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发表于 2011-7-11 22:11:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


























Tears of Blood Changning District, Shanghai Public Security Bureau charged with the brutal criminal acts of police officers

"July" 90th anniversary party Daqing, portraits of my parents' arms into Beijing's Tiananmen Square.July 3, 2011, the day I went back to Shanghai, the Shanghai Changning Public Security Bureau to "disrupt public places order" as an excuse, my administrative detention for seven days.Shanghai Changning District Public Security Bureau police officers cover all Changning District Court Judge capricious and arbitrary, favoritism, abuse of power, law violation, they repeatedly violated the due process procedures for unlawful detention without me four times a total of 37 days, resulting in harm my parents were into old agesevere schizophrenia patients were later killed by medical malpractice.

Were inherent in the illness and death.However, because the courts and the Public Security Bureau cruel illegally deprived of my freedom, no other side leading to two children, dependent elderly, mental stimulation and frightened by a severe schizophrenia in patients with severe mental illness, thus accelerating their decline ismedical died!Suspected of being murdered!Destroy evidence of psychosis (a mental hospital, Changning District Court together with the City deliberately concealed a history of schizophrenia, my parents for four years, my parents both died Summary, opened to conceal the truth for many years.)
July 1, 2011, the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party of China Daqing in Beijing as scheduled.10 am or so, I embrace the portrait of parents, came to Beijing's Tiananmen Square Golden Water Bridge side, is the police number: 051698 and 051812 Beijing, and a plainclothes police found that they cut me to the Tiananmen Square holding branch.Five p.m., after dozens of my other encounters in Tiananmen Square branch in Shanghai to visit the people, the police sent by Beijing in Beijing triage center (old King Zhuang) in the evening after eight near Shanghai, the Beijing Office will be ourone hundred people visited Shanghai to tap into the Beijing Fengtai District No. 90 right outer Dongzhuang (Beijing relief management service center), the night we all live in the relief station.

July 2, 2011 morning, the Beijing Office will be the first from Tiananmen Square and Zhongnanhai, etc. The visit was cut hold 40 people, after the former owner of the care taken to the 1461 Fanhu train dining car, dining car in the otheris our 10 Shanghai police.After the start of the train's dining car doors all closed, visit the people close to the toilet by four police care, we often go to the toilet to reduce the number of the police an excuse to water, do not give us water to drink, after I argue, the police party calledconductor to come to us outside the car to fetch water to quench their thirst.

At 8:00 on July 3, 1461, arrived in Shanghai train station, 40 people were interviewed doorstep car No. 500, Village Road (Shanghai relief management service center).9:30, Changning District, Shanghai Public Security Bureau sent Sa Huayang Road police station, I will be received from the House Village Road Huayang Road police station, from 10 am I was locked in the basement of prisoners held until 5:00 pmserved Changning District Detention Center, I had expected to be doomed, and they detained me several times to start in March when my mother was dying, they want under the ruthless hand, and never assume that time my mother was dying, they shouldhas successfully succeeded.My parents alive, I fear, so there is no vicious the next run to Beijing, and now they are both old and gone, but my heart is calm, because I stripped to their parents care.

Huayang Changning District police station to do what none of procedure, only a record of inquiry out of context, only recorded a little of everything in their favor, this time they are willing to let me in the only asked to sign a record (the first twodetention times I asked them to sign will not let me sign, saying I refused to sign, saying that as long as the two that I refused to sign the police presence on it.) I think this is the first time to sign my consent for their needs, there may be aAfter I had signed this record can be given to me "disturbing public places order" charges, the reason I signed, the future is to prove that the party's "July" 90th anniversary celebration, because I had parents withportrait to Tiananmen Square in Beijing, home after being detained!Anniversary party, petitioners can not enter Tiananmen Square, the old Shanghai ten foreign market, "Chinese and dogs not admitted," What is the difference!
I was in Beijing to "disrupt" should be reasonable to say that the Beijing police to punish me."PRC Administrative Punishment Law" expressly provides that: administrative punishment by the illegal acts took place in local people's governments above the county level have the right to administrative penalties under the jurisdiction of the executive branch.Branch in Tiananmen Square, I was on the Beijing police, said: If I illegal in Tiananmen Square, and ask you to detain me.Police answered: We will not detain you.In Beijing police did not record, the filing and transfer of the case, the Shanghai police punish me, this is not pre-empt what it is!The evidence I have, my first two "disrupt" the Beijing police have no record, filing and transfer in Beijing, I did not check to me, "disturb" the relevant information.In other words, said: Shanghai Changning District Public Security Bureau police law, and they committed the crime of illegal detention and abuse of power, illegal deprivation of my personal rights and personal freedom!

Huayang Road, Changning District, Shanghai police station repeatedly violated the due process petition were illegally detained without formalities (no procedures for monitoring force sent)

Suspect in jail according to conventional police station should be completed before the urine test, blood tests, fingerprints and photograph full press procedures, this procedure three times I have not been detained, Huayang Road police station every time I am forced into detention after the retroactive.Contractors and other former and current members of Liu Yuyong contractors 024,309 and 024,029 counterfeit my exculpatory material and documentary evidence, and warrant no case number, etc. are all violations, the police station because of incomplete paperwork, Changning District, also in private with the custody of the detention center greet me [this time I am pro-earsheard, in a lock-up before the hearing with the detention center guards, said contractor 024 029, (Qi Rong) that the branch leadership has been greeted with the surname Wang, cloud, etc.] Huayang Road, Changning District police station, no violation of due processprocedures detained Petitioners (no due process procedures for illegal surveillance is mandatory to send their old tricks).

Changning District Detention Center for the formalities handcuffs on me many times corporal punishment and cruel insulting.In the March 9, 2009 and July 4, 2011, to force me, "urine and blood," completing the formalities, the two prison guards torture corporal punishment, handcuffs and leg irons will lift Masachika I solitary confinement, ill labor and nightwatchman.
Evening of 3 July 2011 around 5:30, Changning District, Shanghai Hua Yang Road police station in the care of their branch under the leadership of the layers, finally get the compensation, my blood pressure 173/103 smooth delivery of cardiacinto the detention center in Changning District!Next, Changning District will serve as a detention accomplices and lackeys adorned with the role of hand guards on my cruel corporal punishment and personal insults.
July 4, 2011 morning, the 104 room charge of discipline supervisor talk to me, which talked about if you had an accident in a detention center in the case, you do not notify your family so frightening topic, they certainly have referred to previouslynever been, in this short seven days what will happen accidents?I think the discipline out there because if there is something wrong!I even think there is going to happen.

What I had expected in the afternoon just after lunch, I add services to the prison doctor double hypertension drugs has not yet left, detention Woman Sergeant (Police No.: 024 228) with a female discipline (warning: 026 006) and a male104 prison guards suddenly entered the room, opening it, said Sheriff: with about testing urine, photographed and fingerprinted, handcuffed if you do not meet up on!I answered: do not do, which is the outside of the live!Changning District Court Huayang police shield law, and illegal detention of petitioners who have been harboring Huayang your police station and detention Changning district court to imprison the law!At this time, standing outside the jail fence female director (warning: 024 627), said sternly: I handcuffed together.Standing in front of me a man and two women heard the director of the speaker, a pro-forward, two policewomen hold my arm around the shoulder, then lifted his right foot male officers severely under the great sweep of two legs, hardLiaodao me, I an ass pier, I heard muffled suddenly fell to the ground iron fence, three of my tightly pinned to the iron fence.Cage, the female director of the hands, my hands handcuffed tightly handcuffed in the iron fence, my two arms undermined the aircraft type on the hard and iron posts, the shoulder the same as the bulk of the aircraft rawpain (arm, shoulder and they have been strained, back contusion), while female director of the handcuffs on my side also said: You're great, but also my handcuffs on you personally!37-degree heat, they gave me to wear a thick winter riding a motorcycle wearing a heavy helmet cap, handcuffed them to violence and corporal punishment on the way to force me to compromise obedience!16 female prisoners in front of large drops of perspiration from my forehead fall, palpitation, shortness of breath almost fainting, but turn a blind eye guards, inmates who could not stand, emergency reporting discipline and Sergeant, Sergeant said do not control her, not die!I think that if I go today to stubborn, they want to set my intention to kill, I did not eat three meals a day in prison have a female sergeant said fiercely: if she do not eat tonight, give me enema.Visible injury, internal injuries can not see, if they are enema, then what they are doing it, do not know what the consequences would result.Prison sisters advised me to keep my sympathy: there is life there is hope; they constantly wipe with a towel, cool for me, the entire hot towels are soaked in sweat, I have collapsed shortness of breath, my heartthink, if I insist on no compromise, certainly not my little life insurance, I have wronged is not stretched, while adhering to a nearly five-hour fight, I have succumbed to their despotic power, and I have to agree withThey go through procedures (urine, photographed and fingerprinted), thus, the solution they gave me the handcuffs.Under handcuffed, I have two pairs of stiff purple arm numb, until He was in prison spray anti-inflammatory pain relief drugs.

Handcuffed in the solution before the female sergeant unreasonable demands I take your pants off in front of the public set to take the prisoners to urinate, saying: After the urine so the urine only solution to her handcuffed to put her down.Since I am determined not to be handcuffed from the rather, she did not insist, this is not an insult to my personality, what is!Was handcuffed after the injury, their old tricks again, hypertensive heart disease were deliberately arranged for me to work with pain during the day and night to climb up the nightwatchman, unlawful deprivation of a patient's sleep.

I have the right to life, health and human dignity by Shanghai Changning District Public Security Bureau police officers trample.
July 10, 2011, was detained for seven days, I finally was released from prison, in my insistence, I finally got the illegal detention of four detainees released after only a proof.Ironically, this release of detained a number on the card did not even write ... ... no such legal instruments are no case number format specification error, only Shanghai's Changning District Public Security Bureau police officers who will be repeat offenders.(4 warrant are not case number)

Only the "July" this day, was sent back to Shanghai's government of the people interviewed nearly a hundred people, most of which were released to go home, Changning District, Changning District Court colluded with unscrupulous Public Security Bureau, by the pressure and violence of illegal deprivation of my administrative proceedingsright of appeal, against the right and personal rights, illegal deprivation of my life and health, they bully the vulnerable widows and orphans, to me as a demonstration of their warning to others.I swear: I never give up rights, I want to be a serious harm to patients with schizophrenia has been medical malpractice after the tragic death of their parents an explanation ... ...
Shanghai Changning District Public Security Bureau police officers to visit the people trampling the Constitution persecution, abuse, misuse of punishment, abuse of power cover Changning District Courts law and discipline, they colluded with each other in order to "safeguard stability" as an excuse to retaliate against frame-up and illegal detention of an accused person'satrocities, crimes can not forgive!

(Contact: Zhaohua Road, Changning District, Shanghai, Room 101, No. 90; Zip code: 200050.)

Accused person: Yin Huimin

[ 本帖最后由 ningsibuqu 于 2012-10-14 20:57 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-19 17:48:13 | 显示全部楼层



[ 本帖最后由 ningsibuqu 于 2011-11-22 20:06 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-4 20:28:25 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-13 12:17:44 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-28 10:54:50 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-3 14:45:57 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-11 16:40:07 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-5 22:20:14 | 显示全部楼层


有官员多次威胁我称:1)有人白死了; 2)被劳教; 3)两条命不够还要加上你一条命; 4)你活不活得到50岁; 5)你死掉孩子傻掉!最近将我非法软禁两个多星期,没有把我整死,却将我弄成了骨折,不给治疗,没有人管。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-22 20:32:37 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-23 09:39:28 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-28 21:41:25 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-14 20:02:51 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-24 22:25:05 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-8 21:09:08 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-4 16:47:25 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-22 18:53:13 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-27 20:49:01 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-7 21:09:05 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-5-8 01:36:53 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-9 22:11:19 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-14 00:15:56 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-14 23:00:07 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-16 23:23:44 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-19 22:37:32 | 显示全部楼层
上海尹慧敏被非法拘留十加一天 上海众访民为尹慧敏接风洗尘

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-14 13:23:31 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-12 22:47:13 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-19 21:50:50 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-23 17:27:31 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-13 00:42:55 | 显示全部楼层

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