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发表于 2008-2-28 16:26:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
连您也知道,现在已经到了不得不改的地步了。但应该如何改呢?这里我必须强调,我是一名基督徒,不主张暴力革命。《圣经》中写到:不要以恶报恶,要以善胜恶。(罗马书12:17,21)在上有权柄的,人人当顺服他,因为没有权柄不是出于 神的,凡掌权的都是 神所命的。所以抗拒掌权的,就是抗拒 神的命;抗拒的必自取刑罚。(罗马书13:1-2)又曰:要为万人恳求、祷告、代求、祝谢,为君王和一切在位的,也该如此,使我们可以敬虔、端正,平安无事地度日。这是好的,在 神我们救主面前可蒙悦纳。他愿意万人得救,明白真道。(提摩太前书2:1-4)
我们要与魔鬼争战。《圣经》中写到:你们要靠着主,倚赖他的大能大力,作刚强的人。要穿戴 神所赐的全副军装,就能抵挡魔鬼的诡计。因我们并不是与属血气的争战,乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。(以弗所书6:10-12)
《圣经》中写道;不要为自己积攒财宝在地上,地上有虫子咬,能锈坏,也有贼挖窟窿来偷;只要积攒财宝在天上,天上没有虫子咬,不能锈坏,也没有贼挖窟窿来偷。因为你的财宝在哪里,你的心也在那里。一个人不能事奉两个主。不是恶这个爱那个,就是重这个轻那个。你们不能又事奉 神,又为钱卖命。(马太福音6:19-21,24)
Dear Mr. Hu Jintao, the President of China:
My name is Bohan Wu. I am a Chinese overseas student studying in Australia. I really cannot stand the numerous problems in China, so it is necessary for me to write a letter to you.
There are many problems in China right now, so many that reforms must be carried out immediately. You point out to “build a harmonious society”, but the reality is that there is more and more social friction, dissatisfaction, and the society is becoming more and more unharmonious. What can we do to build a real harmonious society? This is the purpose for me to write this letter to you.
In terms of the comtemporary China, although at the first glance the economy is booming, it seems that China is going through a phase of peak prosperity. However, behind that, inflation rate is soaring, moral order has broken down, fake goods everywhere, rife corruption, the environment is crumbling, police force and judicial system is like a mafia; undergrads cannot find jobs, victims of government policies have nowhere to sue; furthermore, the masses are unable to afford medicine, housing and education. These “new three mountains” are driving people crazy. What is the real problem behind all these?
There is one thing I have to explain: the term “people” in this letter means Chinese citizens, not the explanation of “people” and “enemies” of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). From CCP’s perspective, only it can represent people, hence those who reject it reject people and become “enemies”. To the contrary, CCP is on the opposite side of the Chinese people, and what it does causes enormous disaster to China and the Chinese people.
The current People’s Republic of China which is ruled by CCP is no more than another authoritarian regime. In China, people who sin are always treated as the righteous God, people with limited capability hold unlimited power. No wonder people are in hot water in this sacrilegious nation. For the current China, the fact that people are driven crazy by the “new three mountains” shows that people are living in hot water. Once you said: “I am so sad that the masses are unable to afford medicine, housing and education.” Being sad is no good. The people of China are so poor, and the country is so chaotic, you have to be accountable. Don’t you want to be deemed good by the Chinese people? Water takes boats, but it can also overthrow boats. If you sincerely want to make political reforms, and the life of the people can get better, you can still be the highest leader of China; otherwise, people can overthrow you in the near future, by then there’ll be no time for you to regret.
As you know, it’s time that reforms have to be taken. But how? I clarify one thing, that I am a Christian, and do not advocate bloodshed revolution. The Bible says: Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:17-21) Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. (Romans 13:1-2) It also says: Requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
Therefore, although CCP is an evil regime, we should not use violence to overthrow it, instead we should use goodness to disintegrate it. A peaceful way will minimize casualties, so that would be best. Of course, people have the right to start a democratic revolution to overthrow an authoritarian government, just like the Xinhai revolution, which ended the authoritarian Qing Dynasty and established the Republic of China.
In terms of a peaceful way, what I mean here is that you will have to actively disintegrate CCP, but you can still be the highest leader, but you will have to get rid of Marxism-Leninism and disintegrate CCP.
What exactly are we fighting against?
We are fighting against the devil. The Bible says: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:10-12)
The meaning of that paragraph is that we should not fight against people, but against the devil, Satan, who controls evil spirits. People sin because of the manipulation of Satan. With a government it is the same.
The similarities between Satan and CCP
Believe it or not, there are many similarities between Satan and CCP. Revelation is the last book of the Bible, which describes things that will happen in the future. It says: Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads. The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. (12:3,9)
As the Bible says, the enormous red dragon is Satan. Let’s face the facts, China worships dragon, emperors are called “sons of Heaven – the real dragon”; Chinese people are called “offspring of dragon”; CCP’s favourite colour is red, red flag, red star, red army, red guards, red pennant, red sun, east red, etc. China is so big. Therefore it can be said that the China ruled by CCP is really like an enormous red dragon.
Please keep reading, there are more similarities later.
Revelation also says: I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead. (13:11,15-16)
This chapter says that Satan has two evil accomplices – the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth. These three evil things form an evil trinity, to attack the real trinity – Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
CCP also has two evil accomplices – guns and pens, or violence and lies. It uses guns to suppress people, and pens to brainwash people. “Political powers come out of the barrel of guns”, he who controls the army controls the lifeline of CCP. The People’s Liberation Army is one evil accomplice of CCP, which was fully evidenced by “June 4 Massacre”.
The pen is the tool for CCP to brainwash people. It deifies CCP and enforces obscurantist policy. Furthermore, it forces every single child to join the “Youth Pioneer of CCP”, and they have to swear that they “love CCP” and “fight for the achievement of communism”. All innocent children are thrown into the Red wave and received marks of communism. Any dissidents must be overthrown. CCP becomes the biggest state terrorism of the world.
However, there is one thing I need to clarify: although Satan is so astonishingly similar to CCP, CCP is not Satan. Satan is the “king of the world” that is the source of all evil spirits. Even in countries that are not damaged by CCP, governments may inevitably do bad things. Satan absorbs so many evil spirits on CCP, which makes CCP has many similarities to Satan. For China, we have to get rid of the Satan-absorbed CCP, only then the social problems in China can be solved.
Although Satan is very powerful, it is doomed to fail. Revelation also says: Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh. (19:19-21) And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. (20:10)
Satan is doomed to fail, CCP is also doomed to be destroyed, since it is even not so powerful as Satan. Indeed, CCP has millions of army and secret police, and all ruthless machines of the country, but they are incomparable to the mighty power of God. God is the Creator of everything, and once he destroyed everything on Earth by flooding (See Genesis). Therefore, for God to destroy CCP is a piece of cake.
Why do you have to get rid of Marxism-Leninism and disintegrate CCP?
Marxism-Leninism advocates materialism, evolution theory and atheism; CCP forces people to believe in Marxism-Leninism, and this is the root of all problems in contemporary China. Let us look at it one by one:
Materialism: material is everything
CCP declares that material is everything. Material is enjoyment. To make it simple, it means that it can do anything for money. It has absolute power, in turn it will cause absolute corruption. Now it has turned out that there is no official that is corrupt-free in CCP, and the more crackdowns on corruption, the more serious it becomes. Now for corruption cases, it is not uncommon for the amount to exceed 100 millions, and it seems nothing for only a couple of millions.
Apart from corruption, having mistresses is another characteristic of CCP. Among all corrupted officials in China, 95% of them have mistresses. They make anti-corruption reports during daytime, but at night they go for prostitution and make out with their mistresses. For CCP, revolution is for enjoyment. Mao Zedong built villas throughout China to enjoy mistresses.
For CCP, the meaning of life is money and women. Social justice is meaningless. In order to maintain its privileged vested interests, officials of various levels of CCP bully the masses and discount their wills. Officials do dirty deals with merchants and bandits. They illegally take over the houses of the masses, plunder the achievements of the masses, and blatantly declare that these are “under the guidance of CCP”, “for the fundamental interests of CCP and the people”. Since CCP monopolized all ruthless machines of the country, it can arbitrarily plunder the masses’ properties without considering any consequences. Since it established the regimes in 1949, it first seized all properties, make them “collective”, then it privatized them, and they became the properties of the officials of CCP. What is the purpose for this? Money! For political performance, it destroys environment, brushing aside the living conditions of the Chinese offspring; for officials getting promotion, it doesn’t matter how many people die, they only need to be accountable to their higher leaders. The Chinese people always live in hot water, as all properties have been plundered by CCP, so what remains for the people is not enough.
Nowadays all Chinese have felt the increasing pressure that uncontrollable inflation brings to them. Nobody would like the commodity price to go up except CCP. Because the more it increases, the more revenues it will generate for CCP. In Western democratic countries, if a government was like this, people could vote it out. But in China, the single-party state, people have no right to vote thus are enslaved by CCP, and become prostitutes that can be raped at any time. Is this what you describe as a “harmonious society”?
Materialism is not limited within CCP, it has brought harm to the whole Chinese society. Why are fake things everywhere? Because of money. Everything is fake except crooks. Apart from the high commodity price, people don’t know what to eat, as food is often poisonous. For those who make and sell fake stuff, aren’t they greedy about money as well? In order to get money, nobody cares about the safety of other people and the damage to the society. The rich looks down upon the poor, urban people look down upon rural people. “As long as you live better than me, I can’t stand it.” People persecute people, people fight against people, with all means possible. This is consistent with the concept of struggle of Marxism-Leninism, and also symbolizes Mao Zedong’s notion, which is “It’s with endless joy to struggle against the heaven, the earth and people”. The consequences are that environment and social justice is completely destroyed.
I list this couple of examples, just to prove that materialism has caused great disaster to the Chinese people. The authoritarian CCP believes in materialism, in its regimes of near 60 years, 80 million people have died because of persecution and abnormal famine, over 200 million people are purged. For such an evil theory and regime, the only feasible way is to get rid of it, otherwise the Chinese people will never be free.
Let me ask you, to design a bridge, which comes first, the idea or the bridge itself? For the universe, does the universe come first or the idea of how to create the universe come first? Genesis clearly says that God created everything on earth. If not, where do all the rivers, mountains come from? Therefore, materialism is untenable, and very damaging.
Evolution theory: Men were evolved from monkeys, so they are just a king of high-level animals that can speak.
The Evolution Theory created by Charles Darwin is just an assumption, and cannot be proved even till today. It itself has some defects. To ask a simple question, if men were evolved from monkeys, why cannot men continue to evolve from monkeys today? However, CCP instigates the theory much, the purpose is to let people give up moral orders, and can do anything to fulfill the goals. As CCP is like this, so its environment must also be like this. It declares: “I am unscrupulous, so who am I afraid of?” It believes that “God is above one’s head”, “Thieves have bottom lines” are opium that paralyses people. For its theory, we all live just a couple of decades, as we are all animals, after death there is nothing left, so we have to start communist revolution, use all means to enjoy money, power and women. This is the reason why CCP is so corrupted today.
History shows that the Evolution theory has brought great disaster to human beings. Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong instigated the theory that animals became humans, but what they did was to degrade people to animals. Under their authoritarian regimes, there were not characteristics of humans, only animals. How horrible!
There are only characteristics of animals in the animal world. Strong animals eat weak ones, no rules, no moral order. Looking at the contemporary China ruled by CCP, it is a real uncivilized animal society. No moral order, victims of government policies have nowhere to sue; all levels of governments have money and power, they do anything they like; for average people to do something, making fake things and bribery is imperative. Nobody abide by any rules, and people take that for granted. To give an obvious example, when the red light on the road is on, pedestrians and bike riders that ought to stop still go ahead through cars. This is not just one, this is commonplace everywhere.
Nowadays people from mainland China can be said the most uneducated people in the world. Uncivilized behaviours are everywhere, such as spitting, dumping trash in public, and talking loudly in public. In China, whoever is bossy takes the most advantages, but honest people always lose out. There is no compassion, no forgiveness, all responsibilities are shirked to others. People struggle with people, people take advantages on people. How could these be the signs for civilization? It is indeed a wild animal society. However, ancient China was deemed as the “nation of etiquette”. How do you explain the huge difference? The reasons are the following:
In the view of CCP, human beings are wild animals, so the rules they make are the means they use to fulfill its purposes and the tools for struggle with the enemies. If it needs the rules, it pays lip service to them, otherwise it ignores the rules completely. For CCP, rules are subject to its privileged vested interests, so they can be changed whatever it thinks fit. This is why CCP is so corrupted, so cruel, and everyone is in fear. If the environment is set in peace, these wild animals that are filled with evil spirits will show their real faces and unable to exist, because they have no real ability and cannot abide by true laws. Only in chaotic and evil environments can they live a good life. In such an environment, people who are honest, compassionate, and who fear God are constantly persecuted and have miserable life. Everyone is in fear and engulfed by the evil atmosphere, thus have no time to consider the atrocities of CCP. All they can do is to struggle with other people to gain their living spaces. When CCP successfully forces the masses to struggle with each other, nobody will struggle against itself.
CCP has brutally ruled China for nearly 60 years and has fomented disaster for over 80 years. It makes China so chaotic, and has destroyed both material and spiritual assets of the Chinese nation. It makes the masses confused about justice. The masses are driven to the end that they cannot live anymore. In relation to all these, CCP that instigates the Evolution Theory is the principal offender.
Atheism: No saviour exists.
All Marxist-Leninist people are atheists. The International sings: There is never any saviour, who created the world? It was our working people.
However, think about it, among all living creatures and plants, which one was randomly created? There are nine planets in the solar system, but only the Earth is livable. The distance between the Sun and the Earth is 93 million miles, it wouldn’t be livable even if the distance just change a little bit. It takes 23 hours 56 mins 4 s for the Earth to rotate one lap itself, and 365 days 5 hours 48 mins 46 s to rotate one lap around the Sun. There are four seasons in one year, year after year, never changes. These are all carefully orchestrated by God. God shows his existence by enlightening men the rules and orders of the things in the universe.
Issac Newton said: “My Law of Universal Gravitation cannot explain the Earth’s self rotation, so it seems that the Earth can only rotate via God’s hand. Not only this, all stars in the universe rotate in constant speed, so organized that only God can make that happen.”
CCP does not allow people to believe in God, but deifies its highest leaders as God. Mao Zedong’s “God creating movement” was self-evident; later the “Deng Xiaoping’s theory”, “Three Representatives”, plus your “Notion of Scientific development” and “eight glories and disgraces”, all of these were meant to push the Chinese people to “hold firm the great flag of CCP” and achieve political conformity. However, remember you are not God, but people that have flesh and blood. You also sin and make mistakes like we do, and cannot always be “great, glorious and correct”. When people like you who sin are always treated as the righteous God, who have limited capability hold unlimited power, who are sacrilegious, no wonder the Chinese people live in hot water.
Atheism is only a cloak for CCP to con people, in fact CCP leaders are aware of God’s existence. At the end of 1975, Mao Zedong met with US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger in China. Mao said: “I know that God didn’t like me, because I liked struggle, and I am a communist.” Mao, who made himself “the great saviour” even knew that he was a fake god, let alone other leaders of CCP.
Because of atheism, 1.3 billion Chinese people have a huge religious void. With no faith, there is no bottom line, so the breakdown of moral order is self-evident. For the current Chinese people, they live for money, for power, for enjoyment. Atheism has destroyed the consciousness and morality of Chinese people, and the Chinese nation is facing a huge crisis.
One thing for sure, I have to emphasise freedom of religion. People have the right to believe in God, and also have the right not to have any belief. However, CCP uses ruthless machines of the country to force people to believe in these three theories, thus becomes illegal. Materialism, Evolution Theory and atheism are intertwined, they constitute Marxism-Leninism. This is the root that foments disaster to China, and is the reason why I ask you to get rid of Marxism-Leninism and disintegrate CCP.
I am sure you will say this: isn’t this anti-CCP and anti-socialism? Yes, I am anti-CCP and anti-socialism! I am denying the leadership of CCP and socialism. Because CCP is evil, and socialism never works. In the world wave of democratization, CCP acts perversely and commits monstrous crimes. Who can tolerate?
Meanwhile as you disintegrate CCP, there are several things that need to be done immediately:
1. Stop the persecution of Falun Gong!!
I am a Christian, holding different faith to Falun Gong people. But all men are created equal, have freedom of religion, and the right to pursue happiness. This is right God gives us, it’s a universal value that cannot be deprived by any governments or parties. CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong is genocide, a crime against humanity, even occurs in the 21st century. This is intolerable.
Which is an evil cult, Falun Gong or CCP?
CCP always declares that Falun Gong is an evil cult, hence has to be cracked down on. I have something to ask you, CCP is atheist, so how can it judge which one is a good religion and which is an evil cult? For example, I don’t smoke, and know nothing about cigarettes. How can I say that which cigarette is good and which is bad? Rather, I do know a little bit about religion. Although I don’t hold the belief of Falun Gong, and haven’t done much research about it, I believe its belief of “Truthfulness, kindness, tolerance” is consistent with the principles to deal with people. Furthermore, given the observance I have from Australia, Falun Gong people are peaceful, not tainted with any signs of evil cults. If it really was an evil cult, each country would’ve cracked down on it already, how could it have flourished throughout the world? To the contrary, Falun Gong is never persecuted in any country except its origin – mainland China. Doesn’t this prove that persecution of Falun Gong is wrong?
CCP cracks down on any religion, because in order to implement its party culture, to brainwash people, any religion is a threat to it. Therefore, CCP established the State Bureau of Religious Affairs to forcefully administer and reform each and every religion. Now even the reincarnation of the Panchan Lama needs approval of CCP, how ridiculous. Christianity’s world influence is too large for CCP to label it an evil cult, but it established the “Three-Self Patriotic Church”. All Christian Churches have to register with CCP. For those family churches that refuse to register, CCP cracks down on them. For Bishops appointed by the Vatican but not approved by CCP, they are either jailed or under house arrest.
In terms of what is an evil cult, I believe that CCP is heavily tainted with cult signs. Cults deceive people for money, but CCP doesn’t deceive, it openly plunders the properties of the masses; It also has scriptures, Chairman Mao’s Quotations, Literary Selections of Deng Xiaoping, Literary Selections of Jiang Zemin are all compulsory books CCP members have to learn, which is called periodic political studies; for orthodox religions, people are free to come and go, free to choose whatever they believe; whereas CCP forces people to learn the dogma of communism since they were born, and the learning process is linked with admission to schools and career employment; all CCP leaders deify themselves to be God, and override the masses; orthodox religions do not have membership fees, but voluntary donations from believers; CCP forces Party members to pay Party fees, and League members to pay League fees; orthodox religions teach people to do good, but CCP teach people to do evil, struggle with everything, exposing the darkest side of people. Given the comparison, isn’t CCP an evil cult? This is why you have to disintegrate CCP. Who would like to be ruled by evil cults?
The persecution of Falun Gong is a disgraceful thing in the history of human beings. Therefore, please stop the persecution, pay compensation to all victims, release lawyer Gao Zhisheng and other people who support for Falun Gong, and punish the criminals which they deserve. Truth will eventually be justified.
2. Admit the atrocities CCP did in the June 4 Massacre, and compensation all victims.
June 4 Massacre is a hurdle that CCP will never overcome. I’m not using the word “redress”, because CCP is not qualified to redress at all. Redress is a dirty trick CCP always uses, first if persecution you to death or near death, then you are “redressed”, which shows the “greatness, glories, correctness” and legality of CCP. Afterwards, you will be persecuted again. All you can do in despair is that you are stranded but expecting being “redressed”. If CCP sincerely wants to redress the June 4 Massacre, it has to admit the atrocities of the massacre, compensate all victims, and gives back justice to people by stepping down from the power.
Can stability override everything?
CCP declares “stability override everything”. In relation to the Massacre, its excuse is that without the stability after the crackdown of pro-democracy movement, the society will become chaotic, and economy could not have risen so sharply. Is the reality so?
A just society cannot be the expense of social stability.
Whose stability? It’s the stability of you leaders, of the dictatorship of CCP, not the real social stability. The Chinese society is ostensibly stable, but honesty and credit has disappeared, moral order has broken down. At the same time, there are more and more class actions of the masses, more and more frictions between the masses and the governments. I went to the village of suing governments in Beijing, within ten minutes, there were over 50 people who gave me their stories, and each of them was so miserable and shocking. This is what you describe as “harmonious”?
You have to know, that under high political suppression of CCP, these many social problems will break out sooner or later. This is not a question of if, it’s a question of when. When it does break out, it will be a huge disaster, everyone will be victims including you.
Ecological environment cannot be the expense of economical development.
The Chinese economy is indeed booming, but the destruction of environment is always growing as fast as the GDP ratio. As CCP believes in the struggle philosophy, it thought that men can overcome Heaven, hence it endlessly destroys the environment. This causes damage not only to China, but also to the whole world. To say something crude, you are the highest leader, so what? You still have to breathe the air in Beijing which is so indescribably polluted, don’t you? Economic development is only one data among all for a country. CCP destroys the great rivers and mountains that God brings China, hence it will definitely be punished by God for its atrocities.
If the June 4 Massacre is not solved, whatever democracy, human rights, are pious a pious idea. There is no real stability without democracy. Until today, there are so many families of the victims of June 4 Massacre that still suffer deeply. They don’t even have the right to cry for their relatives on Tiananmen Square. Those murderers are still not punished, and CCP is still enslaving the Chinese people. Therefore, please admit the atrocities CCP did in the June 4 Massacre, and compensation all victims.
3. Clear the atrocities done by Mao Zedong
Every founding father always pay great attention to people’s welfare. Mao Zedong was opposite and committed enormous crimes.
Mao was the cruelest tyrant ever in history, Stalin and Hilter were incomparable to him. Hilter killed 6 million Jews, Stalin killed 12 million Russians; whereas Mao’s Great Leap Forward caused a 3-year great famine, over 40 million Chinese people died. This could be the worst ever famine in history.
Mao killed people like sand. Before CCP took regime in 1949, Mao caused the “Brainwash in Yan’an”. After CCP took regime, Mao became worse, started a series of political movements: “Suppression of Counter-Revolutionaries”, “Anti-Three”, “Anti-Five”, “Land Reform”, “Anti-Rightists”, until peaked at “Cultural Revolution”. In this series of political movements, over 20 million Chinese people were killed. In total, there were over 60 million Chinese people died under Mao’s regime. This is incomparable whatsoever.
Mao hated education, cursing intellectuals as “stinky old nine”, saying that “the more educated, the more counter-revolutionary”. During the Cultural Revolution, national education came to a complete halt. He openly destroyed economy and never cared about the life of the people. “We prefer the grass of socialism to the seedlings of capitalism.” During his regime, economy crumbled, starving people was everywhere.
Mao instigated the struggle philosophy, his cliché was “How could 800 million people not struggle?” His notion is that “It’s with endless joy to struggle against the heaven, the earth and people.” This ridiculous notion, to everyone’s surprise, became the greatest Maoism. To struggle against the heaven, destroying the faith between men and God; against the earth, destroying the environment; against people, destroying honesty between people. How could the Chinese people not live in hot water under such a theory that is anti-heaven, anti-earth and anti-humans?
Mao also hated traditional Chinese culture. In the Cultural Revolution, “The Four Old” were destroyed, and “The Four New” was established. It meant that traditional Chinese culture was completed ruined, and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism was rooted in China, causing endless disasters.
Such a tyrant was praised in China as “the great leader”, “the great saviour”, “the Red Sun”. He’s portrait still hangs above Tiananmen, what a disgrace for the Chinese people!
Why are so many people still enchanted with Mao these days? Because with CCP’s God-creating movement, Mao was raised as a god in a godless country, which filled the empty soul of the Chinese people. Chairman Mao’s Quotations became the Bible in China, and Mao became the god of China. However, the fundamental difference is that Mao is just a human being, not God. The core of the Bible is love, teaching people to do good; whereas the core of Chairman Mao’s Quotation is struggle, teaching people to be evil. Therefore, we have to get rid of the personality cult of Mao, clear his atrocities, let the entire Chinese people know who he really is. Only by doing this, people can flee from the evil struggle philosophy and get back to the holy relationship between men and God.
4. Release all prisoners of consciousness, abolish the single party state, hold elections, allow freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, freedom of the press, independent judiciary that accomplishes real democracy.
China is a signatory of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Chinese Constitution clearly stipulates all those freedoms. However, CCP overrules all the organizations, trampling on the Declaration and the Constitution, depriving freedom of the Chinese people. Anyone who dissents against CCP will be jailed. You know way better than me about the number of prisoners of consciousness in China. As I have published my letter, I would’ve been jailed had I was still in China; now I am overseas, so there is no way that I could go back and can only become a refugee. Is this the so-called “harmonious society”? Is it only “harmonious” when there is no dissent and everyone says good things about CCP?
What is human right? It means that all men are created equal, people have the right to enjoy freedom and pursue happiness. It is a universal value that was written in the Declaration. However, CCP says that human right is equivalent to the right to live, as long as you have enough to eat, you have human right. Aren’t pigs happy when they are done with their food? CCP never treats the Chinese people as human beings. Let’s go back one step, is the right to live protected by CCP for the Chinese people? There are so many mining disasters every year, has CCP ever pays attention to the miners’ right to live? For those who come to Beijing to sue their local governments, they would not come if they could still have the right to live. Have them ever been protected by CCP? The Chinese people do not have any rights, and can be arbitrarily persecuted or killed by CCP. This is fully evidenced by the 80 million people died under CCP’s 60 year regime.
I made quotations above in the Bible, saying that people should “submit to the authority”. However, to “submit” does not mean to “grin and bear”, does not mean that the authority could do whatever it likes. What I mean is that if the authority fears God and accounts to the people, then people should submit to it; if the authority is absorbed with evil spirits, then people should fight against the evil spirits. The Chinese authority is absorbed with CCP the evil spirit, hence we have to get rid of CCP. How? To vote it out in elections, to replace it with orthodox religions, to criticize it by free speech. Furthermore, people need to protect their rights by free association. Independent judiciary can prevent governments from abuse of power, otherwise it is always “great, glorious and correct”, it would never lose power, and people’s right would never be protected.
Democracy is the world trend, whoever abides by it survives, and whoever resists it dies. CCP does evil things, so will definitely be severely punished. Please give the regime back to the people, only then China will have hope, and the Chinese people can enjoy freedom.
Doesn’t CCP understand democracy? Yes, it does. Look at its elaboration of democracy on its official Xinhua Daily Newspaper before it established the regime, it was spot-on, way better than my explanation. By those elaborations, people bought it, but when it established its regime, it adamantly became a single party state, brutally cracking down on dissidents, turning Chinese people into slaves. This proved CCP’s unscrupulous nature, therefore we have to get rid of it.
5. Abolish the One-child policy
Only China has such a policy in the world. It forces one family can only have one child, if not the wife would be sterilized or the baby got killed. It is such a brutal policy. Look at CCP’s slogans, “We prefer adding ten cemeteries rather than adding one person”, “Abortion, miscarriage, we just cannot let it born.” It shows CCP’s violent nature.
As a Christian, I firmly boycott this policy. “Men’s lives relate to God”, any small life is a grace from God and cannot be arbitrarily put to death. However, this the implementation of this policy, over 40 million infants or new-born babies have been killed by CCP. This is another crime against humanity committed by CCP.
Now this policy has brought grave consequences to China. The male-female ratio is already seriously imbalanced to 1.37:1, for some places it is even higher, up to 1.63:1. By 2020, there will be nearly 40 million male Chinese youngsters unable to find their wives. This is a serious potential social threat. A sterilization chaos occurred in Bobai, Guangxi back in May 2007, which was a great protest against this brutal policy. The bandit-type actions by CCP officials were so intolerable.
With the aging process in China, the single-child couples would face more difficulties in caring for aging parents. In addition, the phenomenon of self-centered “little emperors” is also undermining our society.
CCP always argues that as China is so populous, the only way to control population is compulsory birth control. That is wrong. This is the consequence of CCP holding belief in the struggle philosophy of Marxism-Leninism. In its perspective, what should it do to control population? Kill it. What is the Chinese masses worth? As long as we have guns, what could they do?
In fact, according to UN’s survey, the birth rate will decline with the increase of educational levels. In China, urban families now generally have only one child, whereas farmers have more children due to lack of education. Therefore, to solve the population issue, CCP could’ve used peaceful means to achieve the aim by increasing national educational levels. However, it doesn’t do that. The Chinese educational funding level is even lower than many African poor countries. There are still many village students who study without desks. After the educational commercialization, the masses become difficult in high tuition fees. National education should be the top responsibility of any government. However, CCP shifts all duties to schools and only charges money and taxes.
It is a fact that China is populous. But in terms of the density of population, China is actually lower than Britain and Japan. The Chinese territory is 9.6 million square kilometers, and the population is 1.3 billions; The British territory is 240,000 square kilometers, and there are 60 million people; The Japanese territory is 370,000 square kilometers, and there are 130 million people. If Britain and Japan were the same size as China, Britain would have 2.4 billions, and Japan would have 3.2 billion people! Even if you say that they are Western countries, we are different, then let’s look at Taiwan, which has the same ancestors as mainland China. Taiwan’s density of population is actually much higher than Britain and Japan. Taiwan’s territory is only 36,000 square kilometers, but the population is as high as 23 million people. If Taiwan was the same size as China, it would have 6.1 billion people! It means that Taiwan’s density of population is over 4 times as mainland China. It is scary to compare, isn’t it?
How comes that there is no such one-child policy in those countries? They don’t have the serious social problems that we do. Therefore, the large Chinese population is not the excuse for implementing one-child policy, nor the root of the social problems. This policy is no more than a tool to persecute the Chinese people.
Indeed, we cannot ignore the fact that the western and central side of China is not so livable. Moreover, resources in China are relatively scarce, so we cannot permit people to have countless children. To overcome this, my advice is that we follow the Western nations to implement a family planning, which encourages families to have two or three children by providing better child benefits to them, but not just force families to have only one child. To achieve this, the general social welfare must be improved. A government is obliged to enable its people to live a good life.
6. Cut tax to curb inflation
The inflation in China is soaring out of control, especially everyday commodities. Now the masses cannot even afford pork The Chinese satellite went into the universe, so what? It evidences CCP’s legality? What is the point even if China wins 100 gold medals in the Beijing Olympics? Those commodities people cannot afford would still be unaffordable. People don’t really care about the achievements CCP brags about, rather their own livelihood. Therefore, inflation has to be curbed, otherwise it will become an enormous social turmoil.
How to curb? Cutting tax is the most efficient way. The cost of commodities goes up due to tax revenues, in turn food prices go up. This is why political parties in Western democratic countries all promise to cut tax to control inflation, so that people enjoy better lifestyle. Have you ever heard any parties promise something like this before elections: “If we win, we will greatly increase tax rate and guarantee a financial surplus”? I’m afraid that no one would pick a party like this.
However, as CCP is an illegal government not via elections, it can impose as much tax as it likes and ignores people’s life. According to statistics, in 2006, CCP’s revenues were three trillion RMB, and in 2007 were 5 trillions! I have to ask you, what did CCP do with all the money? Has CCP ever given any convincing accountability to the money? In CCP’s single party state, we could never see any transparent administrative procedures. People never get to know how much money that CCP officials squander and embezzle into their own pockets.
CCP uses the money it plunders for two things. On one hand corruption, the annual expenses for junkets, car use and conspicuous consumptions by CCP officials are near one trillion RMB. There are more varieties of “image projects”, government offices become more and more luxurious, officials desperately squashing people’s assets; on the other hand, in order to maintain its totalitarian regime, CCP employs numerous secret police to arrest dissidents, builds a “Golden Shield Project” to monitor the actions of the Chinese people and block access to politically sensitive information; it also uses the gigantic army to suppress the masses; in addition, it pushes its policy of “unified battlefield” to bribe foreign media and governments, attempting to spread its authoritarian communist regime to the whole world. CCP itself has become the biggest state terrorism in the world.
Therefore, please cut tax immediately, only then inflation can be curbed, and the burdens on the shoulders of the Chinese people can be loosened, and people can have better life.
7. Abolish collectivism and establish a private property society
China is a collective society, although so-called “collective”, in reality properties were monopolized by CCP. After CCP established its regime, it immediately confiscated all properties of the people. People have no ownership over their land and house, but a mere right to use, CCP can take it away it thinks fit. Although recently CCP legislated the Property Act, but like the Constitution it is also just a piece of scrap paper, nothing is essentially changed.
In China, people have to “abide by CCP’s distributions” in filling exams preferences; career path usually depends on CCP’s allocations, hence people thought that “my livelihood was given by CCP”, “I have to follow the rules of CCP”, otherwise there would be no livelihood. With collectivism, CCP becomes the biggest landlord and capitalist, it successfully kidnaps 1.3 billion Chinese people, which people cannot protest, otherwise all properties would be confiscated.
Once people lose economic freedom, there will be no political freedom. To list a simple example, after CCP’s 17th Congress, a “Propaganda Group of CCP’s 17th Congress” was established to propagate the “spirit of CCP’s 17th Congress”, all units have to study it. The members in the Group knew that they were talking rubbish, but they had to talk, otherwise their livelihoods would be deprived; those who study also knew the rubbish, but they had to study, otherwise they could not be promoted and their livelihoods would be deprived. Anyone disobeys CCP will have nothing left. Therefore, if the people want real democracy, freedom of speech etc, there must be real economic freedom. Collectivism must be abolished immediately.
The biggest shortcoming of collectivism is that ownership is not clear. “Everyone owns everything”, whom exactly does it belong to? If all land in China does belong to 1.3 billion Chinese people, can I divide my portion out of all the land, which cannot be deprived by CCP? What do you think?
Western democratic countries are all private properties societies, because the governments are constantly changing, how can they be collective? CCP is a single party state, so can be collective. Therefore when China becomes a real democracy, collectivism will have to be abolished. Furthermore, as all large enterprises in China are state-owned, this means that the government has to bear the losses even if they go bankrupt. As a result, efficiency is very low, virtually everyone wants the benefit but nobody works. The bosses on the other hand abuse their power to embezzle state assets, then the enterprise crumbles and people lose their jobs. Whereas large Western enterprises are private, have good ability of revitalization, competition and sense of crisis, which also curb the occurrence of corruption.
When the society becomes private-owned, Chinese people have economic freedom, democracy becomes a corollary. By then, nobody could brainwash the people, as people don’t have to learn and listen all those evil things.
Land privatization is the most imminent issue of private property society. Farmers would only enjoy real freedom when have land of their own. Now the land protection movement is throughout China, can you keep suppressing farmers? Impossible. To give farmers back their land, is one part of building a real harmonious society. If CCP keeps compulsorily acquiring land without paying just compensation, there will definitely be more turmoil, and CCP will backlash for sure.
Another good thing about privatization of property is that it can improve ecological environment of China. Collectivism makes people don’t consider consequences when developing properties. The environment I destroy is not my home, it doesn’t matter if public belongings are ruined. Privatization of property makes ownership clear. Who would make his own home such a mess? People would pay attention to environment protection. Environment is an issue relating to the existence of the Chinese offspring, which must be solved. Privatization of property will certainly improve the environment.
8. Abolish the system of population registration
CCP established a system of population registration, forbids the Chinese people to freely move interstate. It actually is apartheid in a different form, classifying the Chinese people into two categories: village residents and non-village residents, creating social frictions out of nowhere. Farmers have no social welfare and Medicare, and have to register a licence to stay in the city. Because registration is always a hurdle for farmers, they are always discriminated against in employment and education etc. The “Three Village” issues are the best evidence for CCP exploiting farmers. CCP established its regime via farmers, but treats farmers so cruelly, plunging farmers into the lowest level of Chinese society. Therefore, the system of population registration has to be abolished, only then the gulf between urban and village would be reduced, and farmers could have better life.
9. Abolish city management
City Management is a unique characteristic of China. It’s symbolic of CCP’s tyranny. CCP convenes scums together, makes them “city management” to oppress the masses. They beat up innocent people in public, everywhere they go is ruined and disturbs people seriously. Earlier this year, the “city management” in Tianmen, Hubei was abusing its power in public, and someone filmed it. However, he was beaten to death by those scums under broad sunlight, which shocked the whole nation.
To manage a city, one should abide by laws and judge fairly, not beat up people and plunder properties everywhere. How could this be managing a city, it clearly is bandit robbery. Furthermore, the enormous “city management” means that the Chinese people to pay more taxes for them, making their life more miserable. Nowadays people are so fed up with city management, so they have to be abolished, only then people can live a peaceful life.
Well, to establish a real democratic, free, just Chinese society, all those above things are the main ones. There are still many details that need to be done. But I believe that by means of our Chinese people’s wisdom, it would not be too difficult to do this. However, you have to make one step forward, the most important step, is also the one I greatly emphasise:
Since CCP established its regime in 1949, the Chinese people started fighting for democracy. From “Hu Feng’s Case”, “Xi’dan Democratic Wall”, to “June 4 Protest”, then to movement of right protection etc, pro-democracy activists and the masses continuously called CCP officials for political reform. Every time ended up in harsh oppression by CCP. The fundamental reason is that CCP officials cling to their privileged vested interests. If China did become a democracy, CCP wass overthrown, then their interests would be gone. If the Chinese people got more civil rights, their bureaucratic rights would be less, and they wouldn’t be able to plunder from the masses. As a result, no matter how grave the consequences are and how bad the impact is, every time CCP violently oppressed it with no mercy.
Those privileged vested interests are endless state assets embezzled by CCP officials. Essentially they are equivalent to money. However, do you really know how much they are worth?
The Bible says: Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. (Matthew 6:19-21,24)
You see that CCP stores up so much money, but is so afraid of the Chinese people. Your Presidency has so many soldiers and plain coat police, photos even cannot be taken. Why this? Presidency is open to the public in Western democratic countries, their leaders go out to speak to the public in person. Their leaders are elected by their people, abiding by people’s wills, so they are not afraid of their people. If you could also abide by people’s wills and fear God, you would also be able to walk out of your Presidency, getting in touch of the people, chatting, making fun, and having direct dialogues. If you do so, there would be less pretension, more honesty and accessibility. You could live an easy life, the masses could have better life, a win-win situation. Why make things like today that the frictions between officials and the masses are so intense?
CCP officials become slaves of money, clinging to their privileged vested interests, but these interests are obtained by illegally exploiting the Chinese people. In order to clinging to them, CCP officials have to suppress the Chinese people, falling into a vicious circle. If you could give back the assets exploited from the people, and store up your legal assets in heaven, you will surely be blessed by God.
The Bible also says: People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. (1 Timothy 6:9-10)
How incisive those words are! The enormous crimes CCP committed was to rob and retain its legal assets. Plus with the instigation of CCP, now the Chinese people only care about money, that social problems spawning everywhere. Money itself is not evil, but the love of money is evil.
Meanwhile, the Bible warns the rich people: Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered innocent men, who were not opposing you. (James 5:1-6)
You CCP officials who rob the treasures of the Chinese people, woe to you! People pay taxes to you, but you don’t provide sufficient welfare for them to live; when people come to protect their rights, you imprison them and brutally beat them. The victims of communism in China may not be able to oppose your guns, but you thought that by means of the guns you can maintain this evil regime forever and retain your privileged vested interests? You are wrong, because when the Lord Jesus returns, monies today will lose all their values, including your privileged vested interests.
You may want to ask why the Lord has not come. The Bible says: The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. (3 Peter 9-10) Therefore, you should repent immediately and stop being sacrilegious to God.
What is the Crime of Subversion of State’s Political Power?
There is a Crime of Subversion of State’s Political Power in the law of CCP. It’s another tool for cracking down on dissidents after “Anti-CCP and Anti-Socialism”. Since I’ve published this open letter, I’ll definitely become wanted for commission of this crime. Here I need to explain what this crime really is.
In a democratic country, political regimes keep changing, and there is a difference between the nation and the political parties. After elections, the newly elected party has naturally replaced or “subverted” the regime of the earlier party. However, what is “subverted” is only the regime of the party, not the nation. Let’s make Australia which I live in as an example. The winning of the Labor Party led by Kevin Rudd in the recent election has only replaced or “subverted” the regime of the Coalition led by John Howard, not the regime of Australia. When have you ever heard that John Howard wanted to imprison Kevin Rudd for the Crime of Subversion of State’s Political Power? If that was the case, Australia would’ve been in grave turmoil. Therefore, this crime will only exist in a regime like CCP where there’s no difference between the nation and the political party. All I am subverting is only CCP, not China.
CCP is a mafia-style evil cult. It kills people as sand, also brainwashes people, forcing people to believe in its evil philosophy. Marxism-Leninism has already been abandoned by the world, so CCP is also doomed to die imminently. Democracy is the world trend, and the Chinese nation will also end the single party state and become a democracy.
There are two options in front of you: Either you act like Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yetsin, giving up your privileged vested interests, getting rid of Marxism-Leninism, disintegrating the Communist Party, giving political regimes back to people, accomplishing real democracy so that people are free. Or keep enslaving people, and then become overthrown by the people, waiting for judgments from the people and God. CCP is not as formidable as you thought. It could use numerous police to suppress an elderly man who wanted to sue the government, which demonstrated its fear, let alone if all people rise up against it. Everything is tiny before God. CCP used tanks and machine guns to crack down demand for democracy in 1989. However, the Beijing Olympics Games is just around the corner, and CCP is desperately showing its legality by making a gloss of it. If right now there were people demonstrating at Tiananmen Square, demanding for democracy, would CCP still massacre the people?
Would democracy foment turmoil? The answer is no. Only democracy could get China back on track and build a real harmonious society. Western nations have been democratic for centuries, apart from the two World Wars, there was no internal turmoil, people were rich and blissful. Taiwan became a democracy with no turmoil; after the fall of communism, Eastern European countries did not suffer from turmoil, people started to enjoy real freedom. However, there is always turmoil in totalitarian countries. People live in hot water. Lack of checks and balances of democracy is the main reason for peasant rebellions in ancient China and the enormous disasters CCP has caused to the Chinese people. Tyranny could only buy silence for today, but not the people’s wills. Nowadays, CCP has lost all people’s hearts, various issues become more and more apparent, and there’s already a sign of social turmoil. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have come up with the idea of “harmonious society”. You only come up with it when it is too unharmonious. CCP’s stability cannot override everything. There would be no real stability without democracy.
Indeed, I’m not saying that all social problems in China would be solved as soon as the disintegration of CCP. However, the problems in China would not be solved if CCP was not disintegrated, because CCP is the real root of all social problems in China.
Short-term suffering is better than long-term suffering. The earlier you give up your privileged vested interests, disintegrate CCP, undertake democracy, the better, the problems in China would be solved more easily. The more time it takes, the more frictions it would be, and the problems in China would be more difficult to solve. If you undertake democracy, people will be grateful to you; if you keep maintaining tyranny, you will definitely be rightly punished by the people and God.
As I mentioned earlier, God wants all men including kings to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. Therefore, I pray that you can listen to my demand, abide by God’s wills, abide by the world trend, to get rid of Marxism-Leninism, disintegrate CCP, give back political regime to the people, let the Chinese people to enjoy democracy and freedom, to have their rights protected, to enjoy their life, and to build a real harmonious society.
May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. Amen!
Bohan Wu
Wrote in Melbourne, Australia
22 February 2008
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