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美媒:中共迫13亿〝奴隶〞增长经济 (视频)









发表于 2014-12-18 14:34:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
                                                          美媒:中共迫13亿〝奴隶〞增长经济 (视频)

【阿波罗新闻网 2014-12-18 讯】

12月13号,美国《国家评论》(National Review)杂志报导说,中国今年预计可以生产和提供17.6万亿美元的产品和服务,比美国领先2千亿美元,很多人对中共迈向资本主义唱赞歌。
US Media: The Great1.3 Billion Slave Economy
A recent report,"China's Slaves", describes how the world's
largest economy is bound to grow,
when1.3 billion Chinese are available for slave labor.
National Review reported on Dec.13, the People's Republic
is on track to produce$17.6 trillion of goods and services this year,
$200 billion ahead of the U.S.
And a lot of credit has been laid at the feet of Communist
China's march toward capitalism.
In the2014 October report, World Economic Outlook
by the International Monetary Fund(IMF),
China just overtook the U.S. to become the world's
largest economy.
National Review commented,"An economy is bound to grow
when it's got one billion, three hundred and fifty-seven million
people available for slave labor."
Chinese legal expert Zhao Yuanming analyzes
the Chinese economy has been developed at the cost
of resources plundering and pollution.
It enriched the state but deprived the people.
Endless troubles are bound to the future.
Zhao Yuanming:"The superficial GDP is high,
but living standards aren't improved much.
Wealth is accumulated by a few people
through corruption and bribery.
However high the GDP is,
society went down and morale has declined."
Zhao Yuanming also points out the regime has not created
the wealth but distributed the fortune.
The distribution costs tremendous administrative expenses
which have been absorbed by tax payers.
Zhao Yuanming:"In fact the regime puts every worker in slavery.
What they have made and what they have gained
are disproportionate.
The output is more than the gain.
It speeds up wealth plundering by the state.
The amount plundered is unprecedentedly large."
National Review pointed out, all of China's one and a third
billion people are slaves;
without freedom of speech, of assembly, of religion,
of movement, of the press.
The camps' prisoners are just the formal slaves.
A hundred and fifty years ago, the United States finally
stamped out its scourge of slavery.
Most of the civilized world either had beaten us
to the punch or would follow soon after.
But, China's Communist dictators operate more than
a thousand1,000 slave-labor camps, added National Review.
In fact, slavery and slave labor products under Communist rule
have been rampant for decades,
and even drew the international community's attention
in the early1990s.
It went quiet due to the media blockade by the CCP.
In recent years, Falun Gong practitioners who went through
the persecution have once again exposed the slave labor.
As of July10,2014, Minghui.org has reported more than
a total of9,000 cases involving slave labor
producing products in food, clothing, home,
and transportation exported to five continents.
Huang Kui is a Falun Gong practitioner graduated from
Department of Precision Instruments, Tsinghua University.
He was illegally detained for5 years and enslaved
during the detention due to his practice of Falun Gong.
Huang Kui:"In those five years, I was forced to perform
slave labor in making plastic flowers, Christmas tree lights,
and strings of pearls, moon cake boxes, rattan baskets,
woven sweaters, and even lamps, toys, and etc.
I worked more than16 hours a day,
even to the nearly20 hours of overtime."
Former China Academy of Art teacher Huang Zhijiao
was also illegally detained for her practice of Falun Gong.
During her detention, she was also forced to do slave labor.
Huang Zhijiao:"I was a slave worker in the detention center
for production of UV-resistance umbrellas.
We used our bare hands to apply a layer
of shining coating on the umbrella. It was toxic.
To keep up with the production quota,
our hands were totally bloody.
The coating would penetrate into our blood.
It was very itchy and painful.
You would have jumped
once you came in contact with the coating."
Huang Zhijiao says each one has to produce50 to60
umbrellas and work for at least15 hours a day.
There was no pay.
The slow producer would get hit.
The camp guards would poke with a needle or scissors.
They would poke at will if it's below the neck.
National Review cautioned: This Christmas, remember that
"Made in China" may mean"Made by Chinese Christians".
Interview& Edit/LiYun

阿波罗网责任编辑:刘诗雨         来源:新唐人电视台
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