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发表于 2010-10-1 11:58:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式









我,郭羅基(GUO, LUOJI),原在中國北京大學和南京大學任教授。1992年,被選為紐約科學院院士,曾擔任“中國人權”組織(紐約)理事。1994年至1995年,任美國哥倫比亞大學東亞研究所資深研究員(Senior Research Scholar)。1995年至今,任美國哈佛大學法學院資深研究員(Senior Research Fellow Emeritus)。我謹向挪威諾貝爾和平獎委員會致信,提名胡佳(胡嘉, Hu Jia)為諾貝爾和平獎候選人。
2001年,當中國的愛滋病疫情還是“國家機密”的時候,胡佳冒著被員警追捕的風險,多次深入河南農村愛滋病地區,展開調查,探望絕望中的病人,以非同尋常的勇氣揭露真相,批評中國政府在獻血、輸血 管理方面的混亂,為保護愛滋病群體的權利而呼籲。胡佳與人合作創辦了北京愛知行健康教育研究所,成立了愛滋病關懷和説明組織“愛源”,組織志願者從事非營利的愛滋病公益活動。
Luoji Guo
Senior Research Fellow
Law School, Harvard University

The Norwegian Nobel Committee
Henrik Ibsens Gate 51
NO-0255 Oslo

September 30, 2010

Dear Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee:

My name is Luoji Guo. I was a professor of philosophy at Beijing University and at Nanjing University before I came to the United States in 1992. While still in China, I began serving as a board member of Human Rights in China, a New York based NGO promoting human rights in China. I was also elected an active member of the New York Academy of Sciences in 1992.

After coming to the United Sates, I held a number of academic positions. I was a Visiting Scholar and then a Senior Research Scholar at the East Asian Institute of Columbia University in New York from 1992 to 1995, and a Senior Research Fellow at Harvard Law School from 1995 to 2002. I have been Senior Research Fellow Emeritus at Harvard Law School since my retirement in 2002.

I am writing to you to nominate Chinese human rights and environmental activist Hu Jia for the Nobel Peace Prize. Mr. Hu has been an outstanding champion of both environmental protection and the promotion of human rights in China.

His commitment to the environment began in 1996 when, as part of the first group of volunteers, Hu Jia took part in planting trees in Engebei prairie in Inner Mongolia as a natural defense against desertification. He actively promoted environmental education by participating in the Green Camp for College Students and serving as its coordinator. He created a website about Tibetan antelopes and frequently traveled to the Tibetan Plateau to protect the endangered antelopes from illegal hunting. Hu Jia was an early member of China's largest environmental NGO – Friends of Nature – and he has also served as the Beijing Representative of Hong Kong's Friends of the Earth. In short, Hu was a pioneer in the cause of environmental protection in China.

In regard to human rights, Hu has also been a dedicated activist. In 2001, when the spread of AIDS/HIV in China was regarded as a state secret, Mr. Hu – at great personal risk of being detained by police – visited AIDS-affected villages in Henan province numerous times to investigate the facts and to help desperate AIDS victims. He courageously made public the results of his investigation and criticized the government for mismanaging blood collections and transfusions. He also called for protecting the rights and interests of AIDS victims.

In addition, Hu helped to establish two NGOs, the Beijing Aizhixing Institute of Health Education and Aiyuan (Loving Source), which organized other volunteers to help AIDS victims.

Over the years, Mr. Hu Jia has consistently focused his attention on disadvantaged and marginalized members of society who have been treated unjustly, such as petitioners who have no recourse in their local court systems, or people who have been jailed or tortured for expressing dissenting political opinions. As an example of his dedication to helping others, Hu – despite being ill himself and under constant police surveillance – would still manage to send warm clothing during the winter to petitioners who had come from the provinces and could not afford shelter in Beijing.
In summary, Hu Jia has demonstrated a spirit of complete selflessness in his commitment to help those in need. He has sacrificed his own interests and consistently given of himself to others in his tireless fight for fairness in the legal system, and for social justice. Furthermore, in the long and arduous course of fighting for human rights, Hu has paid a tremendous personal price, including being kidnapped, placed under house arrest, and imprisoned. Today, Mr. Hu Jia, severely ill, is in prison because of his beliefs and his courage.
I therefore wholeheartedly recommend Mr. Hu for the Nobel Peace Prize for his extraordinary contributions in human rights and environmental protection. It is indeed an honor for me to be able to make this recommendation.

The Nobel Peace Prize has a great tradition of encouraging and promoting the cause of human rights in the world. I believe that granting such a prize to Mr. Hu Jia would not only be in accordance with the founding principles of the Nobel Peace Prize, but would also demonstrate abiding support for the Chinese people’s struggle for human rights. Awarding Hu the prize will send a strong message to the Chinese people, especially those who are marginalized and disadvantaged, affirming the fact that human rights and peace are universal values. I believe that if you consider my recommendation, the Chinese people would be truly grateful.

Luoji Guo
Senior Research Fellow
Law School, Harvard University
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