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发表于 2014-7-21 07:26:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 mashahiro 于 2014-7-23 08:49 编辑

                         Personal Statement
                          --- Persecution from the military ---

Dear asylum officer:

   My name is Zhao Bin, on April 10, 1970 born in Xian, Shanxi Province, China. My parents were workers of the factory. I grew up in the poor family. Childhood living environment let me see the government officials’ disregard and bullying to ordinary workers. However, parents worked hard to earn money to support my learning. They encouraged me to make continuous progress and master the scientific knowledge. I entered Xian Science and Technology University, China in 1985, and completed master’s degree in 1992.  In 1998 I entered the University of Tokyo, Japan for PhD courses, majoring in computer graphics and information technology. I hope to play an important role in technology and creativity in the future. Because of my studying hard, in 1999, the University of Tokyo awarded the Japanese Ministry of Education's National Scholarship to me. While living in Japan, I deeply felt happiness in a democratic and free society. The people can fully enjoy the fundamental rights in the material and spiritual, as a human being.  
   In the end of 2002, in Tokyo, Japan, I joined the Christian, baptized and became a Christian.
                Figure 1:  Brothers, sisters and me in Church


                Figure 2: Letters to me from brothers, sisters of church

  In 2003, I returned to Shanghai of China to work in the Japanese companies: Nissan Group and Panasonic. Japanese company’s success let me know the importance of the development of the core technology. I had been concerned about the valuable topics and direction in the field of computer graphics, especially the new technologies which the Chinese companies do not have. It is a little difficult for China's education system and corporate culture to cultivate outstanding engineers with the perseverance, and needle from the rod characteristics. Many of the company’s product and technology are imitation and plagiarism in China. In order to obtain the key technology, company can take any means, even the illegal action. Colluding with the government officials can illegally make great interests. A company with a strong relationship with the military officials, or military industry enterprise is more special. They can make use of government resources: spy, secret agent or intelligence agents to get important technology from the owner, especially when the owner is from the vulnerable groups in China.      

In January 2011, I successfully developed a 3D graphics software rendering engine. It can run on the MTK6235 (200MHZ frequency) mobile phone with the real-time rendering performance for the complex 3D objects. It does not need GPU, just runs on CPU. I put the software demo on the web, hoping to find people to further develop graphics accelerator for mobile devices. This rendering software got quickly attentions from some Chinese enterprises. Since then, I and my family suffered the surveillance, track, threats, beatings and political persecution thing.

            Figure 3: CPU Rendering Technology in Mobile Phone

The first track what I found happened on March 10, 2011. While I sat in the bus of Cao Bao Road of Shanghai, a stranger man, about 40-year-old, came to me and sat next to me, then asked me how the software rendering engine was completed and what materials I have referred. This man appeared in front of me several times later, respectively in 2012, when I was kept watch in the residential community, and in 2013 when I studied in the Shanghai library.  After the first tracking, my home’s fixed-line telephone, cell phone, and home network were actually eavesdropped or controlled. Now, I can confirm that the stranger man is a spy or intelligencer from the government.

  In April 2011, some company (such as: Mobim Technologies Inc. Shanghai) recruited me with a high salary. After successful interview with the boss of company, I was getting ready to work in the next day. Suddenly the company’s human resource department told me that they cannot adopt me because of the government’s notice. The other company, where the boss is my classmate, also did not dare to recruit me because they ware threatened by the government departments. At that time, I was just surprised and did not know why. In the following months, I encountered several times the same situation.  
  Until August 2011, one company named “AVIC Huadong Photoelectric (Shanghai) Co., Ltd” (Its head office located in Anhui province, http://wvei.com.cn/) came to me and wanted graphics software technologist. This company, located in Minhang District of Shanghai, is a Chinese military enterprise. It specializes in the production of photoelectric display related equipment. The boss is Dai DONG. On Aug. 5, I went to accept the interview in the company, where I saw a lot of photos of top Chinese military and government officials posted on the internal walls of the office. I felt a little depressed at interview time, but I thought I just came to work. Actually, I don’t like to bundle the engineer’s work with political atmosphere or government officials. Why did the company post a lot of political propaganda photos on the wall?  

                  Figure 4:  photos from company’s web
  After interviewing, the company let me go to work. I had been very hesitant and feeling the company's deep political atmosphere, which is not good. Until one day, end of August, the company human resource department told me that many aspects of the company will be improved, so I entered the company.
After entering the company, we found the management means are completely militarized, very lack of humanity. The company forced employees to work 12hours per day, six days a week. There is no any income for the overtime working hours. The administrator manager gave the scoring for the engineer’s performance. If the employee did not flatter the company official to get the high marks, the employee’s monthly wages can not be guaranteed. The secretary of the party committee (Chinese Communist Party: CCP) of company, Dai DONG, CCP member, is the authoritarian and sinister. They made out many ways to deduct the wages and income of the employee. They took the insulting actions to isolate strike the staff, if the staff required income for overtime working.
On Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011, I got ready to church. But I received one call from the company (Tao KANG) and asked me to work overtime. I said that I immediately go to church.  He said “I am so surprised that you are a Christian, and you go to church”. Later, he reported to the company that I went to church.  On Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2011, the company strictly asked me not to go church. They said that church is the enemy of CCP (Chinese Communist Party), and Christian is very politically unreliable. On Oct.28, 2011, the secretary of the party (CCP) committee brought me to his office, and fiercely told me that the government and military official were very hateful to my going to church, although they hoped me to do military projects.  
   My job was to develop the 2D graphics program (OpenGL ES application) used in instrumentation. Nov. 2011, I received the notice from the company, which said the government wanted me to hand over my rendering technology to the company. They said the military needs the technology.  According to my rendering technology, the company can develop graphics acceleration hardware, which can be used in some government or military projects. I did not agree because of intellectual property problem. In one of meetings, the company threatened me that they have the strong relationships with the military officials. The company will take my personal technology into government’s defense secrets. It let me feel very fears and worries. China is an authoritarian society, not a law system society.  The law can not provide protection to those suffering oppression and injustice. But law is the protection of powerful groups.  If engineer’s private technical achievements was illegally bundled up to defense projects by the company, anything belong to the engineer will be controlled by the company. The company can arbitrarily use political means to dismiss engineer, or even combat, threat, persecute the engineer, including the harassment of family life.

   In December 2011, Zhensheng HU, CEO of Shanghai Lanmei (network) technology. Co., Ltd., which is a military industry enterprise, told me that the boss of AVIC Huadong Photoelectric where I was working, have a deep relationship in the military. HU said that the company (AVIC Huadong Photoelectric) had strong relationships with the military generals, and let me hand over my 3D rendering technology to the AVIC Huadong Photoelectric (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.  
AVIC Huadong Photoelectric (Shanghai) Co., Ltd is one company which has a very strong political style. Taking a high-pressure, and no human right’s management methods, the company compelled the politically unreliable (such as Christian, non CCP member) engineers to leave. I felt very depressed under the great physical and psychological pressure.

   Then the company told me that I was a Christian and politically unqualified person, so the military officials were not satisfied to me. In the company’s meeting, the company present said that the military departments including Air Force, General Equipment Department and Admiral etc had visited this company. These departments have a lot of subordinate organizations to monitor the politically unqualified person. Tao KANG, the manager of the company asked me bringing with my own cell phone at any time, and opening the phone.  If I did not open the phone, the policeman will look for me.
Due to the political management, I suffered from the longed high-intensity spiritual oppression. I went to the hospital by three consecutive times. This company would not give the rest. In the last time, I showed the results of the medical examinations to the company. I had a serious sick. In April 2012, I resigned and left the company.

  Figure 5: Medical Examination Sheet

       Figure 6: Politically Unqualified Person notice on Sept 5, 2012
  After I left the AVIC Huadong Photoelectric (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., The unexpected events had happened more and more. Firstly, I put my case by mail or phone to tell some friends and classmates, although the government and the military spy had been strictly monitoring and controlling all my communications and activities. On 10 July 2012, two police officers drove into the residential community. The police knocked on my door and broke into our house, barbarously wrestled me to the ground, kicked my waist, back. They reviled me Jap suckers, said I was not Chinese. They forbad me communicating with the others.
                Figure 7: Bodily injury

Around October 2012, the government officials came to my wife office, and asked my wife to let me go back to AVIC Huadong Photoelectric (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Otherwise I will be restricted in living and working. They threatened to my wife that her job will be stopped if she did not listen to the words of government officials.  In order to maintain the living of my son and family, my wife had to do something according to the indications of the government officials.
  After I left the AVIC, they took any ways to forcedly drive me to do rendering technology for them. At the same time, they usually monitored my cell phone. The following is one email from the military industrial company.

            Figure 8: notice from military industrial company

  One day of November 2012, While I walked on the way,ZhuCheng Road, to the Minhang library, suddenly a military jeep drove up and stopped in front of me, two armed polices walked down, came up with a green military glasses, and said to me that they wanted sell the glasses and asked me to give them 10,000 RMB. I put the wallet to show them that I did not 10,000 RMB, they were very angry and took away my wallet.
March 26, 2013, when I was buying a light bulb in the store of the residential community, the man, whom I had seen in March 2011 in the bus of Shanghai Cao Bao Road, suddenly appeared in front of me. He warned the store employees not to sell me something. Later, the store person told me this man is a plainclothes police in the near local police station. Nobody dare to offend him.
After that day, a lot of things happened in my residential community to insult, threaten and isolate me. He convened some persons: auxiliary police, the security personnel, and social rascal to implement “brain control operations” to me. These operations were completed by the brain controls organization. I found out what the brain control operations is in some website (www.baidu.com). It can be showed as following:  

            Figure 9:  brain control organization from military

Figure 10: the victims from brain control organization

On March, 2013, I reported my situation to the Ministry of education of China, and Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE). I hoped they can help me to avoid harassment. But they can not do anything.

              Figure 11: My email to CSCSE

On April 5, 2013, one police and one auxiliary police, came to my house, warned me to listen to the words of the government, hand over my rendering software materials to the military, not against the government. They did not permit me to go to church. Otherwise, they will take actions to my family. April 20, 2013, a 40-year-old security on the road called me “Japanese Christian”. He insulted me that I was politically unreliable person, then splashed water on me. I expressed the strong protest. In the following day, my 4 year old son in kindergarten was hit on his forehead bleeding.  I went to the kindergarten and asked the teacher. The teacher said the kid did not listen to the words. Plainclothes police also ordered the security, and auxiliary police to isolate, discriminate against, and insult me by the groundless talk.
Meanwhile, the government departments monitored my home landline phone, computer networks, located my phone positioning, eavesdropped mobile phone conversation. My many applications for company's job (even including non-software development company: as Shanghai Jin Jiang Logistics Co., Ltd.) by phone and mail, had been obstructed.  Sometimes when I tried to ask reasons, I was told the company dared not to hire me.
In the end of April 2013, I secretly visited an old acquaintance, YouHao WANG, the boss of Bluedot Shanghai Information Technology Co., Ltd. He knew that I was originally from Japanese companies, which is very helpful to the company business of IT products sales. So, I got one job as sale manager. Two weeks later after I started working, two officials of Xujiahui's (Shanghai’s district) procuratorate (Clothes are Chinese Procuratorate Uniforms.) came to the company and asked the boss to fire me. They said to the boss that I challenged the authority of the government, against the government's prestige and had a problem of political views. Maybe, some agreements ware reached between the boss and the officials. I was not immediately fired at that day. However, on the next day, the boss required me bring my own mobile PC/laptop into the company to work.
On June 10 or so, I went out to contact the customer, and (forgot) left my laptop in the company.  My laptop's hard disk had lost after I came back office. There were some rendering technology source codes in the laptop, without any documents and referring papers.  My heart suffered a huge pain, and my achievement was illegally deprived. When I went to the near police station to report, I saw the two officials of Xujiahui's procuratorate seating in the office. One month later, the boss let me leave the company.

  I wanted to get rid of the monitor from the spies of government.  I tried to leave the Shanghai. In July 22, 2013, I used a no-local public telephone to contact Qiang LIU (CEO), Jin ZHANG (Technical Director) of Ingenic Semiconductor Co., Ltd, Beijing, which is integrated circuit limited company. In the interview, they asked me to show development experiences, especially demo. So, I opened my mobile computer and showed them my rendering software, some data, and developing materials. They adopted me as chief graphics software technician. Although I used a new mobile phone number, my working in Beijing’s company was soon known by the government/military spy. Around August 5th, company called my attention to my laptop computer, hoped me to protect my data.

On August 10, the landlord, whom I shared living house with, suddenly told me that the Air Force, General Armament Department officials asked him to drink, sent some words to me. If I did not obey the orders/requirements from the Ministry of Air Force Equipment in Beijing, I would be banned from leaving Beijing (meaning is under house arrest in Beijing). I felt very terrible for the military’s threaten.  
August 12, the landlord of the housing modified the home network router to stop my using the internet. Then he asked me to buy a new laptop, and give out the old laptop to him. He hinted that leaving my laptop to him was the orders from the Air Force officials I did not follow him to do. The landlord was very annoyed, and said Air Force, General Armament Department will take the further actions.
   At this time, I understood Air Force General Armament Department is relative to my matter. But I did not know why?

On Friday, August 16, 2013, my wife asked me to go back Shanghai. On Saturday, Aug.17, I brought the laptop back to Shanghai. She was very sad and bleak. She said, at 7:00PM two days ago, when she was on the way back to home, one police officer and a auxiliary police came to our home. After police knocked on our door, the auxiliary police rushed in, vicious said to her, "Your husband is Japanese Devils, secretly went to Beijing, and did not listen to the words of the government". Then the auxiliary police clenched his fist and beat her. The following here is a picture of injury. These despicable actions made me feel very angry.

     Figure 12:  Bodily Injury of my wife

The next day, the company called me back to Beijing. While I sat on the train, a young man, white clothes to wear, came and sat next to me. His eyes were always staring at my bag, in which there are my laptop, movable hard disk and USB etc.  At 6:00AM the next morning, I found that my bag was lost, and the young man was gone when I woke up. Immediately, I reported the case to the train police. But they said they cannot process until the train arrived at Beijing railway station.
After the train arrived at Beijing railway station, the police took me to the police office of Beijing railway station. On the way to the police office, the police received a phone call. Then he told me not to tell others about the thing, in addition to the police.
At 9:00AM, I arrived at the police office. Two police officers were waiting for me in a room. They started asking me if the hard disk was encrypted, and let me told them the password if encrypted. Then they asked whether all the developing materials were in the laptop.  After enquiring, police officials let me alone in the office, and did not let me leave. They went out for a long time. Until around 12:00PM, two police officers came back and asked me to tell them the password of my hard disk. At that time, in my heart, I understood they have got my laptop. I was very angry, but I had no way. I know the society of China. The police can arbitrarily detain the person.   
I was detained to the other house because I had not said anything about the password. I was forced to live there for 3 days. The police officials said they need time to sit on the case, and hope me to cooperate with case investigation. On the 4th day, I had to compromise and tell them the password of my hard disk. In the following day, I was permitted to leave the police house.

Later, I returned to the company, and simply told to the director Jin ZHANG.  He said it is very clearly that this case had been already planned. It was premeditated. Military power is too large, and no one can stop it. At 4:00PM, two days later, the company telephone operator put me on to the phone. The man on the phone told me that the information inside my computer was not very comprehensive, was not sufficient to develop the graphics hardware accelerator. Then, the man warned me that if I do not continue to develop graphics rendering accelerated technology, they can cancel my residence qualification in China (HuKou). Two days later, the company told me that someone in government did not permit me work in this company. August 29, the company let me leave.
One day later, on Sep.2, 2013, a police and an auxiliary police took me to a hotel in the outskirts of Beijing, and did not allow me to move around. Until the Sep. 4, my body is very uncomfortable, and my head felt severe pain, so they let me go back Shanghai.
   After I left the Beijing, I told GuoDong Zheng, one friend of mine about the above matter (my bag stolen). He told me that he was also very angry to the government’s action. He said that the government is hoodlum. The following is our communication email:

           Figure 13: Talks about the stolen bag between friend and me

My spirit suffered a big blow in Beijing. I was almost close to the edge of death. I lied down on the bed for one month after I came back to home. But, the situation around me has not changed. Undercover spies still using the means of brain controlling, directly or indirectly, to monitor me. Constantly, the police, the security of residence community,        or the auxiliary police came to my living house and threatened to me.  Undercover spies told my neighbors that I fight against CCP, and I was Japanese Christian, and a politically unreliable person. The auxiliary police required that neighbors to isolate me. In fact, I was under house arrest.
However, I have a 5 year old child, and I would raise him. I want to go abroad to avoid spy’s monitoring. Through the help of friends, I and my wife successfully applied for the U.S. visa.  October 26, two police officers drove a prison van to come to our doorstep, knocking on the door of my house. They knew my wife and I had received the visa. They did not permit my wife to buy the airplane ticket to U.S.A.  They warned me if I did not come back from the United States, they would embarrass my wife and children and stop me to see family in the future.

There are no human rights in this society. For the interests of individuals or groups, the government officials can bully unscrupulously the rights of the people. Because I had developed the software rendering technology in china, I suffered so many harassing,   threats, and beatings.  That is why?  Why I was politically unreliable?  Why can not I go to church?
On December 5, 2013, I came to Los Angeles from Shanghai. During the period of my staying in Los Angeles, I communicated with my wife by email and QQ instant message software. When I was in Los Angeles, I knew QQ is the spy’s software. The result was that all talking words of mine and my wife were obtained by the government’s spy.  At each time video chatting, my wife expressed that she wanted my back from U.S. Otherwise, her job will be stopped.  If my wife had no any income, my children can not live. The government officials and military spies usually threatened and instigated her to do something.  She had to bear huge pressure in order to protect her own work and maintain the family living.

While I stayed in Los Angeles about one month, I went travelling to various places. I saw the free, democratic and prosperous society, which bring happiness to the people.

On Jan. 15, 2014, I returned to China. Nothing changed around me. Something becomes worse. In Feb. 2014, I went to see my 70-year-old's parents in Jiangxi province.  Beyond my expectations, in this tiny town, military spies, police are still monitoring and tracking me. They asked someone to follow me when I go out to meet friends. They do not allow me to talk with others, listen in on my phone content and locate my phone position. Police and local officials told my parents that I resisted the authority of the government and the army, so the government was very angry to me. They said that I have some political problems.
        Figure 14: The auxiliary police following me

On March 5, when I went out to meet classmate, BinJun ZHOU, a police and a auxiliary police knocked loudly at the door of my parents' house. The auxiliary police rushed into the room, cheered and shouted to my parents. The policeman was very violent to kick the tables and destroyed the furniture.  

      Figure 15: Broken tables, furniture etc.

I felt very angry and I had no way. In this society, it is impossible to prosecute the police because the law is in the hands of the police officials.  As long as I stay in my parents' house, my parents must suffer harassing from the government officials and military spies.
I consoled parents for some days.  In order to escape the train tracking (To take the train needs ID of china), I switch to the coach, to return to Shanghai.

I did not dare to use the cell phone, landline telephone. Under the help of my friends, I used encrypted e-mail communication system, an anonymous and secure browser environment to make the reservation of flight ticket to United States of American. I hope to avoid the various tracking, slander, insult, illegally detained and beaten. I hope live under a free sky, in a just and equitable society, to enjoy basic human rights.  On March 25, 2014, I came to San Francisco of USA.

Although I left the parents, the family's wife and children, but also lost income, but I do not regret it. I own conscience and justice. I have more happiness to live in the love of Jesus Christ. I hate Chinese officials who are evil, the lack of justice, and no conscience.  I will not succumb to evil.
In particular, I apply for political asylum in your country, please have graciously grant me asylum.  Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,



Dear asylum officer: This is very Important Message:  
Although I am travelling in USA now, I don’t dare to use cell phone.  In U.S.A, Chinese government spy can find me if I use cell phone. In order to avoid my living place in U.S.A to be found by them, I have not fixed residence. So, the post mail communication is very difficult for me.   I am very sorry for this inconvenience to you.
I have sought out several secure email system to communicate with the others.
For everything, you can contact/notice me by the emails as follows. After I check the email, I will go to your office according to your requirements. I always check the emails every two/three days etc.  

If you require me to interview with you, please also notice me by the above email.
Thank you very much for your kindness.

Sincerely yours,



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