臺灣雲林老農 " 梁平 " 牽著為梁家辛苦耕作21年的「牛牛」,送牠到台南縣政府開辦免費的「老牛的家」,讓牛牛安養天年。離別的一刻難分難捨。
老農一句「感謝你廿多年…」還沒說完,梁平抱住牛牛大哭,牛牛似乎也知離情,緊貼著主人,這一幕讓在場的人一陣鼻酸。考慮到讓牛牛活得有尊顏 ,決定送牠到養老院 , 安享天年 ~
牛牛 "出嫁" 影片連結 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANqKNhW-lGw&feature=related
牛牛傷心不吃不喝影片 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=Qumn5gKQUB0&feature=fvwp
老農和牛牛相聚影片 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=mOQtc-JrVdo&feature=endscreen
Liang Ping, once the farmer in Yun Lin, Taiwan, was the owner of a buffalo named, "Oxxy", and eventually sent him to a retirement community for buffaloes, that is sponsored by Tainan County Government. Oxxy had been assisting Liang with farming for 21 years. Liang wants Oxxy to receive the best care in this community. It was very emotional for both when Oxxy left the farm.
Liang hadn't even finished his words saying, " thank you for your help for more than 20 years of farming....", when he started holding his buffalo and crying hard. Oxxy also knew he was leaving his owner. He snuggled against his owner and it touched everyone's heart and brought tears to their eyes.
Liang decided to let Oxxy have the best care by sending him to the retirement community. This way Oxxy could enjoy the rest of his life. |