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发表于 2011-8-6 00:28:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


控告人: 姓名:尹慧敏; 身份证号:31010419640416242X 住址:上海市长宁区昭化路90101室; 邮编:200050 手机18721058252

第二被控告人:上海长宁区公安分局分局长(法人:周  正)。



在离婚案里,法官(张振东和吴佳琪)徇私舞弊帮助过错方在庭审中非法转移了夫妻共同财产40余万元;执行法官(董幼华和俞鸣琪)不作为拖延执行,帮助被执行人逃避清偿债务;俞鸣琪中止执行孩子抚养费等久已生效判决,并声称陈荣被强制执行司法拘留,但司法拘留手续齐全的被执行人(陈荣),在上海长宁区拘留所里人间蒸发了15天,有两位狱警证实了“查无此人”(依据:光盘录音 音乐4 “查无此人”),法官(朱爱东等)为了使过错方多得益,枉判国家公有使用权住房有居住权的同住人我的女儿无份额,强制执行将前离婚判决下的20余万元外加孩子抚养费等全部冲抵房屋补贴款后使我负债5万元,使重婚者多得益,使我未拿到分文孩子抚养费、极少部分夫妻共同财产分割款和精神损害赔偿款,枉判有居住权的孩子无份额,使我至今欠长宁区法院5万元债务。

20079月,法院明知判决存在瑕疵,故替我先垫付给过错方5万元,并且许诺帮助我和孩子缓解生活困难再另补偿款10万元(依据:光盘录音 音乐-1 “听写承诺书”),这10万元的补偿款至今没有兑现。母女俩几年来仅靠几百元的低保收入维持生活,一直生活在水深火热之中。我和孩子多年未添置过一套得体的衣衫,家中的电话被无奈停掉了,有线电视叫停了,为给孩子筹集一笔医疗费!生过乙肝的我主动报名献血,为了获取几百元的营养费,类似于卖血。












(依据:光盘  音乐3  视频2  法院已经两次提出26.5万元补偿化解方案,26.5万元难以支付两位老人被残害成严重精神病患者后住院诊疗期间的医疗陪护等费用支出)。

非法拘禁留我害我的父母患严重的精神分裂症,我父母亲都被医疗事故惨死,两条人命妄长宁区法院两次想以区区的26.5万元赔偿草草收场了事,包括非法拘留我四十多天,手铐脚镣上酷刑!我身处家破人亡的悲惨境地,长宁区法院继续非法勾结公安局意谋不轨,甚至勾结市级领导施加力量欲将我送劳教所。20117月,半个月内连续两次无“扰乱”违法事实非法实施拘留我,201174日,长宁区公安分局长宁区看守所违法法定规定,被打招呼强制收监后( 狱警)以补办手续“尿检”等为借口,为帮助法院给我颜色看,看守所所长亲手给我上铐和体罚,干警们视法律为儿戏,视生命为草莽!




法官徇私舞弊包庇重婚者(陈荣)脱逃重婚罪遗弃罪;帮助过错方非法转移夫妻共同财产40余万元;枉法中止执行孩子抚养费等生效法律判决事项20余万元;枉法裁判公有住房有居住权的孩子无份额,使我执行申请人被强制执行身无分文再负债5万元,使过错方多得益;法官称被司法执行的被执行人(陈荣)得以逍遥法外(拘留所两位狱警证实了“查无此人”) 法院绝难逃干系;



我的心头一直纠结着,到现在为止我不知道街道信访主任所说的“以身试法”者究竟是谁,又是谁在以身试法不知悔改!200610月,被执行法官(俞鸣琪)称拘留手续齐全的被执行人陈荣,长宁区拘留所 “查无此人”(依据:光盘录音 音乐4 曲目-1“查无此人”),该弄虚作假的法官以身试法了吗?201057日,地方法院勾结北京最高法院立案一庭私刻公章,造假公章和编造假法律文书——不再审通知书,将不合法、不生效的通知书作为法律文书下达(依据:真假公章物证)并且凭此不生效的通知书终结信访,这些私刻公章和造假法律文书编造虚假材料欲蒙混过关的法官以身试法了吗?长宁公安分局违反法定程序伪造证人证言,无手续送监和收监,非法拘留我4次,拘留证皆无案号,长宁区拘留所狱警因我不配合他们将所外的活拿到所里做,即“尿检和血检等”不从:两次将我手铐脚镣吊起正身关禁闭和非法剥夺我高血压病人睡眠,拘留期满释放我时不出具拘留释放证,公安干警以身试法了吗?我行政诉讼状自200812月送达法院至今,既不立案也无书面答复,法官不依法行政以身试法了吗!上海市检察院对于我的控告检举事实装聋作哑,不依法立案和书面答复。







If one day I silent, which means I killed it!- Initiator of the Shanghai Changning District Court and its accomplices
Accused person: Name: Yin Huimin; ID number: 31010419640416242X; Location: Zhaohua Road, Changning District, Room 101, No. 90;

Zip: 200050; phone 18721058252.

Dear leaders: accused people tell the truth.Changning District, Shanghai Hua Yang Street Petition Office Director stunned: it was white dead!Not indicate my future and my parents bear the same fate [two old victim suffering from schizophrenia (a severe mental disability) before being killed by medical malpractice, suspected of being murdered out is destroyed evidence of mental illness!Factors and others] I no blame, no matter what my future accident, if one day I really die, destroying my people must be the initiator of Shanghai Changning District Court and his accomplices!

I am a victim of bigamy case, because the Shanghai Changning District Court administrative omission, judicial corruption, bigamy case the evolution will not be accepted as an ordinary divorce case, a judge favoritism cover bigamy case, the suspect (Chen) escaped bigamy, itnot be prosecuted [based on: witnesses.Changning district court shall not accept bigamy case to verdict in June 2005 when I divorced and Chen, Chen, and children born outside marriage has been illegal woman 6 years old now, the name (Chen Dongxu) boy in ChangningDistrict Huayang street reporting and application subsistence allowances and other accounts].

In divorce cases, the judge (Zhendong and Wu Jiaqi) refusing to help the innocent party in the trial of illegal transfer of jointly owned property more than 40 million; implementation of the judges (Dongyou Hua and Yu Mingqi) not as delay implementation to help the debtor to evade debts; Yuming Qisuspend the implementation of effective child support fees, long-ruling, and claimed that Chen was enforced judicial custody, but the debtor complete judicial custody procedures (Chen), Changning District in Shanghai, disappeared for 15 days in detention, twoguards confirmed that "no such person" (based on: Music 4 CD recording, "such person"), Judge (Zhu Aidong, etc.) in order to benefit more than the innocent party, in vain the right to use sub-national public housing who are living residenceMy daughter no share, before the divorce decree will be enforced under the child support more than 20 million plus fees to offset housing subsidy payments, after all that I liabilities of $ 50,000, the bigamist more benefit, so I did not get anything for child supportfee, a very small part of matrimonial property division payments and compensation for moral damage shall, in vain residence of children convicted of non-share, so I still owe Changning District Court 50,000 yuan debt.

September 2007, the court knowing that decision was defective, so for me the first advance to the innocent party of $ 50,000, and promised to help me and then the other children living in difficult relief compensation of $ 100,000 (based on: recorded music CD-1 "dictation commitmentbook "), the 10 million compensation has not materialized.Mother and daughter alone for several years income of several hundred dollars of guaranteeing a living, has been living in misery.I and the children for many years to purchase a set of decent clothes, home phone has been halted helpless, cable stop, and for the children to raise a sum of medical expenses!I am active hepatitis B birth registration donation, several hundred dollars to get these payments, similar to selling blood.

From the beginning of the evolution of my family disputes law and discipline against a judge favoritism and other law-related public security organs and Litigation Division accepted the case, Changning District Court and the District Public Security Bureau is the culprit (in fact the case is not an ordinary family disputes, criminal cases involving the judge deliberatelyshield the innocent party to escape the crime of bigamy and abandonment)
In law enforcement, the judge refusing to break the law often acts violating law and discipline miscarriage of justice occurred, so I caught a complaint against petitioners no way the employment situation for a long time, eventually leading to the resignation of the unemployed into serious difficulties.I live penniless and destitute children, the court has to enforce all of the lost money before the divorce decree, including the implementation of all child support payments!According to the law courts and the process does not reflect the provisions of the Marriage Law: the innocent party in the sub-division of property should be less or no principles.No innocent party to bear its responsibility for any fault, on the contrary many benefits!

December 2010-January 2011, two consecutive months, my mother killed in hospital rapidly rising medical expenses total more than ten thousand land thousand dollars (based on: list of costs) which already have $ 30,000 before expenses, the motherthe weight of the high cost of hospitalization breathe our family, the father after the death medical malpractice, a large funeral took place, so that the original constraints of life increasingly difficult.I petition the court to force the complainant and the accused does not work as well as the ultimate resignation of unemployment, leading to more serious life I fall into trouble!
I petition, 79-year-old mentally disabled parents become mutilated, the two old people live in the city psychiatric hospital 20 months old!Court collusion City mental hospital, my parents deliberately conceal a history of schizophrenia 4 years (since 2007 my parents sent my father's mental illness began to raise high blood glucose drops by medical complications after death! Mother in March 2011medical death, all the evidence to prove my parents is a serious schizophrenic patients).For the destruction of evidence, in a mental hospital where my parents suffered abuse and beating hunger no formalities out of the hospital suffered terribly!(Based on: beaten injury and is out of hospital photos) my mother in hospital, Shanghai Xuhui Central Hospital doctors cured a very irresponsible to put the patient forcibly expelled from the hospital of pneumonia, lung infection from a mother to twolung infection, eventually leading to severe pneumonia deaths.

I petition my parents mutilated 79-year-old!District Public Security Bureau detention of illegal collusion between the court I am, so my parents are affected by mental stimulation and mental harm as a schizophrenic patient severely disabled [based on: mental disability certificate (a)].My mother was no procedure to force the city out of a mental hospital mental hospital after suffering a Changning District Court and repeated malicious Huayang street workers toss, May 2010, the mother was admitted to the hospital at risk of severe emergency no longer discharged into vegetable dyinguntil death.High cost of hospitalization resulting from collusion between the court and the local District Public Security Bureau caused by bending the law enforcement law and discipline!Law and discipline made their sin, even to my many years of unemployment, court decisions are not a cent child support payments but also alone in raising their children grow up in poor Poor Families bear!
Mother more than 10 months of severe emergency hospitalization costs soaring again, I am helpless children owed several thousand dollars tuition, student relief for the child, and I repeated the streets with the relevant departments of Shanghai Changning District Huayang communication without result, officials have been draggedDecember 2010 response to my side: the whole relief only to enjoy the treatment of orphans, street Letters and Visits Office officials want me to sell my parents house to solve the high cost of my mother's hospital fees and the difficulties caused by the child.

Since September 2010, children's school fees still not been properly addressed, the new academic year 2011 began, the school to settle their tuition fees do not, do not send textbooks, children drop out of school to be in disguise!
In addition, the Changning District street petition Huayang director stunned, so I am speechless to answer!The warning I said: you do not "defy the law." Unrepentant!Complain to the blind run around Beijing, such as your mother, after a hundred years, if we can not subdue you, put you up, you at least three years reeducation through labor!There are people in my ear has been rumored, he was not kidding!I know the court is indeed brewing in the brains of my uniform plan!Consider me up is preferred, it is not, only your life it!I am a weak woman is physically very weak in life is so worthless, and promise death of twelve large Chinese is really nothing personal.I believe they said that some do!... ...
January 27, 2011, dragged down by his mother hospitalized children non-payment of school fees led to, I went to Changning District street petition Huayang do require the street to help a child student relief, there have been many people on many occasions I said to detention for three years, acents to get compensation even think about the topic, I replied to the streets Petition Office Director: State Constitution gives me the right to appeal and sue, for their own legitimate rights and interests of my petition, fail to get even a penny, I want to insist on rights, I have to for the physical and psychological harm and mental torture of my parents and children, especially the spirit of a mutilated severely disabled parents and the father was recently killed by medical malpractice to get justice, I am not afraid of detention for three years, the courts and policeAgency law, and after three years out of detention I will continue appealed.Petition officers immediately told me: If you continue to "defy the law," not repent, there is a petition examples of people die in vain to tell you, this man died unclear, sent down the above investigation, can not find any problems,inconclusive ending, this is not the white man is dead!Provide you with what's the use of so-called evidence, what really seal off seal!We found no really seal is a fake, fake seal that is true, you have not told where to go with!
Not long ago, the street (two officials) speak the same surprises: you will not want to do it, who knows what happened afterwards, then you do not know who is not in it!
Similar words that the two officials, seems to indicate I, if I continue to petition the court to expose collusion between police and illegal areas and hospitals, they will be murdered no leniency, I think my parents died by the hospital medical subtle and underhandedlaw, the father of high blood glucose 11.5 was detected in glucose drip filling died of complications; mother hospitalized with pneumonia several times driven out by the hospital because of exacerbations of severe pneumonia and died last!I am speechless.Seems to bear the fate of my future parents is my best example!I am now more sure, the tragic death of my parents medical, Changning District Court is the mastermind behind!Staunch temperament because I always dissuasion, the court refused to accept the 26.5 million small compensation for trouble!(Based on: 3 CD music and video 2) The Court has twice raised 265,000 yuan compensation to resolve the program, 265,000 yuan difficult to pay two elderly patients with severe mental illness is ruining into the period after hospitalization for medical treatment and other accompanying expenses).
I killed my illegal detention of parents suffering from severe schizophrenia, my parents were killed by medical malpractice, two lives Changning District Court twice to jump to a mere 26.5 million compensation to hastily settle the matter, including illegal detention, my fourdays, handcuffs and leg irons on torture!I live bereaved of misery, Changning District Public Security Bureau, the Court continued the illegal collusion intended to seek against the law, and even colluded with municipal leaders to exert force labor camp wishing to send me.July 2011, twice within two weeks without "disturbing" illegal detention is illegal and the fact that I, July 4, 2011, Changning District, Changning District Public Security Bureau detention illegal statutory requirements, to be greeted after a mandatory prison (prison guards)to completing the formalities, "urine" as the excuse for the court to help me see the color, Detention Center on my hands handcuffed and corporal punishment, police officers are law as child's play, depending on the life of the wilderness!July 12, 2011, to the congress venue because I have to send a complaint with the municipal leadership, "Changning District Public Security Bureau points against the Secretary Wu Yongzhi, Zhou illegal detention and abuse of the crime, the crime of abuse of those under surveillance."Pudong New Area Public Security Bureau has been, in vain buckle "disturbing" charges Detention for 30 days.Plan For 30 days after the expiry of Detention was transferred to labor camps, the seventh day of the Pudong New Area Public Security Bureau did not issue me an acquittal detention certificate.Policemen to the right to substitute the law and abuse of illegal detention of illegal abuse of those under surveillance.Public prosecutor, each harboring corruption is endemic, corrupt people get the benefits of human misfortunes, to break the law and trample the law!I am just an ordinary bully toward the obvious no one weak woman, thin and forces behind no family to rely on men!I attempt to shut me up re-education, and I were gone, they will become a permanent scandal is not the secret exposed!They fight for is wishful thinking, a number of Changning District, was the object of the whole evil, mostly widows and orphans like me vulnerable single women!

Law judges and policemen intensified and moved out of the government a shield.Them registering the courts and streets, and others: the court on behalf of the government, is to sue the government told the court, if it continues to fight with the Court, you will not have good results!Your so-called evidence to the above are not useful!I still do not believe that law and discipline judges and policemen are the government's will.They made a scapegoat for breaking the law allows the government!Unworthy of the government's good image in the hearts of the people!

Judges refusing to cover bigamist (Chen) to escape the crime of bigamy abandoned; help the innocent party to the illegal transfer of jointly owned property more than 40 million; pervert the law into effect the suspension of child support fees, legal judgments matter more than 20 million; capricious and arbitrary public housing residence of the children haveno share, that I enforce the implementation of the applicant was penniless again liabilities of $ 50,000, to benefit more than the innocent party; judge said was the administration of justice of the debtor (Chen) to large (two guards confirmed detentionthe "no such person"), the court must escape the stakeholders; Changning Branch police officers (wheat instructor, Chen Junfeng, Liu Yuyong) violation of due process, no case number, the testimony of false witnesses, forged documents and other legal charges of illegal detention in vain I added, resulting inMy elderly parents affected by mental stimulation into the spirit of a severely disabled persons with disabilities; City mental hospital doctors (Han, etc.) to deliberately conceal a history of schizophrenia, my parents nearly four years, my parents died two parties opened a summary of my parents(Since April 2007 I was illegally detained and until the beginning of March 2011 the tragic death of my parents medical) history of the past four years, the truth of schizophrenia; petition according to law to prevent me, my parents being beaten in the city mental hospital abuseNo formalities out of the hospital after both, my illegal detention, Changning District, detention and malicious whole people, illegal deprivation of sleep I hypertensive patients, because of my "blood tests, urine test," not from the handcuffs and leg irons will lift Masachika I solitary confinement, resulting inI have poor health, was released from prison that live at their own expense a large hospital surgical surgery medical expenses.Since December 2008, Changning district court and administrative proceedings without filing a written reply according to the law, May 7, 2010, the Supreme Court of Changning District Court collusion filing a false court Sike filing a court seal, false legal instruments (not re-trial noticebook), fabricating false material misrepresentation closed materials, truly defy the law by taking advantage of his privileged trying to hide something.

My heart has always been entangled with, until now I do not know the street director said the petition "to defy the law" who is who, who is unrepentant in defying the law!In October 2006, was executed judge (Yuming Qi) the debtor, said Chen detention procedures are complete, Changning District detention center, "such person" (based on: Music 4 CD audio tracks 1 "such person"),judges to defy the law of the fraud it?May 7, 2010, the Supreme Court of the District Court filing a court collusion Beijing Sike seal, seal and prepared false false legal instruments - no retrial notice, will not be legitimate, not as a legal instrument in force issued a notice (basis: true and false evidence seal) and the end of the notice by virtue of the petition does not take effect, these Sike seal and false legal instruments fabricating materials to defy the law judges want to muddle through it?Changning Public Security Bureau false testimony of witnesses, violation of due process, prison and sent to jail without formalities, illegal detention, I 4, a warrant are no case number, Changning District, detention guards with them because I do not live to get to the outside of the insidedo that "urine and blood tests and other" not from the: two lift Masachika my shackled in solitary confinement and unlawful deprivation of sleep I hypertensive patients, the release of detention expires when I do not release the license issued by detention, policemen to defy the law yet?I like administrative proceedings since December 2008 has served on the court, neither the filing nor written response, the administrative law judge does not defy the law of you!Shanghai Municipal Procuratorate for prosecution against the fact that my dumb, not according to the filing and a written reply.The examples illustrate the name of the law enforcement people under the banner, doing illegal acts, in order not to expose their misdeeds, to evade responsibility, framed framed innocent everything, they stop thief frenzied to the point of unscrupulous and evil!

So far, the courts make the guilty person (the crime of bigamy and abandonment of criminal suspects) at large, so that innocent people (bigamy case the rights of victims and divorce people) 5 times in prison, so my parents and children subject to significantmental harm and mental and physical torture, illegal detention because I was led to the spirit of one of my parents died of natural causes severe disability and premature death in non-responsible for the accident, resulting in the tragic death of my parents medical doctors and behind the scenes manipulator and the culprit, privately engraved official sealfraud and false legal instruments Qishangmanxia seal the law and discipline those responsible, I hold them the legal right to request criminal!

Who is responsible?The law should be held responsible people?I do not know exactly who repent!They should not abuse the privilege by virtue of their abuse penalty innocent, further significant harm has been broken up much mental harm and physical harm to the vulnerable young and old widows and orphans a family of four (two of whom have been innocent victims killed in the elderly, people want to continueWidows and Orphans daughter ruining sin)!Defy the law, the unrepentant courts and public security bureau should pervert the law enforcement people who know and, what with them according to law, what social equity and justice to speak of!

Changning District, there are two parties to the accident and the accident Changning district court case related to an outsider is not difficult to find: the so-called traffic accident is not an accident, but was deliberately caused by man, in order to reduce a person accused murdered.Changning District Court in order to escape accountability in the manufacture of trouble Yu Zhi deadly!I have no feud with others, if one day I silently the occurrence of any accident (including prisons, Shanghai Changning District Court has twice ordered the whole I am in prison, prison guards, female sergeant threatened me: see you again, will notgood day to you too! they hastily want to send me into labor camps! not preclude the court from prison in an attempt to lay violent hands on me!) that I was murdered.Harm me, the initiator is the Changning district court and his accomplices!Even if I died the next white, and I want before I die in vain, to come forward to request the leadership of my family and maimed be fair!I request to protect the personal safety!I truthfully charged, if not actually willing to bear all the legal consequences.

Accused person: Yin Huimin

[ 本帖最后由 ningsibuqu 于 2012-8-9 01:40 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-13 12:08:57 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-28 10:47:21 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-27 18:35:17 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-29 21:01:52 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-29 21:04:08 | 显示全部楼层



[ 本帖最后由 ningsibuqu 于 2011-11-28 21:45 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-10 21:51:06 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-15 23:52:51 | 显示全部楼层




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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-8 21:10:25 | 显示全部楼层

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