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发表于 2013-1-23 00:10:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-24 07:41:47 | 显示全部楼层


Dear President Obama and U.S. Lawmakers,

I am writing to you to report several Chinese military agents who are hiding in the United States to espionage and to do the so called "Unrestricted War" against the United States.

I myself is one of the victims of such kind "Unrestricted War" initiated by the Chinese government. I used to be a student leader during Tiananmen pro-democratic movement in 1989, and I was sentenced to 6 years by the Chinese government due to my important role in the movement. Thanks to the helps of the Clinton's government, I escaped to the United States in 1996. Since then, I have started my American dream. After I got degree from Columbia University in 1998, I have worked for Bell Labs, Citigroup, as well as Morgan Stanley. My American dream was almost there. However, the Chinese government has never left me alone and has never stopped harassing me. The Chinese government started the so called "Unrestricted War" against me. My American dream has been completely destroyed by the Chinese government, and my nightmare has never been stopped.

I understand that this letter could be too long, so, I wrote an abstract as below:

1) China has sent many Chinese military officers into the United States to initiated the so called "unrestricted war" against the United States. How many Chinese military officers are hiding in the United States? No one knows the exact number, except the Chinese government. I believe that it could be many thousands, even hundred of thousands! At least I know 4 Chinese female military officers are hiding in the United States.

2) China warned me several times that they could have me lost job if I continue to expose the Chinese military spies in the United States. And the Chinese government really did that and convert its warnings into actions. My ex-employers, including Morgan Stanley and Citigroup,were Cyber-Attacked by the hackers based in China! Both firms have multi-billion dollars loss due to the attack. It eventually made Morgan Stanley fired me!

China has sent many military spies into the United States! Chinese Military based hackers have Cyber-Attacked the Wall Street firms of the United States! I believe that those activities are war activities! I hope President Obama, as well as the Congress of the United States should fight back against those war activities initiated by the Chinese military forces.

Elisa Guo applied complicated espionage skills plus honey traps to have some American big guys work for her, or provide sensitive information to her.

This chart lists some of the big names that Elisa Guo was targeting at. Some people in this chart has committed wire fraud for Elisa and do whatever Elisa asked them to do. However, As I publicly exposed Elisa Guo was a military officer and worked as a special agent for the Chinese government, Elisa Guo had stopped to approach Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.

1. Why the Chinese government was targeting at me?

I, Gang Liu, used to be a well-known Chinese dissident and have been on the top of targets of the CCP's most wanted list. See fig. 1.1.

Fig. 1.1. This is a snapshot of the most wanted list issued by the Chinese Communist government right after the Tiananmen pro-democracy movement in 1989. I, Gang Liu,in the middle of the above picture, was listed as No. 3 on the most wanted list.

I was a key student leader during 1989's Tiananmen pro-democracy movement. I was sentenced to 6 years in prison, which is the longest for all student leaders, due to my important role in the pro-democracy movement.

Fig. 1.2. When I was jailed by the Chinese government, I am the only political prisoner who has been interviewed by the Chinese Communist owned media including the People's daily, as well as the Western news agencies including New York Times and American Press Association.

Fig. 1.3. Thanks to the helps of the Clinton's government, I escaped to the United States on April 30th, 1996.

I immediately enrolled in the Columbia University once I escaped to the United States in 1996.

In 1998, I started to work as a Scientist at Bell Labs and I have published several technical papers and have dozens patents approved. Since 2003, I moved to Wall Street and have worked as a financial analyst for Citigroups and Morgan Stanley.

I continued to be active in the pro-democratic movement in China. Here is a short list that I have been contributed or involved in:

1.1. In 2005, I was the initiator and organizer of the Commemoration for Zhao Ziyang.

1.2. In 2005, I was the initiator and organizer of the Chinese Velvet Action Committee. Many of its members inside China were arrested and gave long term sentences.

1.3. In 2006, I initiated and co-organized the Simulated Election on Internet for the Chinese Democratic Government, which is an educational and political movement to promote the Election in China.

1.4. In 2007, I initiated the protesting and demonstration in major cities in China. Although the major objective was to memorial the Chinese-Japanese war, the real target is the CCP government.

1.5. In June 2009, I published a book titled "Tiananmen Pandora" both in Chinese and Japanese, to memorial the 20 years anniversary of the 1989's Tiananmen demonstration.

1.6. In Sep. 2009, I initiated an art exhibition tour named "Tear Down This Wall", to celebrate the 20 years anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and to memorial the 20 years anniversary of the 1989's Tiananmen demonstration. The art exhibition was hosted by the "American Arts Club" in New York and the Capital Hill in Washington D. C.. The pictures below shows that Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney showed up at the Art Exhibition in New York.

Fig. 1.4. On September 8th, 2009, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney showed up at the Art Exhibition.

Fig. 1.5. On September 18th, 2009, Mr. Winston Lord(the second from right), the ex-Ambassador of the United States to China, gave speech to the closing ceremony of the Art Exhibition.

1.6. Since January 2011, I initiated the Jasmine Revolution movement in China.

1.7. All the above mentioned activities have made the Chinese Communist government hate me extremely. The Chinese government sent many Chinese security agents to harass me, and even tried to destroy me. Here is a short list of the Chinese security agents that have been harassed me and threaten me continuously:

1.7.1. Yuhua Tang, the head of the Chinese Security Agency in North America.

1.7.2. Elisa Guo, also named as Yinghua Guo, a Chinese military officer, who hid her Chinese military status and currently work as a Director at the headquarter of Pfizer in New York.

1.7.3. Yan Zhao, An Ex-Chinese Communist police officer.

1.7.4. Weidong Li, One of the top assistant of Mr. Wang Qishan, who is one of the standing committee of the Chinese Communist Political Bureau.

1.7.5. Chengshan Tan, an active Chinese Communist police officer who is hiding in Chicago.

1.7.6. Gengmin Qiu, who was listed as most wanted by Interpol.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-24 07:42:50 | 显示全部楼层


2. Yuhua Tang, the head of the Chinese Security Agency in North America, has threaten me many times.

Fig. 2.1. Yuhua Tang, known as the head of the Chinese Security Agency in North America, was arrested by FBI in November 2011.

Fig. 2.2. Yuhua Tang's business card.

Most of the Chinese spies have an legal job. Yuhua Tang's legal title was the Bureau Chief of the UN Bureau of Wen Hui Daily, which is a news paper owned by the Chinese Communist.

In early of 2011, I tried to start the Jasmine Revolution movement in China. Once the Chinese government found out my plans for the Jasmine Revolution, the The Chinese government was very nervous. They tried their best to stop the movement. Some of the Chinese Security agents tried to threaten me and asked me. On January 30th, 2011, Yuhua Tang and Yan Zhao spoke to me through phone, they told me they wanted to come to my home in New Jersey. They clearly told me that Yuhua Tang was the "biggest spy" and was in charge of the Chinese Security agency in North America, so that they could represent the Chinese government to negotiate with me.  They asked me to stop the Jasmine Revolution in China, or at least postpone it to May 1st 2011, otherwise, bad things would happen to me. I understood that they were buying time for the Chinese Communist. I told them that I would report to FBI if they put their threaten words into action.

I immediately post articles on the web to expose Yuhua Tang's actual identity: a Chinese spy in the United States. Since then, Yuhua Tang and Yan Zhao threaten and harass me and my friends frequently. To protect myself and my friends, I, and my friend Xiamin Zeng reported Yuhua Tang's spy identity to some of the authority agencies of the United States, including FBI, the Congress, and the State Department of the United States.

In November 6th, 2011, Yuhua Tang was arrested. See the following link:

Three Men Charged in Federal Indictment Alleging Commercial Bribery

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-24 07:44:18 | 显示全部楼层


3. Elisa Guo, a Chinese Military officer, launches Unrestricted War against U.S.A.

Ms. Elisa Guo is currently working as a director at the headquater of Pfizer in New York. However, she claimed that she was an active military officer of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Ms. Zhongyu Liu, Elisa's mother, also told many of my friends that Elisa Guo was an active military officer. Elisa Guo received $60,000 annually from the Chinese Army for her espionage work in the United States.

Fig. 3.1. Elisa Guo claimed she was an active military officer of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Ms. Elisa Guo graduated from Shanghai Second Military Medical University in 1996. All graduates from that school must enroll the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) when enrolled in that school, and all of the graduates would be awarded at least lieutenant. That means, Ms. Elisa Guo enrolled in the PLA in 1992 and was awarded lieutenant in 1996.

Ms. Elisa Guo also got a master degree in 1999. According to the Regulation Law for Military Officers, Elisa Guo must be raised to the rank of Captain in 1999.  Also, the same Chinese law also stated that an officer in the Chinese Army must be promoted to an upper level every 4 years. in 2010, Elisa Guo claimed that she was promoted to the rank of Colonel. A captain in the Chinese PLA must serve for the Army at least 20 years! Therefore, Elisa Guo can't retire from the Chinese Army until 2012! The Chinese law also required that all military officers must be a member of the Chinese Communist Party. So, Elisa Guo must be a member of CCP since 1996! The relevant Chinese law can be found in the following link:

Regulation Law for Military Officers

Elisa Guo entered the United States in 2001. At that time, Elisa Guo was an active military officer and a member of the CCP. However, Elisa Guo hid her actual identity and lied to the immigration officers to enter the United States. Elisa Guo even didn't tell the truth about her education background. Elisa Guo lied that she graduated from the Shanghai Second Medical University, which is another University, but completely different from the Shanghai Second Military Medical University. By omitting key word "Military" from her school, Elisa Guo hid her military background. Elisa Guo might omit the key word "military" by herself in her resume, however, she can't create the transcripts and the diploma of the Shanghai Second Medical University for her by herself. Elisa must be helped by the Chinese military to get the faked diploma and faked transcripts. The Regulation Law for Military Officers also stated that any Chinese Military officers can't go abroad unless sent by the General Political Department of the PLA for military tasks. So, Elisa Guo must be sent by the  General Political Department of the PLA to the United States for military tasks. What kind military tasks a Chinese Military office could perform in the United States by pretending himself or herself as a civilian? The only answer is Military Espionage or a War against the United States!

It is no doubt that Elisa Guo was a Chinese Military spy hiding in the United States to do war related espionage for the Chinese Army!

Elisa Guo is a fighter for the Chinese Army against the United States!

Elisa Guo is an enemy of the United States!

Fig. 3.2. This medical record is belong to Elisa Guo. It shows that Elisa Guo graduated from the Shanghai Second Military Medical University.

Fig. 3.3. This is a picture from the official website of the Shanghai Second Military Medical University. It shows that all graduates from that school are military officers of the PLA.

Fig. 3.4. Elisa Guo's resume shows that she got Bachelor degree from Shanghai Second Medical University. Actually, Elisa Guo got Bachelor degree from Shanghai Second MILITARY Medical University and was awarded to the rank of Lieutenant of the Chinese Army.

Elisa Guo omitted the key word "MILITARY" and changed her school from military school to a civil school!

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-24 07:45:09 | 显示全部楼层


4. Elisa Guo Cheated me to get her green card and to watch me closely for the Chinese government!

On June 7th, 2007, Elisa Guo contacted me through Internet. She invited me to meet her at her home near Philadelphia.

On June 9th, 2007, I went to Elisa Guo's home to meet her. Elisa Guo had already known my background before our meeting. Right at the first time of our meeting, asked me to have a quick marriage with her.

In July 2007, Elisa Guo moved into my house and to live with me in Princeton of New Jersey.

On December 21, 2007, Elisa Guo and I registered marriage in New York City.

On June 29th, 2008, Elisa Guo and I had an wedding ceremony in New Jersey.

In 2008, Elisa got her green card through marriage.

That is about our quick marriage!

I believe that it was the Chinese Military arranged her to meet me and to marry me, so that she could watch me closely and to destroy me for the Chinese government. Otherwise, she wouldn't have known my background in detail, and she wouldn't be interested in getting marriage with me in such a hurry.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-24 07:46:26 | 显示全部楼层


5. Elisa is a well-trained liar and cheater!

Elisa Guo cheated me to get marriage with me. She had never told me she was a Chinese military officer and a CCP member until 2010. Had she told me the truth, I would have definitely refused to marry her!

Elisa Guo lied to the Officers of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Had she disclosed her military background to INS, she wouldn't be allowed to enter the United States, and she would have been definitely rejected in getting the Green Card!

Elisa Guo lied to her graduate school at the University of Chicago, lied to her ex-employer Wyeth, and lied to her current employer Pfizer. Had she disclosed her military background to those school of firms in the United States, she would have definitely refused to be enrolled in University of Chicago, nor to be hired by Wyeth and Pfizer!

Elisa Guo is a well-trained liar and cheater!

6. Elisa Guo manipulated the merge of Wyeth with Pfizer, and many other espionage for the Chinese Army!

The Chinese Army sent many of its military officer to the United States to do military espionage. These military spies are pretended to be civilians, but they are performing military tasks for the Chinese army whenever they got chances. Chinese military spies normally steal extremely sensitive military information for the Chinese government. Some of them may involve financial or industry espionage, some may even create financial crisis in order to help the Chinese government to get benefits. Elisa Guo is one of such kind Military officers who can create big financial event for the to benefit the Chinese government but may have the United States to be hurt or in big trouble. One of biggest thing that Elisa Guo did was the merge of her ex-employer Wyeth with her current employer Pfizer. This looks like a mission impossible. However, with the helps of the Chinese government, Elisa make it possible and successful! Please check the following link for more details:

China is the Black Hand behind the Pfizer-Wyeth Merger!

Fig. 6.1. The flow chart that describes how the Chinese Communist manipulate the merge of Wyeth with Pfizer through Elisa Guo.

What kind benefit could the Chinese government get from the merge of Wyeth with Pfizer?

In order to make this deal happen, Elisa Guo first tried to make Wyeth step down to have bad performance. Elisa Guo negotiated with many officers of Canada government or relevant agencies, so that to give extremely low prices for Wyeth products in favor to Canada. The Chinese security agencies told the bottom prices to the Canada officers who would involve the negotiation with Wyeth. The Canada officers got good prices with the help of the Chinese security agency. The knew some sensitive information from the Chinese military spies. Then, these have to "cooperate" with Chinese security agency. If not, the Chinese security agency would sent them to prison by disclosing their criminal activities. That is the normal way the Chinese government to make the people from the western countries to work for the Chinese government.

Bob Dechert, an ex-member of Canadian Parliament, was an example who was threatened by the Chinese security agents Ms. Shi Rong.  Just like Elisa Guo, Ms. Shi Rong is also a Chinese spy, also Shi Rong worked as a reporter for the Chinese Xinhua News Agency. Shi Rong and Bob Dechert sent some flirtatious mails to each other. Then, Shi Rong threatened Bob Dechert to work with the Chinese government. Once Bob Dechert refused, Ms. Shi Rong made some flirtatious mails that she received from Bob Dechert be public. That resulted the end of Bob Dechert's political career.

That is the normal end of the Chinese trap: to cooperate, or to die!

Please check the following link for public reports about Mr. Bob Dechert:

Bob Dechert and Shi Rong: Affairs of the Heart or Affairs of the State?

By manipulate the merge of Wyeth with Pfizer, Elisa Guo put many Canadian or American executive officers into that kind traps: to cooperate, or to die!  That is why Pfizer tried to keep Elisa Guo as an director, even though I reported to Pfizer that Elisa Guo was a Chinese Military officer! Note that, Elisa Guo was the only one from her formal department in Wyeth who was transferred to and re-hired by Pfizer during the merge with Wyeth. All of her colleagues, including her boss, were laid off during the merge.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-25 22:21:07 | 显示全部楼层


7. Elisa Guo, with the helps of the Chinese government initiated the Unrestricted War against me!

Elisa Guo not only espionage the leading pharmaceutical firms in the United States, but also tried to watch and destroy me for the Chinese government.

Since July 2009, I planed to start the "Tear Down This Wall" art Exhibition tour. The first stop of this exhibition was started on September 8th, 2009, I hold the opening ceremony for this art exhibition in New York. However, Elisa Guo tried her best to stop this art exhibition. She first invited Wenming Yan, another Chinese military spy in Shanghai, to come to the United States. Wenming Yan claimed he was working for the Chinese military and had been trained in the PLA with Elisa Guo while both them in Shanghai. Wenming Yan lived in our New Jersey house from September 7th to 20th, 2009. Wenming Yan and Elisa Guo persuaded me to stop the Art Exhibition tour. Wenming Yan even asked me to give all the art pieces to him and shipped to China. I refused his offer. Wenming Yan and Elisa Guo then threatened me to kill me if I continue to do the Art Exhibition at other locations as planned.

Fig. 7.1. Mr. Wenming Yan, a Chinese Military spy visited the Art Exhibition every day from September 8th to 18th, 2009. He was sent by the Chinese government to harass me and to destroy the Art Exhibition.

In order to stop the Art Exhibition, Elisa Guo also invited Yuhua Tang, the head of the Chinese security agency in the North America.

Fig. 7.2. This picture shows that Elisa Guo met Yuhua Tang(the man with glasses) at the Art Exhibition.

The second stop of the art exhibition was held at the Congress Hills in Washington D.C. from October 1st to 3rd, 2009. Elisa Guo had tried all means to stop me to do other art exhibition as planned. She shouted at me every time I came back home and forced me to destroy all the art works for the exhibition. She even assault me frequently. Sometimes when I drove in the car, Elisa Guo would assault me with whatever she could grab in the car. She throwed the GPS on my faces 3 times when I drove on the highway, and made my glass broken and hurt my eyes into bloody. She scratched my ears, my nose into bloody when I drove on the highway.

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