆腐),您看可以吗?Chuck以前从未听说过这两种东西,但出于好奇,就说可以,结果饭菜端上来一看,原来就是ravioli(饺子,来自意大利语)和tofu(豆腐,来自日语)。Chuck当时心里暗想,这两种东西,国际上早已经有通用的说法(ravioli和tofu),他们中国人为什么还要用那种生僻的说法呢?以后Chuck跟陈先生混熟了,就问他,当初你为什么不说 ravioli和tofu呢?陈先生听了大吃一惊,连忙解释说,我真的不知道这两个词,而且我们的《英汉词典》上也没有这两个词。


① 欢迎你到... ② welcome you to ... ③ welcome to ...
① 永远记住你 ② remember you forever ③ always remember you(没有人能活到forever)
① 祝你有个... ② wish you have a ... ③ I wish you a ...
① 给你 ② give you ③ here you are
① 很喜欢... ② very like ... ③ like ... very much
① 黄头发 ② yellow hair ③ blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法)
① 厕所 ② WC ③ men's room/women's room/restroom
① 真遗憾 ② it's a pity ③ that's too bad/it's a shame(it's a pity说法太老)
① 裤子 ② trousers ③ pants/slacks/jeans
① 修理 ② mend ③ fix/repair
① 入口 ② way in ③ entrance
① 出口 ② way out ③ exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思)
① 勤奋 ② diligent ③ hardworking/studious/conscientious
① 应该 ② should ③ must/shall
① 火锅 ② chafing dish ③ hot pot
① 大厦 ② mansion ③ center/plaza
① 马马虎虎 ② so-so ③ average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so)
① 好吃 ② delicious ③ good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用)
① 尽我最大努力 ② try my best ③ try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)
① 有名 ② famous ③ well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用)
① 滑稽 ② humorous ③ funny/witty/amusing/entertaining
① 欺骗 ② to cheat ③ to trick/to play a joke on/to con/to deceive/to rip off
① 车门 ② the door of the car ③ the car's door
① 怎么拼? ② how to spell? ③ how do you spell?
① 再见 ② bye-bye ③ bye/see you/see you later/later(bye-bye有些孩子气)
① 玩 ② play ③ go to/do(play在中国被滥用)
① 面条 ② noodles ③ pasta(noodles有些孩子气)
① 据说 ② it is said ③ I heard/I read/I was told
① 等等 ② and so on ③ etc.
① 直到现在 ② till now ③ recently/lately/thus far
① 农民 ② peasant ③ farmer
① 宣传 ② propaganda ③ information

Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation

  Abstract: Two tendencies often occur in Chinese-English translation. One is going after easy and smooth reading and beautiful language at the expense of the true meaning of the original. Another is rigidly sticking to the original words, and the translation turns out to be obscure and hard to understand. It reads more like Chinese than English. This is what is usually known as Chinglish. It appears more frequently in translation related to political or foreign affairs.

  Such translation calls for a strong sense of political responsibility, accurate understanding and precise and measured wording. Moreover, it has to be done without delay. A translator more often than not considers it to be safer to do literal translation. Therefore, he/she is apt to do word for word translation to fit in mechanically with the form without getting across the essence of the original. For lack of time, it is often impossible to go over the translation carefully, do polishing or make it readable and elegant. In addition, new Chinese words and expressions keep coming out and within limited time, it is difficult to find corresponding versions in English. As a result, Chinglish steps forward.

  Chinglish is one of the major factors adversely affecting the quality of translation. It is among the stickiest problems that cry out for solution. Of course, it is necessary for us to make a theoretical study of how to tackle it, but there is even a greater need to address it in practice. This thesis is an attempt to discuss its causes and manifestations by citing a number of examples in translation and also to explore ways of how to reduce or avoid it. Once Chinglish is rectified, Chinese-English translation would read more like idiomatic English and come nearer to a higher standard, namely, "faithfulness, smoothness and elegance".
Wang Nongsheng
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