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发表于 2012-8-10 18:37:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






















最高人民法院和最高人民检察院、公安部、中国证监会四家机构联合下发《关于整治非法证券活动有关问题的通知》(证监发[2008]1 号)


电邮:zhengran99@gmail.com           zhengran66@hotmail.com

Factual proof,HuJintao and WenJiabao are criminal offenders    事实证明,胡锦涛和温家宝是刑事罪犯

The Bank of Beijing has been using illegal and criminal means to grow up since it was found 16 years,its criminal behavior covered China Central and Beijing enterprises and government organs at all levels.2005,The Beijing Municipal Government colluded with The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) to use the opportunity that Bank of Beijing fourth time increase capital,approved Bank of Beijing to illegal public issue 100 million original shares,the legal approval“京银监复[2004]871号” of CBRC to Bank of Beijing stipulates only limited to issue shares to internal employees,Bank of Beijing did not operate in accordance with the legal approval of CBRC,didn't issue shares to internal employees,used original shares bribery,illegal public issued  100 million original shares,illegal public offering amount 200 million RMB,illegal issuing objects 532 people,violated Chinese Criminal Law article 179,committed the crime of “issue shares without approval”.

This is HuJintao WenJiabao made GSP in order to buy support from dignitaries,100 million original shares of Bank of Beijing illegal public issued to more than 500 descendants of Chinese dignitaries,including a large number of juveniles,the criminal offender who Bank of Beijing chairman YanBingzhu became a representative of 17th Congress of the CPC and a member of the 11th national committee of CPPCC by this credit.

In September 2007,The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) approved Bank of Beijing to illegal list on The Shanghai Stock Exchange (its stock code is 601169),according to “Chinese Securities Law article 50,Measures for the Administration of Initial Public Offering and Listing of Stocks article 25”,the major criminal offence of illegal public issue shares occurred within the latest three years before IPO,Bank of Beijing has not listing qualifications,it must be delisting.

At the end of this month,it has been exposed that Bank of Beijing illegal public issue 100 million original shares,this event was known as "Bank of Beijing baby shareholders event",I was one of the main revealers.National People burned with rage,rallied to denounce Bank of Beijing and CSRC.The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC refused to accept the case,CSRC and CBRC kept silence,experts and professors came forward chicanery for Bank of Beijing,Beijing Municipal Government and Bank of Beijing started public relations crisis management,it was sealed that all media reporters actively explored the identity of the baby shareholders,China's main web site full deleted the negative information about Bank of Beijing.Bank of Beijing bankruptcy is them own bankruptcy,HuJintao WenJiabao Government denies Bank of Beijing crimes,Bank of Beijing is not subject to any legal sanctions under their strict protection.

From 2005 to 2008,CSRC violated the provisions of Chinese Securities Law,allowed securities companies to illegal create stock warrants,openly robbed 100 billion wealth on the stock exchange,hundreds of thousands  investors bankrupted,several people committed suicide,the investors of request compensation for the loss were all suppressed.

2001,I was suppressed and crowded out during work in Bank of Beijing, Bank of Beijing,its accomplices and corrupted background used rogue means to dismiss my whole family jobs.After forced to resign,I expose Bank of Beijing illegal criminal behavior,follow after freedom and democracy,criticize the Bank of Beijing corrupted background that HuJintao WenJiabao Government's serious problems in the worke.Specially in the financial field :case of sale Chinese banking,case of rigging the stock market and illegal creation stock warrants,case of Bank of Beijing illegal public issue 100 million original shares and illegal listed,and so on.

In April 2008,they vindictive attacked on me,the HuJintao WenJiabao Government criminal detained me on criminal charge of “inciting subversion of state power”.In Detention House,the police said I objected and libeled HuJintao WenJiabao,false accused Bank of Beijing,HuJintao WenJiabao were very angry,forced me to write apology letter for HuJintao WenJiabao,after jailed in psychiatric hospital,persecuted me with drug,jailed 186 days totals.Warning me and my parents when released,can no publish democratic article again,can not criticize HuJintao WenJiabao again,can not expose the crimes of Bank of Beijing again,otherwise will be re-jailed in psychiatric hospital long term.Slander me as a mental illness is for life-long persecution me,in order to protect their illegal interests,as long as I still dare to expose their evil,they dare to re-jail me in psychiatric hospital whenever,besides announce that my exposure is psychiatric speech,people all over the world do not believe.This is HuJintao WenJiabao pursuit and trumpeted ironclad case.

The HuJintao WenJiabao Government always monitors my home,flagrant persecutes descendants of the old revolutionary and democratic righteous personages whole family.In order to be able to live no threatening free and normal life in the future,I only exile abroad to seek help to the old anti-fascist allies.In Early 2009,after I non-publicly sent out apply for political asylum,the HuJintao WenJiabao Government detected it.In order to prevent me going abroad to disclose their rule evil,they brutally crippled my elder sister.For three years,the Public Security Bureau,Health Bureau,Justice Bureau,the Court,judicial expertise institutions,hospitals complicit collective falsified evidence and delayed time,divulged secret information to the perpetrator,shielded the perpetrator to escape,did not assume any criminal liability and civil liability,Beijing's doctors did not give my sister to do surgery,then my sister has not obtained surgical treatment so far,leading my sister to necrosis of femoral head,lost the labor ability.HuJintao WenJiabao Government threatened re-jailed me in psychiatric hospital several times,they thought that still cannot completely trap my family in China,then disseminated terror information on the Internet under my name,attempt to slander me as terrorist again.

11 years from 2001 to the present,the Bank of Beijing,its accomplices and  corrupted background,the Chinese Government have been constantly threatening and using Mafia-like rogue means to brutally persecute me and my family.They severed my family survival and development in China,killed one person in my family,crippled one person in my family,wounded two persons in my family,life-long persecution to my whole family.My grandfathers went through fire and water to seize state power,my fathers sweat and shed blood to guard the country,to me is the third generation then was persecuted as political refugee by HuJintao WenJiabao Government,lawless deprived my political rights,civil rights of safeguard the National law,and subsistence rights——the first human rights of The Communist Party has repeated advertised.

Shouting democracy and legal system to make corruptionist lose all standing and reputation,family break up and decimate,HuJintao WenJiabao defraud people's trust,act as corrupted background and protector of criminal offenders,suppress democracy,break the law,trample human rights,really made the people of answered the call anti-corruption lost all standing and reputation,family broken up and decimated,my family is a living example.Decade the more anti-corruption,the more corruption,the more anti-corruption,the more corruptionist and the more fiendish,they are not against corruption but true corruption,they are not incompatible with corruption,but in complete harmony with corruption.They protect accomplices unscrupulously,protection accomplices became privileged party members and privileged capitalists of unrestricted to party discipline and the law of the country,give Bank of Beijing almost all of the honorary title,the more crime,the more glory,the more corruption,the more advanced.They eradicate dissidents unscrupulously,would like to use any charge persecution what they want,would like to use any means persecution what they want,would like to persecute how long what they want, as long as dare to let them upset,they dare life imprisonment dissidents.HuJintao WenJiabao Government above the low,without morality axiom justice humanity.

I prepare to sue the Bank of Beijing and the Chinese Government and related criminal offenders at USA to protect my family rights.Request the Court to sentence illegal-listed Bank of Beijing delisting,created stock warrants an offence.CBRC,CSRC,Beijing Municipal Government,Bank of Beijing and those 26 securities companies of participation illegal creation stock warrants jointly compensate the loss for secondary market investors.Request the Chinese Government compensates my family $ 20 billion for the political persecution,economic persecution,spiritual persecution,and personal injury on my family,and apply for the Court enforcement,use the Chinese Government holding of US treasuries to pay.Other democratic and righteous people in exile who persecuted by the Chinese Government refer this case to apply for compensation,carve up the Chinese Government holding of US treasuries,then return to China to take part in the political reform,construct democracy and legal system in China.

The loss is enormous,Bank of Beijing,its listed underwriters CITIC Securities Co.,Ltd (CITICS) (China's largest securities company,listed in Shanghai,code is 600030,and listed in Hong Kong,code is 06030) and China Securities Co.,Ltd (CSC) will certainly bankrupt,the remaining loss will compensate by CBRC,CSRC,Beijing Municipal Government and other securities companies.China will break out political crisis and financial crisis,tens of thousands senior officials of Central and Beijing Municipal will out of power,Chinese society will also change.

When court decisions back to China,the great influence in national people's heart of Bank of Beijing baby shareholders event and illegal creation stock warrants event will be full outbreak.The Bank of Beijing that hold one trillion RMB assets and have a significant impact on Beijing local declares bankruptcy,China major securities companies collapse,the Chinese Government's investment in US loses 50%,will bring about the Shanghai composite index drop to below 1000 points,fall 60% to 70%.at this time we can sell short financial products of China to earn huge profits on New York Stock Exchange,Hong Kong stock exchange,Singapore Exchange.The crisis is a brief,under the strong lead of the new leadership, Chinese stock market will quickly rebound,rising more than double to three times,then we will buy in financial products of China to reap much more staggering profits again.This process will also affect crude oil futures,gold futures,and other commodity futures to create more profit opportunities.

Hope foreign financial institutions and legal institutions to concerted action for mutual benefit.My family urgent need advanced medical treatment abroad,I am willing to transfer exclusive reporting rights that protection my family rights at US to a United States television stations,and making a political film with current material of China.Wish you can provide financial assistance,legal aid and medical assistance,in return I will give you unprecedented great investments interests.








最高人民法院和最高人民检察院、公安部、中国证监会四家机构联合下发《关于整治非法证券活动有关问题的通知》(证监发[2008]1 号)


Zheng Ran
February 2, 2012
Room 1607,Building No.3,No.50 Waiguandongjie Street,
Chaoyang District,Beijing,China
Zip Code:100011
E-mail:zhengran99@gmail.com           zhengran66@hotmail.com

[ 本帖最后由 zhengran 于 2012-8-10 18:39 编辑 ]
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