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zt【禁闻】党媒连发文 恐吓民众施压习近平









发表于 2013-9-1 08:33:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
zt【禁闻】党媒连发文 恐吓民众施压习近平
2013-08-07 05:38 AM

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采访编辑/李韵 后制/李智远

What is the Purpose of Intimidating Articles?

Xinhua, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media mouthpiece, recently published an article entitled, "Unrest in China will be worse than that in Soviet.” That article caused severe public criticism. Party media, Global Times, published an article on August 5 to offer an interpretation. The article claimed that China will never disintegrate like the Soviet Union in a relatively "civilized" fashion. China's "collapse" will be accompanied by war and bloodshed. Critics believe the CCP is now facing the crisis of collapse. These articles are threatening the Chinese people, and at the same time show various factions are putting pressure on Xi Jinping.

After Wang Xiaoshi, the writer of the article entitled, Unrest in China, was attacked, the Global Times article pointed out that the liberals were very naïve to think the collapse of the Soviet Union was a blessing to its people. The disintegration of the Soviet Union is a warning alarm for China. China cannot afford unrest. China's "collapse," the article states, will come with war and bloodshed.

Hua Po, Beijing political observer, said that the clear purpose of the Global Times article is to intimidate the masses. He believes when the economic system, confusion, and resentment have accumulated to an exploding point, the CCP is now in a quandary. In order to maintain a one-party dictatorship, it wants to intimidate people into staying calm and peaceful.

Hua Po: "Now, China has reached a crossroad, and China's economic development model has reached a dead end. It needs transformation, but transformation is very painful. Currently, there is nowhere to invest, and export enterprises are collapsing. Problems are many because the Chinese people have no money in their hands.”

US-based historian Liu Yinquan believes Chinese society is facing many hidden crises. Only by following Gorbachev's step and the world trend to disintegrate the CCP in a timely manner, will China move towards democracy. Liu Yinquan: "If you turn to the left, following the words of Mao Zedong and measures of the Cultural Revolution, the unrest will be accompanied with tremendous bloodshed. If you turn to constitutional democracy and universal values, it will get better and better."

In early July, the World Bank announced results of its annual economic examinations of all nations. Results showed that in 2012, Russian per capita income reached $12,700, placing Russia amongst high-income nations. Current affairs commentator Wang Beijie pointed out that after the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia's per capita income increased from 2,000 to more than 12,000 dollars, which is obvious to everyone.

Currently, the annual meeting will be held in Beidaihe. Hua Po thinks these published articles are actually a call for Xi's attention. Hua Po: "Duing the Third Plenary Session, Xi Jinping will have some major breakthroughs. All parties cannot wait to learn of the breakthroughs, so they caution Xi Jinping in Beidaihe. The leftists say, “Your reform cannot bring turmoil to China. Don't follow Gorbachev, and don't relax the CCP's rule."

Wang Beijie commented that the CCP always use some fallacy to comfort themselves and terrorize people. They use shameless remarks to prove their legitimacy, which is only self-deception. Wang Beijie: "Effectively abolishing a dictatorship and replacing it with a democratic system happened to many small countries, not just the Soviet Union. Countries throughout Eastern Europe have moved toward democracy, does the CCP want to criticize all those countries in the past 30 years to prove its legitimacy?”

Wang Beijie remarked that since the CCP took over China, there has not been one day without turmoil and bloodshed. All Chinese people's suffering, pain, sins and tragedies have derived from the CCP. As soon as the CCP disintegrates or disappears, the entire China proper and the entire human society will move towards peace and harmony.

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