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发表于 2013-6-16 09:04:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

刘蔚   2013年6月

My Life in China 1.7: I Draw Soviet-China War, August 19 Event

Wei Liu    June 2013


Since the 2000s, there is global language/foreign language learning trend. In order to serve the people better, from June 2013, I, Wei Liu, have changed my writings to Chinese text and English text side by side, with a Chinese paragraph preceding an English paragraph, convenient for people to learn Chinese and English.


It’s 1975, Chongqing, China, and I’m 5 years old. She’s not here now. I begin to draw pictures. I do not draw something I see or something from a book, but something in my imagination. I’m drawing on the northwest section of the paper. First I use the carbon/black pencil to delineate the figure, and then I go to my favorite part, using the color pencil to color up the picture. I have a box that has 12 color pencils. I color a general’s uniform green, belt and shoes black, collar silver gray, the star on the hat red, the face yellow. And draw a sword on the right side of his body. Looking at my finished work, most of it is green, a small part of it is red. Tiny red among massive green, I love that kind of looking.


Then I move to the northeast section of the paper and begin my second picture. Having delineated the figure of a person, I put down the black pencil and take up the color pencil. I color his face yellow, suit brown. What color should I color his pants to make it look good? Black? I don’t like black very much. Blue? It does not seem good. Purple? Yeah, purple. My purple pencil is moving back and forth on his pants. On his nose, I put a pair of glasses. I’m drawing a portrait of the Japanese Prime Minister. He must have lots of knowledge and may wear the glasses. I let him wear a pair of shoes and color them black. When I finish, I look at it. It does not have as much color as the first picture, but it looks more animated.


Now I’m drawing on the southwest section of the paper. Having delineated the tanks, the troops, the explosions of the shells, I put down the black pencil and take up the color pencil. I color the tanks and the cannons green, the belts of the soldier brown, the explosions red. The soldiers are in two different colors. The soldiers with the tanks are brown and the soldiers with the cannons are green because two armies are fighting each other: the Soviet Union and the Communist China. The media in China often says that we must shed the last drop of blood to defeat the invasion of the Soviet Union. In the movie, our army always looks green. So I color them green. I don’t know the color of the Soviet Army’s uniform. It must be different from ours. I cannot imagine two armies with the same color uniform can fight each other. So I guess the uniform of the Soviet Army is brown. I hear the Soviet Union has many tanks. So I let tanks be on their side. And for our side, it is the cannons. I hear our army does not lack cannons. Having finished drawing this picture, I looked at it, so grandeur.


Then I’m drawing on the southeast section of the paper. Having delineated the figure by the black pencil, I color the sky blue, the several clouds white, the bird black, the grass green, the creek blue. I give a name to this picture: Spring. I don’t know how to write the two Chinese characters, but I know the meaning. It’s in my heart. Looking at the picture, I feel serene.


This piece of paper is done with the 4 pictures. I carefully store it in a place on the desk. After my Mom comes home around 6:00 pm, I’ll let her give grades for my drawings/pictures. She gives A to some pictures of mine and B to others. B disappoints me more or less. I want A.


Then I take out another piece of paper and begin to draw. I finish another piece of paper, another 4 pictures. Outside the window, the sky is not as bright as the time I began drawing, which was around 2:00 pm. And now it has the dim tincture. Before long my Mom will come back. Painting, painting, painting. “Click”, the door lock sends sound to my ear and my Mom appears at the door.


“Mom, you look at what I’ve drawn,” I talk to her excited, giving her two pieces of paper.


“Wei, you draw well,” she says.


“Then you give me grades—” I say.


“All right,” she takes up a red pencil and writes down grades on my paper. She gives A to most of my pictures and B to some of my pictures.


“Wei, Mom has something to do and need to use the desk. You just stay here and don’t run out of the home,” Mom says.


Now I don’t have anything to do or a place to draw. My Mom is here. I can feel she does not have much interest in my painting. I imagine if I draw before her, she may display her dislike for my drawing and say something to discourage me. Her comments on my drawings are so short. I doubt she has looked at my drawings earnestly. I don’t worry about this very much. Once I can get color pencils and paper from her, it will be all right.


I want to know the world very much, but it is very hard for me to step our of this 4-story gray building. I pray. I fall asleep. In my dream, I get a magic telescope that let me see the future. I hold the telescope to my eye and enter the 21st century. I see the Soviet Event of August 19, 1991.


After the so-called October Revolution in 1917, the 15 Union Republic Countries of the Soviet Union including Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus are not formed up by the universal vote of people in those countries, but are forced by the Soviet Union to join. Since the 1980s, people in these union countries get awakened for their human rights and express that they want to decide the affairs of their country and to withdraw from the Soviet Union. People in the 3 Baltic States proceeded massive demonstration to express such desire. In June 1991, Boris Yeltsin was elected to be the president of Russia, the largest union country within the Soviet Union, the commander in chief for the armed forces in Russia, by the universal vote of the 150 million Russian people, one person, one ballot. Also in 1991, Gorbachev was elected to be the president of the Soviet Union. The two leaders comply with the public opinion and agree that people in the union country have the right to decide the affairs in their country.


On the other hand, the 8 high officials of the Soviet Union like Vice President Yanayev, Defense Minister Yazov, KGB Director Kelukev formed a faction to preserve the empire of the Soviet Union. On August 19, 1991, they launched a coup shocking the whole world. They sent troops to occupy the major media of the country like the Central TV Television, declaring the Soviet Union a state of emergency. The coup faction sent KGB detachment to the residence of Russian President Yeltsin in Moscow, with intention to take action against him. They also sent troops to the villa of Garbachev in Crimea. They put Garbachev under house arrest and cut off his communication from the outside. But the president of the Soviet Union Garbachev refused to do anything requested by the coup faction. This made the coup faction not have any lawful basis and not have any public opinion support. Then the only hope left for the coup bloc was the support of the Soviet Army or the Red Army.


        The coup faction deployed 5 Soviet Army divisions into Moscow. We found a gigantic unfair and distort reports from Beijing TV run by the Chinese Communist regime on this event. The basic voice of this media was that the coup faction is too weak and too indecisive, which leads to its failure. It seems to this media that if the coup faction had given an order to annihilate Garbachev and Yeltsin, and even to inflict the people, then they should have won the coup. It has failed to report the following critical situations in this big event.

1.        派去抓捕叶利钦的克格勃部队,除组长外,组员们拒绝执行命令。而叶利钦的住所估计有5人或6人的警卫。
2.        进入莫斯科的5个师,106空降师,塔曼摩托化步兵师,图拉摩托化步兵师,捷尔仁斯基摩托化步兵师,康捷米洛夫坦克师中,前面3个师成建制站在了叶利钦一边,保卫叶利钦所在的俄罗斯议会大厦白宫。远东军区一半以上听到政变消息后,支持叶利钦。
3.        当时苏联70%以上的民众,70%以上的地方长官认为政变派非法。

1.        Except the troop leader, all the KGB troops sent to arrest Yeltsin refused to enact the order. Yeltsin seems to have 5 or 6 guards.

        2.  Among the 5 divisions deployed to Moscow, 106 Airborne Division, Taman Motorized Infantry Division, Tula Motorized Infantry Division, Yezenski Motorized Infantry Division and Kanyeinov Tank Division, the first 3 divisions were on the side of Yeltsin, defending the Russian Congress Building, also called White House, where Yeltsin was. In the Far East Military Region, over half of the soldiers were on the side of Yeltsin after they learned the happening of the coup.

        3. During the 3 days of the coup, over 70% of people and 70% of local officials in Soviet Union held that the coup launched the hard Russian Communists was illegal.


Most of the military generals were on the side of democracy or Yeltsin as well, including the Air Force Commanding General Saposnikov, Navy Commanding General, Airborne Commanding General Grachve and the Airborne Deputy Commander Lebed. The Army Commanding General was on the side of the coup faction.


After the coup happened on August 19, 1991, Yeltsin risked his life to leave his home for Russian Congress Building and didn’t let Russian people down, who elected him to the Russian President in the same year. About 60,000 Russian people walked to the Red Square, gathering around the White House to protect the democracy. Everybody knows that that at that time the Red Square was a sea of people, but Beijing TV just showed a picture having 10-odd people in it, saying that there were only a few people participated in the event.


During the critical moment, Yeltsin once more risked his live, walking out of the White House to the Red Square. He jumped on No. 110 Tank of Taman Division, shouting for democracy and waiving his arm before a sea of people. The coup fact was finished. Even if in the two divisions that were not on the side of Yeltsin as a unit, there were still over half of the soldiers were on his side, which made the intention of the coup fact to attach and occupy the White House hard to enact. For instance, in Kanyeinov Tank Division, within one tank, the driver and the gunner may be on the side of Yeltsin or Democracy, the tank commander may be on the side of the coup faction. The tank commander may accuse the driver for not to obey the order to attack the White House, but the driver may accuse the tank commander for not to obey the order from the Russian President, Russian Military Commander in Chief, Yeltsin, that the troops should leave Moscow and return to their basis.


Also Air Force Commanding General Saposnikov said to the coup faction, “If you use tanks to attack the White House, where Yeltsin is, I will use the fight-bombers to bomb Kremlin, where you are.” Those who have some military knowledge know that in a modern war, it is just a slaughter for the fighter or bomber to fight the tank. The machine guns mounted on the tank is just a psychological console for air defense. The weapons on the tank are for the ground targets. Since 1990, the several wars fought by NATO, mainly the United States, are done mainly by the U. S. Air Force. Tank looks formidable only before us weaponless civilians. Once it meets the fighter, it will be finished. It is not difficult for 4 fighters to destroy a whole tank division consisting of 100 tanks in 30 minutes. In modern war, there is no obvious difference between day and night to a fighter. People, the 1.3 billion Chinese people, look at how many radar regiments, air defense missile-cannon brigades are around Beijing. Most of the air defense military forces are in Beijing Military Region. To be frank, the top officials of Chinese Communist fear the uprising of the Chinese Air Force.


The coup faction had to face the possible counter measures of the opponent. On August 22, 1991, Gorbachev returned to Moscow and the 8-people Gang of the coup faction was arrested. Several days later, Yeltsin announced that crimes of the coup launched out by the Soviet Communist Party and announced that stop any activities of that party. The coup for maintaining the Soviet Empire was smashed by Russian people represented by Yeltsin.


Now in 2010 many Chinese people talk about the background of Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese Communist leader, touring South China in 1992, and only mention the restricting atmosphere from 1989 to 1991, and do not mention the August 19, 1991 Event in the Soviet Union. This is not a comprehensive perspective. From the August 19, 1991 Event, Deng saw the strength of people. But Deng’s reforming policy is not in depth, and can only alleviate people’s anxiety for several years. Even in the economic field, once the people-robbing system of robbing people’s land, people’s welfare like housing and medical care does not change, Chinese people’s life will experience more hardships.


We have said this many times that to anyone from common person to high official, what people/history value is a person’s spirit, not material/wealth. In August 19 Event, Yeltsin, Gorbachev held fast to the standpoint of people’s will, and made tremendous effort to defend democracy, which will be recorded positively in history. As for how many tons of beef, how many tons of vodka, how large a house, how many vehicles, they consumed or used in their life, how many people they get along, people do not care. The same is with their opposing side, the coup faction. Also the same is with China, from common person to high official. We common people will forever commemorate those who make effort for democracy, human rights and fairness. I put down my telescope and return to the 1970s.  



        The end of “My Life in China 1.7: I Draw Soivet-China War, August 19 Event”

        My life in China, Book One: From Birth to the Graduation of Elementary School to be continued.


刘蔚     2013年6月12日更新


1.        土地权:满18岁的每位成年人拥有老天给他生存的2000平方米的土地去生存,包括建房,种地,死后不遗传,交还民选政府由后来满18岁的人领取,一人一份。

2.        福利权:占用了老天给民众生存的土地的政府有责任给每人提供住房,食品,教育,医疗四项生存福利,一人一份。如果公民自己已解决,则不再从政府领取。

3.        表决权:法律,政策,如企业税率,政府预算分配比例,全国应有多少万军队,学生一天上多少节课,应由民众一人一票表决,决定是否实行。不要再谈什么社会主义,资本主义,左派,右派,人类只该有一个主义/派别,就是全民一人一票决定国家的法律,政策。

4.        现金权:属于民众的现金应该全民一人一份。如一年民选政府收到海内外捐款2600亿元给中国民众,此款就应在13亿人中平分,每人该年应获得2600/13=200元。





欢迎各人员,各媒体刊登,转载我刘蔚的各篇文章。不必有任何顾虑,既然我们相信全国人民对于上述四项基本人权,赞成票会超过反对票,那么在中国的任何上百万人的团体,不管它叫什么党,什么派,情况都会是这样。我更多文章见博.讯 (网址中间是其5个字母的汉语拼音) 网站的博客,名字刘蔚在首页底部的作者群中。喜欢听书的朋友,google translate 网站可以为你朗读文章。愿13亿人参与进来,无愧于这个洒满泪水的时代,广传真理,一个人给5个以上人讲,告诉赞成的人也照此办理,让我们每人每周都有追求民主,人权的言行吧,壮大进步力量,救自己,救别人,救中国。


           Wei Liu
           P. O. Box 1967
           Bemidji, MN 56619  U. S. A.            

电邮:daysinchina然后是hotmail点com 发过电邮/email的人

Many years later, I, Wei Liu, as a common person, feel the need to speak up a real solution to the world.

                              Build Up a Fair, Democratic New World

                                           Wei Liu              June 9, 2013

In China, where there are no human rights, people are thrown by the high Communist officials into the battlefields one after another. From the 1970s to the 2010s, in the battlefield of the Entrance Examination to College, we Chinese students study 13 hours a day to survive that exam and shed many tears, with faint hope to make a living. Less than 2% of people can make a living on his own. When can 1.3 billion Chinese people to have our own house, our own medical care? When can we Chinese people free from the 100 degrees heat waves and the pollution? When can we have enough time for chess, mahjong, classics books and other good things that give happiness to ourselves and other people? In the 2010s, living in China one day is equal to have a pack of cigarette. Also, please be aware that English is a mandatory course in high school in China, and some Chinese Communist posts English words/replies against democracy and human rights workers like me, and they pretend to be westerners.

The solution for people in any country to depart misery and enjoy happiness is to realize a fair and democratic new country, where every one has the 4 fundamental human rights:

        1. Right of land. Every one is entitled to have about half an acre of land given by God for him/her to live.

        2. Right of welfare. Having occupied/utilized the resources including the land of people, the government has the obligation to give every one the welfares of housing, food, education and medical care.

        3. Right of decision. The law and policy should be decided of whether to enact or not by people’s universal vote, including the tax rate, government budget, how many armed forces a country should have, how many classes a student should have a day. We shouldn’t talk about socialist, capitalist, or left or right any more. Mankind should have only one doctrine that is people’s universal vote decide a country’s law and policy.

        4. Right of cash. The money belonging to all the people should be distributed evenly among all the people, f. g. one year China gets a donation of $260 billion for Chinese people, then every one of the 1.3 billion Chinese people should get the cash of 260/1.3=$200  through the people-elected government that year.

Those who oppose our ideas are never willing to let people vote on their ideas or our ideas. And we are always willing to let people do such universal vote. Then every one should see who are lying and who are sincerely serving the people. For those who largely agree to our ideas of the 4 fundamental human rights, we call each other human rights workers, comrade, awakened people, democratic people or common people. Just like playing chess, reading a book, no need to register. The 4 fundamental human rights should apply to any nation in the world. We wish those who largely agree to the 4 fundamental human rights can tell 5 or more people about it and let those agree do the same thing. When a country has serious problem, it is always the problem of human rights, democracy.

Wish people in the world not to live in vain in such an era filled up with our tears. Let’s participate in the grand project of making a new country, a new world in which every one has the 4 fundamental human rights. Let’s spread the truth, expand the strength of democracy, to save ourselves, our friends and our nation.

The end

More articles of mine both Chinese and English are in my blog http://blog.boxun.com/hero/flake/  

Public Worker, Comrade, Awakened People, Democratic People, Common People
Wei Liu             2013
Mail:  (Please keep your letter within 4 pages and no parcel.)

           Wei Liu
           P. O. Box 1967
           Bemidji, MN 56619  U. S. A.            

Email: daysinchina@hotmail.com
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