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Wei Liu Memoir 1.79: 11th Convention in 1977, Why 3rd Conference

发表于 2015-1-18 04:49:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

公友/民主人士/觉醒人士/普通百姓     刘蔚     2015年1月17日

Wei Liu Memoir 1.79: 11th Convention in 1977, Why 3rd Conference   
in 1978?

Human Rights Worker/Democratic People/Awakened People/Common People
Wei Liu January 17, 2015


[ 当前最迫切的是扩大厂矿企业和生产队的自主权,使每一个工厂和生产队能够千方百计地发挥主动创造精神。一个生产队有了经营自主权,一小块地没有种上东西,一小片水面没有利用起来搞养殖业,社员和干部就要睡不着觉,就要开动脑筋想办法。全国几十万个企业,几百万个生产队都开动脑筋,能够增加多少财富啊!为国家创造财富多,个人的收入就应该多一些,集体福利就应该搞得好一些。不讲多劳多得,不重视物质利益,对少数先进分子可以,对广大群众不行,一段时间可以,长期不行。革命精神是非常宝贵的,没有革命精神就没有革命行动。但是,革命是在物质利益的基础上产生的,如果只讲牺牲精神,不讲物质利益,那就是唯心论。

1978, Chongqing, China, and I’m 8 years old. On TV, Communist leader Deng Xiaoping keeps talking,

[ At present the most needed is to expand the autonomy of the industrial units and the agricultural units, making every one of them have the active and creative spirit. When an agricultural unit has its own managing autonomy, the peasants and the cadres will feel hard to sleep if they see a tract land not to have plants or an area of water not to have raised fish, and will figure out a solution for it. When the hundreds of thousands of industrial units in the city and millions of agricultural units in the countryside use their head, how much wealth can this produce! When the government gets more wealth from people’s effort, it is all right for people to get more wealth and the unit to offer people better welfare. If we do not emphasize more effort, more gain, do not pay attention to material interests, it can only work for a few advanced persons, not for most people; may work a short time, but not for a long time. The revolutionary spirit is precious; without it, there won’t be revolutionary action. But revolution is based on the material interests. If we only talk about the sacrificing spirit, not the material interests or stimulation, it will be the spiritualism.

  [ 同样,要切实保障工人农民个人的民主权利,包括民主选举、民主管理和民主监督。不但应该使每个车间主任、生产队长对生产负责任、想办法,而且一定要使每个工人农民都对生产负责任、想办法。]

[ Meanwhile, we need to take measures to ensure the democratic rights of the workers and the peasants including the rights of election, of administration and of supervising. We not only need to make every leader of the industrial units and the agricultural units responsible for production, active in finding the solution, but also need to make every worker and every peasant do the same.]

如果你还想你或你亲友每人拿回土地,住房,医疗,拿回包括公民税率,政府各方面开支等社会事务的表决权这些民主人权,你最好读完这篇长文。你可以从Google translate/谷歌翻译听文章的朗读。你可告诉你外国朋友/老师我写的英文。他们可以在google上用“Wei Liu Revolution” or “Wei Liu Memoir”搜寻出我的文字。更多文章见我的海外博讯boxun网站的博客,加上前后的www, com 我名字在首页底部的作者群中。从2007年到2014年8月,我博客的显示点击量已达400万,而按博讯说的各博客的实际点击量是显示点击量的10倍以上,那我博客的实际点击量到2014年8月已达4000万。我们的文字是对中国民众说的,是我们认为真实的情况,欢迎各位,各媒体.转载,传播。一个人给5个以上人讲我们《伟大的中国全民大革命》中的1项国际公约,2项活动主张,4项基本人权,8项优秀活动,及本县/市政权楼等几个地址,民众兵器弹弓枪等起义事宜,壮大进步力量,救自己,救别人,救中国。

        If you want you or your friends in this life to get back the human rights of half an acre land, welfares of housing, medical care, the voting rights on the tax rate and the government budget, you’d better read through this long essay. Google translate can read text aloud for you. If you have foreign friends/teachers, you may tell them to read the English part of my essay. They can google me out by “Wei Liu Revolution” or “Wei Liu Memoir”. More articles of mine can be seen in my blog at “boxun”, with “www” in the front and “com” in the back, my name Wei Liu/刘蔚 is at the bottom of the homepage. From 2007 to 2014, my blog has 4 million displayed visits, and the website says that the actual visits is 10 times as the displayed visits. Then the actual visits of my blog is 40 million. What we say here we hold is true and is for 1.3 billion Chinese people. Every one is welcomed to publish, to spread our words, one person tells 5 or more persons, about the 1 international  convention, the 2 uprising opinions, the 4 fundamental human rights, the 8 excellent activities, the couple of addresses of the Communist regime buildings in the local county, the uprising elements like the slingshot of people’s weapon. Anyway, we expand the democratic strength to save ourselves, our friends and our country.


The above is the important speech of Deng Xiaoping at the 3rd Conference of the 11th Convention of the Communist Party in December 1978 titled “Liberating People’s Mind, Respecting the Real Situation, Unified and Looking Forward.” When it passes nine at night, my Mom comes and gets me home to sleep, and I leave my next door’s home. When I go to the neighbor to watch TV, once there are many people, usually I do not say Good-bye to the host.


Having got home, I prepare the school bag for tomorrow, putting the Chinese textbook, the math textbook, the Chinese exercise book, the math exercise book into my bag. The ink in my pen is refilled two days ago, and should be able to use for another three days. Now I’m in 2nd Grade. One cartridge of ink can last a week. After my school bag is prepared, I wash my feet in a basin and go to bed. Sliding my body into the quilt that has been heated by the water metal container, I feel very nice. Deng’s speech engenders all sorts of thought in my mind.

我举起了我的望远镜,进入了21世纪。要说十一届三中全会,就要先说说十一大。中共十一大是1977年召开的。华国锋代表党中央作了政治报告,主要内容有三点。1 批判“四人帮”的“老干部 = 民主派 = 走资派”的反动公式。2 继续强调以阶级斗争为纲。3 把中国建设成为社会主义强国作为新时期中共的根本任务。

I take out my telescope and enter the 21st century. To talk about the 3rd Conference of the 11th Convention of the Communist Party, we need to talk about the 11th Convention of the Communist Party first. That convention is held in 1977 in which Hua Guofeng does the political report having three major points. 1. Continue repudiating the reactionary formula of the Four-Gang that old high official=democratic people=capitalist people. 2. Continue class strife being the major focus of the country. 3. Set the current fundamental task of the Communist Party as making China into a strong socialist country.


By usual practice, the conference of Chinese Communist Party in which every national committee member participate, is held once every year, referred as Nth Conference of a Convention. The 11th Convention is held in 1977. Even if there is the 1st Conference in the same year, in 1978 there should come the 2nd Conference at most. Then how can there come the 3rd Conference in 1978?



The end of “Wei Liu Memoir 1.79: 11th Convention in 1977, Why 3rd Conference   
in 1978?”

Walking Through Six Years Examination/Wei Liu Memoir Book One From Birth to  
the Graduation of Elementary School to be continued


公友/民主人士/觉醒人士/普通百姓      刘蔚       2015年1月3日   更新

Wei Liu: The Great All People Revolution in China      

Human Rights Worker/Democratic People/Awakened People/Common People

Wei Liu         January 3, 2015    Renewed


        Abstract: Since 1949 the Communist Party came into power in China, it has been robbing all people of the land, of the welfare of housing, food, education and medical care. Mao Zedong’s age has caused 80 million Chinese people to death, including 40 million starved to death between 1959 and 1962. Since 2000, every year there are 3.2 million people died abnormally, including 1 million in fighting and 2 million committing suicide. In the 2010s, on average in China, one can make about 50,000 U. S. dollars in one’s life, but the expenses for the 4 livings of housing, food, education and medical care are about 420,000 U. S. dollars, which means even one works for 8 lifetimes, one cannot make a living in China for 1 lifetime. Meanwhile, China’s environment sees debacles. Before 1949, there were 80-odd rivers within 70 miles of Beijing, but since 2000, there is not a single river visible. Over 70% of the water surface in China sees heavy pollution. From 1949 to 2010s, China’s situation can be described as “hard to survive and environment debacle.


Abstract: In the dynasties in China, every one has 2 acres of land given by God for one to live, and leads a life free of material worries and Chinese people have made well-known civilization in the world including literature and architecture. The Communist Party embracing Marxism from the west, bringing to China not progress, but regress. It is the only anti-revolutionary, reactionary and Chinese traitor. Since 2006, 0.4% of People in China has 70% of the wealth there. 3,000 Communist high officials’ relatives have about 0.33 trillion U. S. dollars of wealth and on average one has about 100 million U. S. dollars. Meanwhile, the so-called People’s Representatives in China are not voted by local people with one person one ballot. For instance, Beijing People’s Representatives are not voted by the 20 million Beijing residents with one person one ballot. The major social contradiction in China is the tens of thousands of the Communist high officials county level or above and the 1.3 billion common Chinese people who are being robbed. The material a person gets from the company is called compensation; the material one gets from the government is called welfare. Since 1949, Chinese people do not have any welfare.


        When can 1.3 billion Chinese people have our own house, our own medical care? When can we Chinese people free from the 100 degrees heat waves and the heavy pollution? When can we have enough time for chess, mahjong, classics books and other good things that give happiness to ourselves and other people? The solution is to build up a fair, democratic new world, including a fair, democratic new China. Any human is entitled to the 4 Fundamental Human Rights including the land right, the welfare right, the decision-making right and the cash right. For the 4 Fundamental Human Rights, we are willing to have a universal vote and reckon that the pros will be more than the cons. So we bring them forward in the following.

1.        土地权:满18岁的每位成年人拥有老天给他生存的2000平方米的土地去生存,包括建房,种地,死后不遗传,交还民选政府由后来满18岁的人领取,一人一份。

1.   The Land Right: Every person reaching 18 years old is entitled to have about     
      half an acre of land given by God for him/her to live, which let any person   
      build their house and plant crops for food. The land does not pass down to     
      one’s children when one dies, but return to the people-elected government   
      for other people to have who reaching 18 years old later. One person, one  

2.        福利权:占用了老天给民众生存的土地的政府有责任给每人提供住房,食品,教育,医疗四项生存福利,一人一份。如果公民自己已解决,则不再从政府领取。

2.        The Welfare Right: Any government that has used the land given by God for people to live has the responsibility to give every person the 4 living welfares of housing, food, education and medical care, one person, one portion. If one has solved it by oneself, then one does not get that kind of welfare from the government any more.

3.        表决权:法律,政策,如企业税率,政府预算分配比例,全国应有多少万军队,学生一天上多少节课,应由民众一人一票表决,决定是否实行。不要再谈什么社会主义,资本主义,左派,右派,人类只该有一个主义/派别,就是全民一人一票决定国家的法律,政策。不愿意13亿民众有决定权的人绝不会是真正的爱国者。实践本身不会说话,经历了实践的民众一人一票的表决才是检验真理的唯一标准。

3.        The Decision-Making Right: All the laws and policies like the tax rate, the government budget, how many divisions the armed force should have, how many classes the student should have a day, should be all decided by people’s vote, one person, one ballot, to decide whether to enact. Don’t talk about socialism, capitalism, left or right any more. Mankind should have only one doctrine. That is all people decide the law and policy of a country by our universal vote.  Anyone who is unwilling to see people be the decision makers cannot be real patriotic. Experience itself cannot talk. The universal vote by people who has experience is the only criterion to decide whether an opinion is truth or fallacy.

4.        现金权:属于民众的现金应该全民一人一份。如一年民选政府收到海内外捐款2600亿元给中国民众,此款就应在13亿人中平分,每人该年应获得2600/13=200元。

4. The Cash Right: The cash that belongs to all people should be divided evenly among all the people, one person, one portion. For instance, if one year the people-elected government receives the total donation of 260 billion dollars inside and outside China for Chinese people, then this amount should be divided evenly among the 1.3 billion Chinese people, and every Chinese that year should have 260/1.3=200 dollars.


        Abstract: Once we realize the 4 Fundamental Human Rights, one can solve all the 4 livings of housing, food, education and medical care by working/laboring 1 hour a day on average. All those who largely agree with the 4 Fundamental Human Rights, we may call each other Human Rights Worker, Comrades, Awakened People, Democratic People, or Common People. Just like chess fans, card fans and book fans, we do not need to register. We are doing a grand All-People Revolution in China.


        Since 2000, we Common People have 2 criteria. The criterion to see whether one’s life is good is to see whether one can solve all the 4 livings of housing, food, education and welfare by working/laboring 1 hour a day on average. The criterion to decide whether we should do an activity is to imagine if the 1 billion Chinese people vote, whether there are more pros than the cons for the activity. If the pros are more than the cons, we go ahead and do it; if the pros are lower than the cons, we do not do it. Over 99% of Chinese people cannot solve all his/her 4 livings by working 1 hour a day and have suffered from serious political persecution. Many people say that all people in China have a long sad story. The different lies only in whether you acknowledge it or not. Now our writings are in both Chinese and English version. Any one can write 10 lines of English like this should have over 90% of chance to pass the exams like the Entrance Exam to College, the College English Band 4 Test, Graduate School English Test, TOEFL and GRE.  


        Any material/wealth will consume energy like electricity and produce trash and pollution. One’s living just needs an apartment about 400 square feet, 1 pound of food per day, clean air, clean water, the 4 materials. More materials do not do people good. Larger living place does not let one sleep better and more food just increases the burden of one’s digesting system. We believe that democracy/human rights, religion/faith, chess, mahjong, masterpieces, go, ping pang, badminton are the 8 excellent activities of mankind, for they almost do not consume material, do not bring conflict or pollution, and bring happiness to people. In the 2010s, there are about 100 million Falun Gong believers, 200 million Christians including Catholic, 300 million Buddhists in China, altogether 600 million believers in China. Chinese people should have the religious freedom, though the Communist regime has been persecuting the believers.


        Abstract: Do not expect your or my activity to change the situation of a city or even a country. If one has that kind of expectation, then one cannot do anything. Because anything one does including sleeping cannot change the social situation. One sleeps today does not make people in this city sleep any better. Though the Communist regime has made many labels to intimidate people’s effort for democracy like one cannot talk about politics, the 1.3 billion Chinese people should have the human rights to express themselves.


        Here we advise Chinese people not to go extremes. Mao Zedong’s “the less materials, the better” and Deng Xiaoping’s “the more materials, the better” are all wrong. No rich people have been valued by history/people. The penniless poet Du Fu’s life value is more than 10,000 times of those whose wealth is 10,000 times of him. The history has valued George Washington, Lincoln, Thoreau, Emerson, Sun Zhongshan, Jiang Jieshi, Yu Luoke, Lin Zhao, Two Wang, Wei Jingsheng, Yu Jie, Yang Jia, Sun Tianqin, Deng Yujiao, Hu Yaobang, Zhao Ziyang, Wu Fan, Tang Boqiao, Gao Zhisheng, Wen Jiabao, Wan Li, Hu Jia, Jia Jia, Guo Quan, Yuan Hongbing, Zhang Tianliang, Xin Haonian, Ye Ning, Liu Xiaobo, Ding Jiaxi, Ding Zilin, Xu Zhiyong, Students and Beijing People of 1989, Falun Gong Believers, Christians, and also 1 billion people like me, Wei Liu, who has no certificate, no position, about 50 U. S. dollars per month in China, because we all have made effort for China’s democracy and human rights.


        Abstract: There are many ways or activities for democracy, including home revolution, using blue color, walk/demonstration, stop on working, stop on class, stop on market, call for reform, withdrawal from the Communist Party and its associated organizations, attack on the government office and its personnel, military uprising, declaring to form the Democratic Government of China. Here we advise the 1.3 billion people to prepare the food for a family for a month to deal with the price increase at holidays and also for activities like home revolution, stop on work, on market. We also advise people to form 3-people group that way we have more chance to avoid being hurt during an activity. Only when all people in China are liberated, can we liberate ourselves.


        Abstract: Material hobby is the same as smoking and alcohol hobby. Material production definitely causes resource consumption and pollution. Getting more material/wealth also makes people more tired and increases social tension. More material does not make people healthier or happier. The meaning of human life is not to consume more material/wealth, but to contribute to human civilization including democracy, human rights, religion, literature, history, sciences. One reading 1 page of the spirit/information is already effort/contribution to human civilization in this subject. 1.3 billion Chinese people should no longer be led by the Communist regime to degenerate to the animal state that major life goal is to consume more materials. The major life goal should be effort for spirit/information of democracy, culture. Even if one cannot be an author, to be a reader is also good to contribute to human civilization. Here we recommend people read the works of Emerson, Thoreau, Hemingway, Turgenev, Hu Ping, Wei Jingsheng, Yu Jie and San Mao.


        Abstract: Since May 2014, Xi Jinping, the Party leader, has ordered the military including the police to bear guns patrolling on the street in the big cities. People have to go through the safety inspection even just taking the subway, not the plane. People’s pocket and the bags are searched by the government security, and if you have bottle water, you will be asked to take a drink from it to see whether it is explosive. This is moving toward National Military Administration. The search and the sub-machine guns on street are threat and insult upon people. Why should I go shopping under the muzzle of your guns? Here we advise 1.3 billion Chinese people to consider back up at the advance of the enemy. The Communist regime by putting the machine guns on street has already shown that it is the enemy of people. Then we common people may just stay at home, playing chess, mahjong, and refuse to buy anything from the stores controlled by that regime. This is stop on market, not run by the business people, but by common people. The stop on market or home revolution is caused by the current regime.


        When there is problem in a country, it will always be that of democracy and human rights. For example, some people in the United States hold that the property tax has been a burden to American people, about 40 billion U. S. dollars per year. Owing to the historical reason in World War II, the United States has undertaken a part of the conventional military defense of its allies like Japan and Germany, which violates the human rights of American people. If U. S. government respects the human rights of American people and does not undertake the conventional military defense of its allies, the expenses saved from U. S. troops and U. S. equipment will be about 40 billion U. S. dollars per year. Germany and Japan should make their own conventional weapons like the carrier and should not rely on the United States’ carrier to protect them any longer.


        The rest see the reply.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-18 04:49:51 | 显示全部楼层

        Continue with the preceding text.

        刘蔚       Wei Liu


        Abstract: Here we bring up 2 uprising opinions to 1.3 billion Chinese people, which is that the one who do the uprising first has the right to coordinate the people around; the place or the troops who do the uprising first has the right to coordinate the places and the troops around. Because in daily times, you have all kinds of grievances, and other people are too busy to hear your story, and now one starts the uprising that is to solve your problem thoroughly, of course you should join. Once an uprising happens, one side is the liberated zone and the other side is the Communist zone, if now one still listens to the Communist zone, one will be a criminal for generations. Also, there is Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War, which has been acknowledged and signed by the Communist regime in 1952. This convention stipulates that one cannot insult the prisoners of war, like tell them to lie on the ground, and should provide them with water and food. So if our uprising military or people are captured by the Communist military or police, this international convention should protect our prisoners of war.


        Abstract: If by issuing out more guns or catching more people, the so-called steadiness of the Communist regime can be solved, then its steadiness would never be a problem. In the 2010s, the police or the troops of the Communist regime wear and bear about 60 pounds of equipments patrol the street in the city, including the vest, the shield, the electric baton, the guns, etc. The Communist soldiers and police are treated inhumanely. The soldiers get up at 6:00 am in the barracks and do not have free time until 7:30 pm when the News in the National TV is over, a Communist propaganda program every day. Every day work at least 13 hours. The strike upon people from the regime does not reduce people’s opposition, but increases it. In 1993, the so-called Group Event in which over 500 people participating in, there are 10,000 events. In the 2010s, every year sees over 300,000 Group Events. Those government personnel who face us today including the soldiers, police regiment level or below, security, city-strikers, teachers, propaganda personnel, village leaders, street leaders, are just our classmates, neighbors yesterday. Here we want to say to them that if they do not strike us, the half an acre land for every one, the welfares of housing, food, education and medical care for every one, and the removal of the polluting factories for every one should have been realized early.


Since Xi Jinping came into power in China in 2013, the police are equipped with pistols. In the past, in a police station about 50 police, only 1 gun is issued to the station leader. Now all the 50 police have guns and each pistol should have at least 6 rounds. Once having the live ammo, the military and the police should do the uprising. In any society, it is impossible for one to become rich by being a soldier for 2 years. In 2009, 20,000 retired Communist military officers, most of them being the regiment or division level, went to the Political Headquarter in Beijing to say that their about 12,000 in U. S. dollars of transition pay is not enough for them to make a living. Actually, that regime who robs all people of the land, of the welfares, cannot give any one real benefit. Its so-called benefit is to rob you of 10 dollars and return you 2 dollars and then call that 2 dollars as your benefits. Regiment level or below personnel should truly stand with us common people for we all suffer from the robbery of that regime. And those soldiers and police should not have the material superstition. The long hours working, the heavy weight of equipment on body, the oppression from their officers can never be compensated by eating more dishes.


Is it possible to start a military uprising? Absolutely and it has been proved by reality many times. In a county, that regime has only 2 regime buildings: the Party Committee building and the police building. Occupying them or destroying them and broadcasting to the world will be an uprising in the full sense. Here we suggest people to talk about the address of the 2 buildings in our respective counties/cities. Take my birthplace Chongqing as example. The Party Committee building of Chongqing is at Shangqingshi, Central District, Chongqing, connecting with the government building, and its entrance is at 4th Zhongshan Road. The address of Chongqing Police Bureau is at Xiaoshizi, Central District, Chongqing. In the 2010s, that regime has about 3.5 million troops, including 1 million of the Armed Police. It often stations troops by brigade. A brigade has about 5,000 soldiers. 350/0.5=700county/city. Moreover, that regime does not station its troops evenly, but stations them with focus. For example, the city of Zhangjiakou has 4 brigades and Chongqing also has 4 brigades. Thus, the county/city having troops should be under 500, and China has 3,000 counties/cities, which means over 80% of the counties in China do not have the troops. Also, that regime sets up township below the county level and there are 20,000 townships in China. In 2008, Yang Jia, a person with a knife almost occupied the entire police building, over 10 floors, of Zhabei District, Shanghai, with its administration level higher than a county.  In 2009, people in China burned down the regime building in 9 counties.





Abstract of the above 4 paragraphs: In the 2010s, there are about 1 million guns in
the civil society. The rifles and its ammunition are not something common people can
make. We come across 3 kinds of weapons for common people: the rifle-shape slingshot gun having a range of 30 yards, the rifle-shape arrow having a range of 30 yards and the
flammable bottle having a range of 30 yards.


Fundamentally, one’s life depends on one’s life value. Does one worship power/gangster, material/wealth, thinking the more consumption of housing, food, gasoline in one’s life, the better, or one has the desire to contribute to human civilization
in one’s life? Some people ask, “When will the Communist regime collapse?” We say that completely depends on the desire of the 1.3 billion Chinese people. If most people want pay off the Communist official, then that regime will stay in power for 10,000 years; if most people want to make effort for China to become a democratic country, then within 10 years, this year is 2014, by 2024, China should become a democratic country. I, Wei Liu, has a weak body, a month around 50 U. S. dollars in China, without any certificate, without any position, being a weak person, but no one would doubt that once China has 100 million Wei Liu, which is 10% of the population in China, then the Communist regime should collapse within 1 year. To become me does not need any material, it only needs the idea. Here we advise the 1.3 billion Chinese people to spread the revolutionary truths in this essay, with focus on the 1 international convention, 2 uprising opinions, 4 fundamental human rights, 8 excellent activities, the address of the Party Committee building and the police building in the local county/city, the 3 kinds of weapons people may have, the slingshot gun and the flammable bottle, etc. One person tells 5 or more people, to save oneself, to save one’s friends, to our country China.


Abstract: In the 2010s, there are about 2 million police, 3,000 counties in China, which means on average a county has about 667 police. If one day we see that regime put over 500 police on street, they should come from another county. Because counting the police on leave and those watch the phone in the office, it’s impossible for a county police bureau to put 500 police on street at the same time by itself. Armed Police, using the rifle, are in fact military. So once there are over 500 police appearing in a county, we can be sure that the local county regime has been paralyzed or most part of that county is under control of the local people. “Overthrow the Communist regime, democratize China” can be slogan we use to get more friends during the uprising. We say it to strangers, and those who largely agree use the same words to reply. We also like people to spread the words that “Once the Central South Sea (the office and living place of the Party leaders in Beijing) is taken down, 1.3 billion Chinese people say goodbye to misery.”


1.        3月,贵州安龙县民众抗暴,当局调几千武警去打压。

2.        4月,海南陵水县几千民众抗议征地,在镇政府和派出所外燃放鞭炮,冲入了政府楼。

3.        5月,云南晋宁县上万民众为保卫滇池,召开誓言大会,打得作恶的副镇长李成林跪地求饶,放回了抓捕的村民。

4.        5月,福建泉州上千村民反对拆迁,冲入村委会,捉住了县长,镇长,特警。

5.        6月,新疆和田当地维族起义军主要用刀和炸弹,攻打和田县的派出所,打死中共警察约25人。

6.        6月,新疆鄯善当地维族起义军主要用刀和炸弹,攻打本地的派出所,打死中共警察约25人。这引发了中共在新疆全区实现军管/半军管。

7.        7月,陕西神木县上万民众到县政府抗议县委书记雷正西的贪污腐败。1,2千警察,武警与民众对抗。

8.        10月,上面的云南晋宁县民众再次为保卫滇池而抗争,当局出动3000警力打压民众。

9.        10月,浙江余姚上万民众因当局救灾不力,到市政府集会抗议。当局出动2000警力,据悉好些特警,武警是从象山,宁波调来的。

10.        11月,3名维族人驾驶装满汽油的汽车,在北京天安门城楼下引燃汽油,造成40人伤亡。

11.        11月,1辆汽车在山西太原省委大楼前爆炸,汽车看来离大楼本身直线距离不到5米。







        我们认为在上万人参与的民主人权活动中,有识之士可以振臂一呼,宣布成立中国民主政府。如果有识之士不想自己出头露面,现存的宣布成立民主政府的信息有伍凡2008年1月1日的《中国过渡政府》成立宣言。有识之士可以在网上搜寻,文字下载下来,可以自己朗读。如果你不愿意朗读,现在有机器朗读,就是google translate. 可以事先将其制成文件,传入手机,电脑等机器,到上万人的现场播放,就可以达到宣布成立中国民主政府的效果。

        Abstract of the above 10-odd paragraphs: In 2013, the local regime was paralyzed in some 10 counties. For example, in May, the uprising heroes using knife and explosive attacked the police station in Hetian County, Xinjiang Region and killed about 25 police. In July, over 10,000 people in Shenmu County, Shan’xi Province walked and protested against the Party Secretary and the regime deployed 2,000 police to against people. In 2014, people’s opposition against the regime increases as before. For example, in May 30,000 people in Yuhang District/county level, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province walked and protested against the regime building a waste incinerating site that can burn 3,000 tons of waste/trash a day. In May, over 10,000 veterans who have fought the war against Vietnam from 1979 to 1988, walked and expressed in 11 provinces like Hunan Province, Guizhou Province that they feel hard to live.

        We feel in the activity having over 10,000 people participating in, the hero can shout aloud to declare the forming of the Democratic Government of China. If he/she does not want to stand up, there is the Declaration of China Interim Government by Wu Fan in 2008 available on the Internet and also google translate can read aloud the text for people. Hero may download the document and play it aloud at the activity site to achieve the effect of declaring the forming of the Democratic Government of China.      


        Abstract: To make effort or contribute to something has many ways, which are often very simple. By reading 1 page of literature, one has already contributed to the literature of that country or even the world. The same are with other things like math, chemistry, religion, democracy, chess, environment. By receiving or sending information of democracy, like listening to Radio Free Asia, Sound of Hope, reading websites of boxun, dajiyuan, kanzhongguo, adding www and com to the front and back, one has already made contribution to the democracy and human rights of China.


        Abstract: In the 21st century, one should no longer have the material/wealth superstition. Consuming more materials does not enhance one’s knowledge or health at all. Big house and fancy cars are beyond the limit allowed by the environment. Since 2008, the major happiness of mankind should be from the 8 excellent spiritual activities: democracy/human rights, religion, mahjong, masterpiece, chess, go, ping pang and badminton. In the 2010s, my annual summary has nothing to do with material/wealth like how much money I make or how much materials I consume, it is only on how many hours of Radio Free Asia I’ve listened, how information on democracy I’ve received or sent that year. Power superstition may be regarded as a kind of material superstition, which should be discarded by people as well. If one cannot write the works like Newton or Hemingway, it is still good for one to be their reader.


        Here we again advise the 1.3 billion Chinese people to spread the revolutionary truths in this essay, with focus on the 1 international convention, 2 uprising opinions, 4 fundamental human rights, 8 excellent activities, the address of the Party Committee building and the police building in the local county/city, human life is not for consuming more material, material superstition including power superstition is wrong, life meaning is the effort or contribution to the spirit/information like democracy, culture, if one cannot be an author, one can be a reader, the 3 kinds of weapons people may have, the slingshot gun and the flammable bottle, etc. One person tells 5 or more people, to save oneself, to save one’s friends, to save our country China.


The end of the essay.





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