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发表于 2009-2-2 00:49:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[color="Navy"]WEATHER天氣的說法l          sunny/fine(天氣好)used to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of sunshine 例如:It is sunny today.
如果後面使用be動詞+形容詞的句型,那麼主詞 it 也可以改成 the weather。所以也可以說 The weather is sunny today.
但是,絕對不能說 X The weather rained yesterday.
用 rain 或 snow 當動詞時,必須用 it 當假主詞:O It rained yesterday.
l          nice/lovely/glorious(晴朗、天氣很好): very sunny and good
l          bright(豔陽高照): If the weather is bright, the sun shines strongly.
l          There isn't a cloud in the sky.(萬里無雲): The sky is completely clear.
l          dry(天乾物燥): If the weather is dry, it does not rain.
l         fair(天氣晴朗;用於氣象預測): sunny and not windy or rainy - used especially in weather forecasts
l         wet/rainy/damp(潮溼、多雨): used to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of rain
l         unsettled(陰晴不定): If the weather is unsettled, it keeps changing and it often rains.
l          drizzle(毛毛細雨): light rain which consists of very small drops of water.
l          It's drizzling.(下毛毛雨): it is raining a little, with very small drops of rain
l          shower(陣雨): a short period of rain 經典名句:April showers bring May flowers.
l          downpour(傾盆大雨)名詞: a short period when it suddenly rains very heavily 例句:He got caught in a downpour.他碰到傾盆大雨。
l          It's pouring down.(傾盆大雨;英式)/It's pouring rain.(傾盆大雨;美式)也就是 It is raining very hard.
l          另有一特殊副詞片語用來表示「大雨傾盆」:It is raining cats and dogs.
l          snow動詞、名詞。 snowy則為形容詞 used to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of snow
l          sleet(結凍、半結凍的雨滴): Sleet often falls together with snow and rain.通常發生於雨雪混合的天氣 Sleet occurs only during the winter, while hail (冰雹) may fall at any time of the year. 冰雹一年四季都可能發生,而sleet只發生在冬季。
l         slush(雪泥、半融的雪): a mixture of partly melted snow and ice
l         hail/hailstones(冰雹): frozen drops of rain, that fall as drops of ice
l          blizzard(暴風雪): a storm with a lot of snow and strong wind
l          frost(霜): white powder that covers the ground when it is cold
l          wind名詞;windy為其形容詞(風大;多風的): used to describe a day or weather when there is a lot of wind
l          blustery(狂風的): very windy
l          breeze(微風): a gentle pleasant wind
l          hurricane(颶風;用於大西洋) (in the Atlantic Ocean) /typhoon(颱風;用於太平洋)(in the Pacific Ocean) a violent storm with extremely strong winds
l          cloudy(多雲的): used to describe weather or a day when there are a lot of clouds in the sky
l         grey/dull(陰天):cloudy and not bright
l         overcast(陰霾密佈)形容詞: If the sky is overcast, it is very cloudy and dark, and it is likely to rain.
l          hazy(霧色蒼茫): not clear, especially because there is a slight mist caused by heat or smoke
l          hot(形容天氣熱,可在hot前面加上以下字眼加強): boiling/scorching/sizzling/blazing/burning/baking/broiling (hot) extremely hot(如 It is boiling hot.)
l          sweltering(溼熱): very hot and humid
l          warm(溫暖): a little hot, in a way that is pleasant
l          balmy(天暖風薰): pleasantly warm, with a gentle wind blowing
l          a heat wave(熱浪): a period of unusually hot weather
相反詞:a cold wave(寒流)
l         freezing (cold)(冷得發凍):extremely cold
l          arctic(天氣嚴寒;如同在北極): extremely cold, usually with a lot of ice and snow
l          wintry(陰冷,夾帶雨或雪;像冬天般的天氣):cold and snowy or rainy, like the weather in winter
l          crisp(空氣乾爽;秋高氣爽) If the air is crisp, it feels cold but pleasantly fresh and clear.
l          chilly(寒冷的): a little too cold, in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable
l         cool(涼爽宜人): a little cold, in a way that is pleasant
l          cold snap(乍冷的天氣): Quite a few of the plants died in that cold snap we had last week.
l          cold spell(天氣持續寒冷一段時間): a period of unusually cold weather
另見a spell of fine weather(連日晴天):We had a long spell of fine weather.
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